John Pates

John Pates came to Griggs County in 1881 from Granite Falls, Minnesota and together with Elisha Fitch took forty acres of school land (NE 16-145-58) and the rest of their quarter Section on railroad land in hopes of holding it.

While Mr. Fitch stayed only a short time, Mr. Pates remained several years.  Until he left about 1890, Mr. John Pates sent locals to the "Courier" from his locality.  He occasionally mentioned a birth or death among his Norwegian neighbors.  Little was written of the Norwegian settlers in the early Cooperstown "Courier, " chiefly because of language difficulties.  For the most part Mr. Pates' items told of eagles, native animals and game, and Indian relics.

Mr. Pates wrote a letter from Hastings, Minnesota, February 10, 1881 to Mr. Fitch stating he had received his letter written January 28.  Mr. Pates further stated that he hoped to come to Griggs County by the first week in April.  He asked advice on filing on land, asking for Section number, town and range, telling Mr. Fitch to write to him at Granite Falls.  He concluded with, "There will be no land hunters out till April or May, I suppose."

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 439