Masonic Lodge of Carrington

From what can be learned it appears as though there was a Masonic Lodge at either Carrington or Guptil, prior to the organization of the Carrington Lodge which now exists, but that the lodge lost its charter, and no records are now in existence at Carrington regarding it.

History of Aurora Lodge 56 A.F. and A.M. as given by Harold Kively, lodge historian, and William Harvey, only charter member available, is as follows: In the fall of 1899 some Masons talked about founding a lodge in Carrington; they assembled in what was known as the Buchanan Hall in December of that year.  The exact date is not recorded or known.  They kept no minutes, but their visitors' records show that the following Brethren were present at this informal meeting, and the following is what appears on the record: "Informal meeting of Masons in Carrington and vicinity, when petitions for dispensation were signed, afternoon of December 1899.''

The Buchanan Hall where these first meetings were held as the home of the Masonic Lodge until January 1, 1911 when they moved to their new home over the Galehouse Drug Store, where they have since continued to meet.

The lodge grew to a membership of two hundred and thirty‑five in 1920 but due to hard times it declined to 125 in 1937.

The lodge sponsors the High School oratorical contest each year here at Carrington, and also donated to the Florence Crittendon Home at Fargo.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 247