Carl Nordquist

Carl Nordquist, the son of August and Charlotta (Larson) Nordquist, was born July 15, 1904, in Skandia Township.

Carl Nordquist married Ethel Selsand of Fort Ransom, daughter of Anton Selsand, a Ransom County Pioneer. The family farms the home farm with their son, Richard.

Four children were born to Carl and Ethel: Richard, born October 26, 1934, is married to Edna Billing, and they have two children: Syneva, born July 1, 1936, is married to Willis Heupel of Medina, North Dakota, and they have two children: Kenwood, born September 20, 1938, is married to Dorothy Cheatley of Langdon, and they have one child: Lowell, born May 21, 1944, married Carol Weight of Litchville, and they have two children.

Carl Nordquist is a graduate of the Hanson Auto and Tractor School of Fargo, and is a 30-year member of the Svea Township board.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 179