Kiwanis Club

One of the smallest cities to get International Alliance, Carrington Kiwanis was organized May 23, 1923 and received its charter in September 1923.  New Rockford club received its charter at the same time.  Officers were:

G.S. Newberry, president

J.C. Hoffert, vice-prescient

Dr. J. Ross McKenzie, treasurer

The idea behind Kiwanis is that it is composed of representatives of business and professional men of the city in which it is located and may not have more than two members from any classification in business or profession in that city.  Its object is to encourage principles of fair dealing and practices and the observance of the "Golden Rule" in private, civic, social and business life.  Through its weekly lunch meetings a spirit of cooperation, good fellowship, fraternalism is developed among its members, while the science of business building and community development is part of the program.

They have strict observance of the luncheon hour 12:29 to 1: 30 p.m.

It has backed many worthy movements for the community.  One of the greatest achievements being the 4-H Club organization which has resulted in the Foster County Junior Fair Association.  Other worthwhile moves were: Christmas baskets; inducing the North American Creamery to locate here instead of New Rockford; Armour Buying Agency to locate in Carrington; services to the underprivileged children seeing that they receive medical and hospital care; donating 200 books for the county school circulating library, Hawksnest Park; college scholarships; Senior Citizens Day, just to mention a few of the accomplishments of this group of men.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 250