William La Plant and Rose Haley LaPlant and Louis, their 2 1/2 year old son, drove a team of horses and covered wagon from Minneapolis, Kansas region in 1896 to Tyrol Township. While they were building a home - a basement house - on the "Jim Combs" place, but down across the creek, they stayed with Cousin Henry Detwiller. His place was a 10x6' shanty roofed with a 12' x l5' frame room built on one end - she assumed that the last had been built on as the family grew. While on the Jim Combs place, Neva was born. In about 1900, they moved to Romness Township, now on Highway 45 where Selmer Dahl lives, and Ethel and Bruce were additions to the family.
In 1905, they moved to Tyrol again in Section 15 on the McVille County Road just off 65. Boldstad Brothers built their home - which 'still stands and is now owned by Oliver Anderson, son of Lars and Neva LaPlant Anderson.
Church was held in Sansborn School or in the homes.
Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 457