Half Way House

Owned by Mrs. W.Y. Quarton Independent, October 27, 1927

Before the Pingree-Wilton branch of the Northern Pacific was built in 1900, the Quarton home, eight or ten miles southwest of Carrington was known as the "Half Way House'' where chilled and hungry travelers could stop on their way over the snow covered prairies for a dinner or a night's rest, and find a word of cheery welcome from its mistress.

Halfway between the town of Carrington and the Hawksnest Hills it was also used as an overnight stop by the Hawksnest farmers on their three-day trips into Carrington.  Making the trip with horses and a sled, they would spend the night at the Half Way House, starting out early in the morning on the second lap of the trip into Carrington, returning late at night for a second stop before starting on the long drive back home.  In the summer the round trip across 40 miles of prairie could be made in a single day.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 251