Gilbert Teien

Aneta, North Dakota

is Publisher of the Aneta "Panorama". He was born in Swift County Minnesota on April 11, 18 74. His parents were from Modum and emigrated to America to a sailing ship and were at sea for 13 weeks. He has lived around Aneta since 1894 and since May 1, 1907 has been the publisher of the "Aneta Panorama".

His wife, Louise Nilsen, was born in Holmestrand and emigrated to America as a three month old child along with her Mother Mrs. Ole C. Nilsen. She lives with them and is now 67 years old, but is just as sound as when she was in Holmestrand. They have seven children. The two oldest daughters work along with their father and mother in "Panorama'", which is thus a family newspaper of renowned significance.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 180
