Swedish Lutheran Church

Late in the winter toward spring, 1883, the people of the vicinity held church services and then saw more of one another.  There were many Swedish families in Pleasant Valley Township and they were all of the Lutheran faith.  They held services in the home of P.J. Kallberg.  Those generally attending were the Hallbergs, several Kallberg families, P.M. Nelsons, Nels Haues, William Johnson, and others, whether Lutheran or not, who wished to attend.

Mrs. P.J. Kallberg had brought with her from Sweden her Bible, History of the Bible and Mrs. P.M. Nelson would lead the singing.  Mrs. Nelson was a fine singer and had led the choir in her church in Sweden.  After the service they would have their coffee and a little social time.

Adah Kallberg understood little of the church service so she would memorize the chapter from the Swedish Bible which had been the sermon for the day.  When she reached home she would read the corresponding chapter in her own Bible and in this way understood what had been heard that day.  Many people asked why she did not attend the church service of the American church in town; she replied that she would not think of doing that as she loved these people and respected their devotion to their faith and to each other and had made them her life, therefore she would do things in their way.

Services were held in the home of the elder Kallbergs until 1886 when the schoolhouse was built.  P.J. Kallberg donated land for the schoolhouse and it was located just a few rods from the house.  After the school was built the church services were held there and a church organization was formed.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 242