Peter Paulsen

Mayville, North Dakota

is a farmer. He is from Hadelaending and was born in Gran on September 22, 1853 and emigrated to America in 1866 on the sailing ship "Ringhorn" from Drammen to Quebec. He went to Columbia County, Wisconsin where he veit in five years with Ingebret Larsen. He came to Traill County North Dakota in 1871 and was one of the first five settlers who took a homestead in Mayville Township and has lived as a farmer in that area since then.

He has been married two Times. His first wife was Tonette Skogstad from Valdres. His second wife, Marie Rime, is from Krodsherred. They have nine children. His three grown sons, Kalmer, Palwin and Oliver are on the farm. Nils is at his father's farm near Hatton, North Dakota. Tonny operates a farm nearby. Their daughter Marie is married to Martin Grindeland, who is a farmer one mile south. Their daughter, Alfa, is home. Ragna goes to the Normal School in Mayville, North Dakota.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 136
