Ridgway Knight Koppi

Ridgway Knight Koppi was born in 1930. He graduated from the State University in Fargo, North Dakota in Structural Engineering. He married Mary Ellen McDonald in 1954, a graduate surgical nurse. Children to this issue are Debora Ann, Michael Ridgway, Paul Joseph, James Patrick, Mary Kathleen, Timothy William and Patrick Davis. Both parents work at their professions in Las Vegas, Nevada, where they now reside.

Debora Ann Koppi is a graduate of nursing school in New Orleans, graduating in June, 1974; Michael Ridgway Koppi is a student at the University of New Orleans. They are beginning to make their mark in Society.

In the Koppi residence in Valley City, they still have the almost complete library of James W. Foley, Sr., mentioned in the first generation. Also a complete set of works of James W. Foley, Jr., Poet Laureate, and many personal antiques handed down from one generation to another which tell a story in themselves. Among these antiques is copy 67 of 500 copies of the Medora Edition of "Hunting Trips of a Rancher" by Theodore Roosevelt, with fantastic illustrations; several copies of the old newspaper "Badlands Cowboy" published in 1884 by A. T. Packard; and a copy of a Resident Permit issued to Louis De Mores in 1903 on a form, interestingly, printed by Valley City Times Record, also a personal letter from President Teddy Roosevelt, dated July 31, 1917, in which he expressed his sympathy to Mrs. Foley on the death of her husband, James W. Foley, Sr.

Source: Barnes County History 1976 Page 130