Veterans of Foreign Wars

McCreary‑Bonderud Post No. 3524


The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars was instituted April 12, 1945 with ninety‑two charter members.  Instituting officer was Myrtle Burton, District president.

Meetings are held once a month at the V.F.W. Hall in Carrington, the fourth Tuesday of each month.  The organization belongs to District 7 of the North Dakota V.F.W. Auxiliary.

To be eligible for the Auxiliary one must be a mother, wife, widow, sister or half‑sister, daughter, foster daughter, grandmother, or granddaughter, a citizen of the United States of America, not less than 16 years of age and join on the veteran who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States, whose service therein entitled him to a Campaign Badge issued by the government of the United States, and who had foreign service in time of war or during a campaign or expedition of the Armed Forces of the United States for which a campaign badge has been authorized and who are in possession or entitled to an honorable discharge.

The objects of the organization are fraternal, patriotic, historical and educational and to assist the Post members and their families and its own members whenever possible.  The work is for the welfare of all veterans and their families.  Special attention is paid to those veterans who are hospitalized in the Veterans' Hospitals and who are confined to their homes through illness or disabilities.

The Annual Buddy Poppy sales are held to further the program for help to these veterans.  Forget‑me-nots for the Disabled Veterans are also sold.  The organization believes in helping the living by remembering those who have given their all in defense of their country.  It is also concerned with other community activities.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 258