Daughters of the American Revolution


Organized October 25, 1923 with 16 charter members, the organization called the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) came into existence.  To be eligible to join, a prospective member had to furnish indisputable proof that she was a direct descendant of a Revolutionary solider whose record she had available.

The Carrington Chapter was organized by Mrs. Ralph Hall and was one of eight chapters in the state.  One of the principles of the organization was to educate young people to love their country, honor their flag, support the Constitution and to defend it against all enemies.

One of the cherished awards given by DAR was to the high school girl who was outstanding in history.

It was called "The Good Citizen Award."  For the first few years the winner was given a trip to Washington, D.C.  Later that was changed to a $100 certificate.

The group disbanded after a few years as a number of the members had passed away and many of the others had moved away.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 262