First Post-Office

The first post-office in Griggs County was established in the summer of 1880.  It was located on Section 8-14758, later named Romness Township.  The post office was named 'Durham' and Frank Taper was appointed postmaster, with his sister, Mrs. Durham, as assistant.  That office was discontinued in a year or two and another post office called 'Lybeck' was established on Section 25, with Andrew C. Knutson as postmaster.  The mail was hauled from Newburg, near Hatton, and later a route was established from Valley City to Pembina.

While Mr. Taper was postmaster, he lived in the same house with Mr. Durham and his wife.  One evening during the summer, Mr. Taper and Mr. Durham had some trouble and according to Taper's story, Mr. Durham drove him off the place at the point of a gun, but he managed to take with him the contents of the post office, which consisted of a few letters.

Mr. Taper planned to take the post office down to Opheims but coming to John Hogenson's he was persuaded to leave it there.  The very next day, Mr. Durham and his wife, mounted on horses and each carrying a six-shooter arrived and as Mrs. Durham was assistant postmaster they agreed with them that she was the proper person to have it so the United States post office was moved back to the Durhams.  Mr. Hogenson related that he never saw Mr. Taper again.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 page 6