Erick Erickson was a grain merchant, banker and one of the extensive landowners of Griggs County. Born in Bergen, Norway June 20, 1853 he was youngest of three sons and two daughters. His step-father, Jacob Wallen, brought the family to Dane County Wisconsin. Absalem, Erick's brother, enlisted in the Union Army as a member of a Wisconsin cavalry. Many cousins fought for the southern army. Erick was too young for the service.
In 1882 Erick came to Nelson County where he filed on a homestead. Later he moved to Cooperstown where he engaged in implement business and general merchandise. In 1906 he sold this store, bought in Jessie, and soon went into partnership with J. G. Thompson and Oliver Hoff in the newly established town of Sutton in general stores. Still broadening his scope of activities, he became a stockholder in the First State Banks of Sutton, Jessie and Cooperstown, where he was vice president. He was stockholder in many elevators and owned the one 'Erickson Company' of Cooperstown. He soon owned 2,500 acres of land. He rented out the greater part of it. At that time he was agent for the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company handling its output at Cooperstown.
In 1884 Mr. Erickson married Isabella Tvetaken a native of Norway. They had a son and daughter, Edwin C. and Myrtle S.
Edwin married Clara Hammer.
Erick Erickson was a member of Sons of Norway, Masonic Lodge and he filled the office of assessor for four years. He was actively involved when the Masons built their $35, 000 building.
Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 269