
(This is taken from an article in complaint of the Educational System in 1903. It closed with this poem from a Newark, New Jersey, newspaper.)

"They taught him how to hemstitch and they taught him how to sing
And how to make a basket out of variegated string
How to fold paper so he wouldn't hurt his thumb.
They taught a lot to Bertie but he couldn't do a sum
They taught him how to mold the head of Hercules in clay,
And how to tell the difference 'twixt the bluebird and the jay,
And how to sketch a horsie in a little picture frame.
But strangely they forgot to teach him to spell his name.
Now Bertie's Pa is cranky and went one day to find
What was it they did that made his son backward in his mind.
"I don't want Bertie wrecked, " he said, his temper far from cool,
"I want an educated boy!"  so he took him out of school."

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 403