Mrs. Anne Jacobson Family

Mrs. Anne Jacobson's parents were Bernt Bentefala and Karen Anderson.  They were born in Hurdal and moved to Hadeland, Norway when they were married.

To this union were born seven children. 

  1. Inga died when three years old. 

  2. Anders in United States of America in 1893

  3.  Marie and

  4. Mane in Norway

  5.  Edward,

  6. Bertha and

  7. Anne with parents emigrated in 1903 to McHenry, North Dakota, on a homestead farm and an 80 acre piece.

Far from town and school, Berthe and Anne attended school three miles away.  The farm was rented to neighbors as Bernt was a cripple and could not handle horses.  They had a cow, some chickens and a garden.  Sod was broken with a crude hoe.

The two girls took a teacher's course and taught school, attended summer school six weeks in the summer.

Bertha married Martin Jacobson in 1917.  Anne married Peter Jacobson in 1914.  Martin left for France in World War I and served to the end.  Anne and Peter farmed the Jacobson place.  Peter died in 1968.

Anne's father, Bernt, died in 1917, Karen, his wife, died in 1942 at 91 years of age.  Anders died in 1941.  Marie died in 1906, Marte at the age of 86 years, leaving four children, all in Norway.  Anne is now the only living member.

Source: Griggs County History 1879 - 1976 Page 497