10th Annual Picnic
Holcomb's Grove, July 12th, 1916
Program of the Day
10:00 a. m.‑Ball game, Bordulac vs. Melville. Purse of $5.00, given by the Bordulac State Bank.
1:00 p. m‑Invocation.
Music‑Carrington band.
Vocal music‑Mixed voices.
Address‑Gov. Hanna.
The platform contests follow:
Prettiest baby under 10 months old: First prize, $2.50; second, $1.50; third , $1.00. Prizes by the Commercial Sate Bank, of Carrington.
Shot guessing contest, for ladies. Prize by Putnam‑Miller Company, of Melville.
Largest family at the picnic: First prize, $7.00 time certificate of deposit by the First National Bank; second prize, $2.00 and 5 pounds bacon, given by the Live Stock Meat & Produce Company.
The oldest lady settler. First prize, ladies umbrella J. G. Reitsch Dry Goods Co; second, pair of wilk hose, by C. K. Wing; third, pair silk gloves, by Carrington Mercantile Company
Heaviest baby under 1 year old. Prize of $5.00 to be deposited in savings bank for the baby, given by the Foster County State Bank.
Heaviest old settler. First prize, pair of $4.00 Douglas shoes, by Wallace‑Galehnuse Company; second prize, flesh reducer, by A. J. Smith.
Oldest settler at picnic: First prize, smoker set. by Leon Galehouse; second, box cigars by R. J. Boyle, Bordulac.
Ladies foot race, for ladies over 18 years of age, 25 yard dash. First prize. aluminum set, by Record Printing Company ; second, pair of shoes, by E. A. Roach Bordulac.
Boys' foot race, for boys 16 and under, 50 yard dash. First prize, catchers snit, by the Carrington Drug Company; second, boy's watch, by Sivertson & Lee.
Throwing baseball. First prize, base ball; second, bat, by Buchanan & Sons.
Boys' foot race, for boys of 14 and under. First prize, knife; second, knife; by Walker & Company
Girls' race, for girls of 16 and over. First prize, by J. P. Kidder, Melville; second, Melville.
Girls' race, for girls of 14 and under. First prize by K. K. Gorgeness pair of sandals.
Relay race, three men. Prize $3.
Potato race First prize $1.50 ; second, $1.00; third, 50¢.
Oldest settler, coming the farthest distance to picnic. Prize, year's subscription to the Foster County Independent.
The best matched team at the picnic. $5.00 in merchandise, by Angus Ferguson, Bordulac.
Board jump. First prize, sweater, by Shaw & Co , Bordulac.
There will be ten special prizes given by the Beck Clothing Company See the special cards.
Judges of the platform contests: W. M. Cruchet, W. J. Doyle, Chas. Hansch
Judges of the highway contests: C. S. Holiday, Martin Murphy, E. L. Beaty
Marshals of the day‑Avery Morgan and Ralph Hall.
by J. Shearer,
Independent Publishing Company Carrington, North Dakota.
Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 63