We Care Program

We Care Program, started in 1976, was sponsored by the 4‑H organization.  It was designed to involve young people in a wide range of activities from recycling papers and aluminum cans to educational tours and a foster grandparent program during the summer months.

Some of the tours took them to the City water and pumping plant, Steinman Manufacturing Company, Weather Modification station, watching a sale at the Carrington Livestock Sales.  Some of the group was able to tour the Capitol, museum, and zoo in Bismarck in connection with the Foster County Social Services department.

They sponsored a car wash, bike‑a‑thon, and bake Carrington Commercial Club sale to raise proceeds that were donated to the Medical Center fund.  Some of the money was used for a camping trip to Lake Juanita where the participants had an opportunity to water ski, swim, sing around a campfire and collect aluminum cans for recycling.

Calling themselves "Foster Friends" they spent some time at the Holy Family Guest Home visiting the "adopted" residents as grandparents and presenting a musical program for them.

Work was done in the city park, such as painting the bleachers, trashcans, bike rack, and back stop at the softball diamond.

A similar program was carried on involving young people from Glenfield, Sutton, McHenry and Binford areas.  This group raised funds that were donated to the Glenfield Lutheran Church building fund.

Source: A History of Foster County 1983 Page 252