Garrison Diversion

Carrington, North Dakota's "Central City," will be the hub of the Garrison Diversion Unit- one of the most outstanding mufti-purpose water resources projects in the nation.

Now under construction, the Garrison Diversion project, when completed, will provide the means to bring Missouri River water from Garrison Reservoir into central and eastern North Dakota for irrigation, municipal and industrial use, fish and wildlife purposes, recreation, and other needs.

The operation and administration of the project will be directed from the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District headquarters, which is located at Carrington.

Providing water for irrigation will be the principal function of the Garrison Diversion Unit.  Initially, 250,000 acres- and ultimately, well over 1,000,000 acres of high-quality North Dakota land will be irrigated with water furnished by the project.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 231