Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church is the ancestor of the Pleasant Valley German Baptist Church, the first German Baptist Church established in North Dakota.

In the autumn of 1882 a small group of immigrants arrived from Rumania and settled in Jamestown, North Dakota for the winter.  In the spring of 1883 they moved up around Carrington to an area later called Longview Township.  They immediately started Sunday school in their sod homes.  A few years later they moved to a schoolhouse.

In 1900 a church building was built out in the Pleasant Valley District but was not officially organized until 1909.  The church showed steady growth but soon people began to move to Carrington for business and retirement.

In 1918 a building was purchased in town and used as a church until it was too small.  In 1920 the present church site, which has always been a church, was purchased from St. John's Lutheran Church.  It was during this time that services were being held both in the country and in town.

The building soon became too small as well.  The old church in the country was pulled down and the lumber used to enlarge the church in town.

The church has continued to show steady growth and in 1944 more building was done.  In 1945 the name was officially changed to Calvary Baptist Church.

It was in 1962 that the building was enlarged to its present capacity.  Since 1975 the present structure was refurbished both inside and outside.

Seventeen pastors have served and contributed to the growth over the nearly 100 years of existence.

The current church contains material from three churches: the Pleasant Valley German Baptist Church, the German Brethren Church, and the original building which stood on the present site since 1906 at the corner of Eighth Avenue and First Street North.

That building's story goes this way.  The Congregational Church sold its original building, erected in 1884, to the school district.  The school district didn't need a church building, so they sold the building to the Progressive Brethren.  They moved the building to the present site.  When the Progressive Brethren disbanded, they sold the building to St. John's, who in turn sold it to the Pleasant Valley Baptist group.


Baptist Ladies Aid was first organized in 1919 by Rev. Itterman at the home of Mrs. John Pepple Sr.  The present Women's Fellowship Missionary Groups are: Mary-Martha Group and Joy 'N Us Group.

The Baptist Young People's Union was organized by Rev. N.E. McCoy on October 24, 1930 with William Sherman, president.  The present day organization is called "CBY" Commission Baptist Youth.  There are three clubs for the younger children: Space Club for pre-school; Whirley Birds, grades 1-2-3; and Jet Cadets for grades 4-7.

There is a Worship Choir and the Calvary Chimes, a hand bell choir which was started in June 1980 under the direction of Janel Edinger.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 241