Fine Arts Club

Fine Arts Club of Carrington which is a member of the Federated Clubs of America was organized on November 13, 1913 as a Homemakers Club with its first president being Mrs. W.E. Wheeler.  This club celebrated its 65th anniversary on November 20, 1978.  Women who have been members of the federated clubs over 50 years are:

Edna Alme, 57 years

Ella Mae Hargrave, 56 years and

Anna Garland 55 years

During the past 65 years the Fine Arts Club has undertaken many projects for the betterment of their community including such projects as Child Welfare, Christmas lighting, raising funds for community buildings, as libraries and peace gardens, and more recently the beautification of the downtown area, also sponsoring girls for girl's state and students to music camps

They stress safety, mental health, crime control and control and cure of diseases.  For these projects they have received many certificates of proficiency.  The Fine Arts Club started a Milk Program in 1929 for the children in the lower grades.  Always interested in civic projects, the members assisted wherever there was need such as an eye clinic at the school, vaccination of children, etc.  One of the big events of the year was the Milk Fund Dance.

In one year the Club paid children one cent for every 10 flies caught and 10 cents for a pint of flies.  This soon depleted their funds, as dues in those years were 25 cents per member.  So they decided to give $1 for the most pints one child brought in.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 246