C.S. Marsden, M.D

C.S. Marsden, M.D., a graduate of the University of Michigan, came to Carrington in June 1905 to be an associate of Dr. McKenzie.  The association lasted only a year and Dr. Marsden set up his own office over the Peterson and Tabraham store.  Later his offices were on the second floor of the Buchanan building and still later over the Beck Clothing store.  In 1905 he went to Chicago for several months graduate work in ophthalmology and subsequently his profession card read, "Eyes Tested, Glass Fitted".  He was absent again for the same purpose in 1908 and Dr. H. Van de Erve of Pingree took over his practice temporarily.  Dr. Marsden returned to Carrington only briefly to sell the practice to Dr. Van de Erve.  He then established an eye, ear, nose and throat practice in Grand Forks where he was a prominent physician for years.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 223