Griggs County Soil Conservation District #33


On January 30, 1945 the Griggs County Soil Conservation District completed its organization.  The initial supervisors were Perry Haaland, chairman, Kenneth Curtis, Arne Goplen and George Simons, secretary.  Present supervisors are Don Larson, Chairman, David Stokka, Dale Zimprich and John Swenson, secretary.  Other SCD supervisors since the origin of the district were Raymond McCardle, Manvil Anderson, Obert Tharaldson, Edgar Krogsgard, Rudolph Olson and Casper Aarestad, Jr.

Soil Conservation Districts are organized throughout the nation to work with the Soil Conservation Service in promoting soil conservation practices and developing a soil stewardship ethic.

Common conservation practices in the county include shelterbelt and windbreak plantings, stock ponds, grassed waterways, grass seedings, pasture management, crop residue use, animal waste systems and flax buffer strips.

Source: Cooperstown, North Dakota 1882-1982 Centennial Page 216