Grace Lutheran Church

History, Growth and Development

The history of this congregation goes back to the year 1939, when a group of Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Synod pastors decided to establish a Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Synod in Carrington.

The Wisconsin Synod purchased the vacant Methodist Church building located at 890 South First Street and Ninth Avenue for this purpose.  Grace Lutheran Church was established at this time as a mission congregation.  The first service was held July 28, 1940 with Rev. J.B. Erhart of Jamestown, North Dakota as minister.  The congregation was known as St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.  The founding officers were:

President, Rev. Albert Sippert

Treasurer, Raymond Westerland

Secretary, Gordon Paulson

Elders and Trustees, Albert Paulson, Gordon Paulson and Raymond Westerland.

On January 29, 1941 this congregation was incorporated and became Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church- Wisconsin Synod.  The first communion service was held on June 29, 1941 with eight members communing.  At this time the members included 45 souls, 11 communicants, and five voting members.

In October 1950 the congregation agreed to withdraw its membership from the Wisconsin Synod and apply for membership in the Missouri Synod.  The purpose of this was to be better served by a Missouri Synod minister, and possibly become a parish with a sister congregation.  The name of the congregation was then changed to Grace Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.  A parish was formed with Emmanuel Lutheran Church in New Rockford.

In 1965 a new parish alignment took place with St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Sykeston, North Dakota with the minister to live in Carrington.  With an average Sunday attendance at this time of 192 and Sunday school enrollment of 93, the church growth and attendance had grown to the point that the present facilities were becoming very crowded.  A committee was named to investigate the possible sale of the church property and the relocation on a new site, with a new house of worship.  Although the committee worked and planned, investing many dedicated hours into the project, their findings were not approved and the committee was dismissed in May 1967.  The next time of talk of improvement came in 1975.  Another committee was appointed to serve on the building committee.  In August 1977 plans were approved by the voters assembly to build a new house of worship on a new site, on the east side of the city from Mr. Percy Engberg.

The Groundbreaking ceremony was held on April 23, 1978 and the construction work began immediately there after.  The cornerstone setting ceremony was held on October 8, 1978.  The congregation moved into the new building and held its first service there on January 28, 1979.  The membership of Grace Lutheran church as of January 1, 1979 was 257 communicant members and 326 souls.  The seating capacity of the new structure is 250 in the pews, and approximately 150 in the overflow area.

Ministers serving this church:

Rev. J.B. Erhart- July 1940-September 1940

John Wentland- September 1940 - December 1940

Albert Sippert- first installed minister- December 1940 - August 1947

Howard Birkholtz- August 1947 - May 1948

Henry Lange- July 1948 - October 1950

William Christian, vacancy pastor- January 1951- August 1956

Edgar Greve- July 1957 - June 1961

August W. Mommens- April 1962 - July 1965

Thomas K. Spahn- July 1965 - July 1969

Paul Rowley- 1969 - August 1971

Daniel Jurkovic- January 1972 - June 1974

Carlyle Roth- 1975 - presently serving


Lutheran Women's Missionary League

Lutheran Laymen's League

Walther League

Active Christian Teens

Grace Lutheran Adult Choir

Grace Lutheran Girls' Choir

Grace Lutheran Children's Choir

Three Bible classes

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 232