Lars Knutsen

Nome, North Dakota

is a building contractor. He was born in Vestnes on October 23, 1867. He was both baptized and confirmed by Priest Krogh, known by all under the name "Little Theodore". Lars Knutsen emigrated to America in 1888 to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He came to Fingal in 1891 and moved to Nome 1902. He has built himself a large fine house and has a beautiful home.

His wife, Lisa Martinsen, was born in America of Norwegian parents in Menominee, Wisconsin. that moved to this area. Her mother lives in Kathryn, North Dakota. They have six children. One of their sons, a little beloved 6-year old knowledgable, could narrate to me in good Norwegian, that Bjornson, whose picture I saw on the wall "is a double of Lincoln and Washington also". He is a well educated and brave little Norwegian-American. Lars Knutsen will build the Church for the Romsdolingers at Sandprairie, among other things.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 57
