Red Cross

The Foster County Chapter of the Red Cross was organized the first time in 1898 with George Soliday as president.

On June 9, 1917 it was reorganized with Guy Cook, as chairman.  Many committees were set up with eight branch chairmen in the eight towns in the county.

Some of the committees were Military relief, Civilian Relief, propaganda, finance, and surgical dressings, as well as membership.  All these committees were active until the end of World War I.

Mrs. Putnam was in charge of surgical dressings and other clothing.  The following report was made: 721 sweaters, 3,211 pairs of socks, 218 mufflers, 30,472 pieces of surgical dressings were made and sent to the men in the service.  Old clothing was gathered and sent to the needy overseas.

A committee was set up to take care of any emergency that may arise among the civilians.  The organization continued to do its share during the recent decades whenever it was called upon to do so.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 251