
Incorporated in June 1938 when a group of young men joined together to form an organization called the Junior Chamber of Commerce.  The purpose of the organization is to provide the younger business and professional men of the city of Carrington a medium for training in citizenship and Chamber of Commerce work, to promote the civic, industrial, and educational activities of the community, to secure and disseminate accurate information relating to legislation, to cooperate with other civic organizations of the City of Carrington in advancing a program of usefulness to the city, state, and nation.

Paul S. Cruchet was elected the first president.  This organization received its charter from the North Dakota Junior Chamber of Commerce on April 25, 1940.  There were 54 charter members at this time.

Throughout the years various projects were carried out to make Carrington and surrounding area a better place in which to live.

Some of these projects were trade promotion days, clean-up and paint-up, Boy Scout program, holiday lighting program, contributing toward purchase of flood lights for football field, athletic banquet, Dairy Days, Teenage Road-e-o, polio clinic, civil defense unit, beautification committee, Farmers-Businessmen picnic, 75th Jubilee, bingo at the Fair, Halloween party for kids, baby chick project for 4-H members, free shows for the kids, atomic energy exhibit, sponsor for Girls State and Boys State, swimming pool, Rainbow Rollercade.

Legion Auxiliary, date not mentioned on photo, (from left): Morton, (71 Penning, Luverne Olson, Latee Mae Suckut, Zone Mae Eleanor Johnson, Helen Schutt, Jean Wheeler, Guy Cook, Marjorie Olson, (7), Virginia Galehouse, Frances Van de Erve, Jean Swinton.

Patient lift for the hospital, Cub baseball, Flying Farmer Convention, disposal cans on Main Street, Junior Bowling League, Name the home contest, "Golden Acres Manor", Frontier Days.

In 1959 the name was changed from Junior Chamber of Commerce to the Jaycees.  The ladies formed an organization known as the Jayceettes on April 9, 1959.  Joanne Garland was named president.  These ladies were involved in helping the men with many of their projects.

Both organizations are still active in Carrington and are lending their efforts to make Carrington better in any way they can.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 260