Reuben W. Meadows, M.D.

Reuben W. Meadows, M.D., began his practice in Carrington in 1931.  He was born October 8, 1879 at Thamesford, Ontario and graduated from the Western Ontario Medical School at London, Ontario.  In 1904 he began his medical practice at Maddock, ND, and in 1911 he became the medical director of a hospital in Medicine Hat, Alberta.  He returned to North Dakota in 1915 and practiced at Sheyenne until 1929.  He spent two years as a physician in New Rockford and came to Carrington in 1931 where he practiced until illness forced him to retire.  He married, on May 10, 1905, at Maddock, Sara Teigen who was born July 11, 1879 in Norway and came to America with her parents in 1890.  Dr. Meadows died March 26, 1953 and his wife July 8, 1968.  They had two children: Mayo, owner of the Carrington Drug Store and Mrs. Robert (LaVerne) Fryberger.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 224