Traveling on an Emmigrant train in the "Boom" days left much to be desired. The settlers were packed into cars for hours with no space in which to lie down to rest. The only food they had to eat is whatever supplies that they may have brought along with them when boarding the train. The trains that came into Carrington in those days were so packed people were actually hanging on the sides of the cars.
Willhelm Kallberg and his family boarded the train in New York for Minnesota. They bought a small supply of food in New York but that was soon depleted. The crackers brought with them from the boat trip across the ocean were the only food they had for the rest of their journey.
When they reached St. Paul, Mrs. Kallberg tried to buy some milk for her children. St. Paul at this time was a settlement of log cabins. She went from house to house with no success- one man did offer her some boiled potatoes, which she took gratefully.
Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 36