John Prentice, born in January 1844 at Saintfield, Ireland, came to America for the opportunity it offered. He first settled in California and later moved to Washington where he worked on the railroad. He came to North Dakota in 1884 and acquired land by the Homestead Act, he also had a tree claim. He settled in Wyard Township on Section 30. He first farmed with oxen. He spent the rest of his life on this farm. John married Anna Bella Hewitt on April 5, 1894 who was born in Ottawa, Canada, May 12, 1874.
Eight children were born to the couple, Annabelle, James, Eliza Jane, Henrietta, Margaret, Marian, John and Samuel.
Mr. Prentice died in December 1932 and Mrs. Prentice died in April 1962. They are buried in the Carrington Cemetery.
John Prentice Junior was born in October 1904. He married Ella Peterson. "Jack" farmed with his father, later taking over the farm. He farmed far many years even after moving into Carrington.
Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 107B