D. Omlid

Aneta, North Dakota

is from Saetesdol. He was born in Valle on June 6, 1853 and emigrated to America in 1875 to Fillmore County Minnesota and was there for six years. He came to Grand Forks, North Dakota and took a homestead in Nelson County, North Dakota in Ora Township in 1882 and has lived there since as a farmer.

He is married to Ingeborg Halvorsen from Saetesdalen. They have eight children. Their oldest son Charles is a farmer north of Bismarck, North Dakota. Halvor is at Fort Berthold Reservation. Henry is home on the farm. Thora is married to O. Tharaldsen in Ora Township. Guro is married to Wheeler, a farmer near Aneta, North Dakota. Birgit and Anne are at home on the farm.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 177
