Henry Laughlin was born February 24, 1858 at Warsaw, Indiana. Mrs. Laughlin, the former Jane (Jennie) Doman Currough, was born in Saintfield, Ireland on November 7, 1861. They were married at Bondurant, Iowa in 1881 and came to Foster county in 1884 to homestead on the Northeast 1/4 of Section four in Longview Township (then known as Pleasant Valley). Mr. Laughlin proved up on his land in 1898. He had been farming with oxen. Later the family moved to the Southeast 1/4 of Section 33 in Wyard Township where they lived for many years. After the death of Mr. Laughlin, the sons took over the farming. The Laughlins were the parents of fourteen children. Vesper and Hugh died while very young. Those living: Francis, John, Rose, Elizabeth, Glenn, Ruth, Grace, Thomas, Jeanette, Eldon, Arvilla and Raymond. Several of the family lived in or near Carrington for years. Eldon and Arvilla (Mrs. Harry Tenborg) still live here.
Mr. Laughlin died August 1, 1905 and is buried in the Pleasant Valley Cemetery. Mrs. Laughlin died July 15, 1945 and is buried in the Carrington Cemetery.
Francis Laughlin was a mechanic and operated steam engines.
Elizabeth was a seamstress and did sewing for many neighbors.
Jeanette taught school in the area, married Ted Clark and lived in Wyard Township before moving to Carrington.
John married Alice McKee. They lived in the township for many years.
Eldon farmed in the area, also was employed at the Dover Elevator. He married Janice Harrington who died October 18, 1962. In 1966 he married Esther McAfee,
Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 106B