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Maiden Name Subject



1Adrian, Mrs A HObituaryStomach cancerNovember 23, 1905Binford Times1
2Alm, AlvinDeath NoticeBurned to death7December 21, 1905Binford Times1
3Anderson, GustObituaryHemorrhage of the lungSeptember 28, 1905Binford Times1
4Burch, CharleyDeath NoticeThrown out of restaurant and hit head on wagon wheel hubNovember 9, 1905Binford Times1
5Cross, Mrs Clara (Norton)Death NoticeKilled in train accidentOctober 5, 1905Binford Times1
6Deehr, MichaelObituaryJuly 27, 1905Binford Times5
7Dickinson, Mr.Death NoticeDrowned in Sheyenne RiverJuly 27, 1905Binford Times1
8Erlandson, AumondObituaryParalysis of the throat51August 31, 1905Binford Times1
9Evenson, Mrs DorotheaObituaryTuberculosis60October 5, 1905Binford Times1
10Hanson, EdwinDeath NoticeOld age70April 27, 1905Binford Times5
11Jacobson, ErickObituaryCatarrh of the stomach52June 1, 1905Binford Times8
12Jacobson, MrsDeath NoticeDrowned in Sheyenne RiverJuly 27, 1905Binford Times1
13Johnson, MartinDeath NoticeOctober 26, 1905Binford Times8
14Johnson, OscarObituaryKicked by horse18August 24, 1905Binford Times5
15Johnston, Mrs. D S BObituaryInflammation of the brainJune 1, 1905Binford Times1
16Knapp, MartinObituaryDrowned in Stump LakeJuly 20, 1905Binford Times1
17Melgard, VictorDeath NoticeKilled in hunting accidentabout 12April 27, 1905Binford Times1
18Pfeifer, 9 Month old child of FrankDeath NoticeCongestion of the lungs9 monthsApril 27, 1905Binford Times8
19Quam, SydneyObituaryAppendicitis2May 25, 1905Binford Times5
20Turner, RalphDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himself20September 28, 1905Binford Times1
21Anderson, Mrs EmilThune, ClaraDeath NoticeConsumptionFebruary 22, 1906Binford Times5
22Bjornson, JohnDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfAugust 9, 1906Binford Times1
23Borgerson, OleDeath NoticeConsumptionJune 7, 1906Binford Times1
24Borgerson, OleObituaryTuberculosis31June 7, 1906Binford Times5
25Burns, Mrs PeterCollinsObituaryPeritonitis67February 14, 1906Binford Times5
26Burns, Mrs PeterDeath NoticePeritonitis67February 14, 1906Binford Times1
27Codett, FrankDeath NoticeBurned to deathSeptember 6, 1906Binford Times1
28Corbett, EddieDeath NoticeMurdered by KnifeSeptember 20, 1906Binford Times1
29Dahlin, Mrs MarthaObituaryOld age67June 14, 1906Binford Times1
30Evenstad, S CDeath NoticeApoplexy75November 29, 1906Binford Times5
31Greenland, MinnieObituaryConsumption26June 21, 1906Binford Times5
32Hanson, Ole son ofDeath NoticeDiphtheria4March 22, 1906Binford Times5
33Harstad, Hogan bro in law ofDeath NoticeKilled instantlyMarch 1, 1906Binford Times5
34Jacobson, JohnnieObituaryAppendicitis10December 20, 1906Binford Times1
35Koloen, E HDeath NoticeSuicide by poisoning himselfOctober 4, 1906Binford Times1
36Krause, HenryDeath NoticeBurned to deathSeptember 6, 1906Binford Times1
37Maltby, J WDeath NoticeParalysisJuly 26, 1906Binford Times5
38Mueller, Clara do WilliamDeath NoticePneumonia after appendicitis operation9March 1, 1906Binford Times1
39Personius, Herman MDeath NoticeKilled by robbersAugust 30, 1906Binford Times1
40Severson, OleDeath NoticeToo much bad whiskyApril 19, 1906Binford Times8
41Arlein, Mabel do JohnObituaryPneumonia16 monthsJune 6, 1907Binford Times5
42Dahl, AntonObituaryAppendicitis operation16June 6, 1907Binford Times5
43Evers, Ablina do JohnObituaryCholera infantum1January 17, 1907Binford Times5
44Gabrielson, GabrielObituaryConsumption62December 12, 1907Binford Times5
45Jenson, Jens, Part 1Death NoticePneumoniaFebruary 28, 1907Binford Times5
46Jenson, Jens, Part 2Death NoticePneumoniaFebruary 28, 1907Binford Times5
47Knapp, HubbardObituaryBright's Disease69March 21, 1907Binford Times5
48Leach, Mrs and daughterDeath NoticePneumoniaJune 6, 1907Binford Times5
49Lowden, Willie so Arthur LDeath NoticeDiphtheria7September 19, 1907Binford Times5
50McDonald, Mrs DBRickfordObituaryHeart trouble and dropsy31June 27, 1907Binford Times1
51Murphy, WilliamObituaryTrain accidentSeptember 26, 1907Binford Times4
52Odegard, Mrs SeverDeath NoticeJanuary 10, 1907Binford Times5
53Patterson, Chas. Mother ofDeath NoticeMarch 14, 1907Binford Times5
54Peterson, William Bro of PalmerDeath NoticeJanuary 17, 1907Binford Times5
55Raymond, R RObituaryDiabetes32September 19, 1907Binford Times4
56Thune, Mrs John KObituaryTyphoid pneumonia56February 21, 1907Binford Times5
57Vogen, Roger so OleObituaryTuberculosis of the bowels12April 11, 1907Binford Times8
58Alm, Mother of Mrs H ODeath NoticeDecember 24, 1908Binford Times5
59Arndt, Child of AdolphDeath NoticeSeptember 10, 1908Binford Times5
60Brekke, LewisDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfMay 7, 1908Binford Times4
61Burke, MartinDeath NoticeHead injuryJanurary 16, 1908Binford Times5
62De La Bere, Mrs MichaelDeath NoticeConsumption26February 5, 1908Binford Times1
63Hagberg, JohnDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfMay 14, 1908Binford Times5
64Haugen, Son of GilbertDeath NoticeJuly 30, 1908Binford Times5
65Howden, Margaret JSargentObituary86May 14, 1908Binford Times5
66Klein, Mrs S RDeath NoticeBuggy accidentMay 21, 1908Binford Times5
67Larson, JohnDeath NoticeConsumptionApril 2, 1908Binford Times4
68McDermott, J HDeath NoticeJuly 9, 1908Binford Times1
69Philip, Dr. Bro in Law of Theo CurryDeath NoticeBrain tumor55March 26, 1908Binford Times5
70Reid, Infant of J DDeath NoticeInfantApril 23, 1908Binford Times4
71Rothert, JohnObituaryEmphysemaSeptember 10, 1908Binford Times5
72Sweitzer, Jule FDeath NoticeHeart failure56October 1, 1908Binford Times1
73Wheeler, WahlonDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himself45June 25, 1908Binford Times1
74Woodwick, Mrs G and dauDeath NoticeKerosene stove explodedMay 21, 1908Binford Times5
75Alfstad, KnutObituaryMarch 18, 1909Binford Times5
76Anderson, AugustDeath NoticeNovember 11, 1909Binford Times5
77Arneson, O G Father ofDeath NoticeSeptember 30, 1909Binford Times5
78Bolkan, Son of PeterDeath NoticeNovember 18, 1909Binford Times5
79Borgerson, 6 yr old dau of JohnDeath NoticeRun over by wagon6August 26, 1909Binford Times1
80Brown, Mrs HarryDeath NoticeSuicide by poisoning herselfMarch 11, 1909Binford Times1
81Bruns, Mrs J WObituaryHeart failure50February 25, 1909Binford Times1
82Bruns, Mrs J WObituaryHeart failure50March 4, 1909Binford Times1
83Buchheit, Joseph Brother ofDeath NoticeApoplexyOctober 21, 1909Binford Times5
84Buchheit, Joseph Sister ofDeath NoticeApoplexyDecember 2, 1909Binford Times5
85Burseth, Mrs CharlesDeath NoticeBrights diseaseMay 13, 1909Binford Times5
86Colton, W GDeath Notice86September 16, 1909Binford Times5
87Doll, Infant of PaulDeath NoticeConvulsions3 daysOctober 21, 1909Binford Times5
88Doll, Richard so JuliusObituaryAppendicitis operation25April 15, 1909Binford Times5
89Doll, Richard so JuliusFuneral ReportAppendicitis operation25April 22, 1909Binford Times5
90Erickson, Anders GObituary56November 18, 1909Binford Times5
91Ford, Benjamin Mrs Wheeler, Frances EllaObituaryDropsy64June 17, 1909Binford Times1
92Ford, Luke Bro of BenjaminDeath NoticeTyphoid pneumonia74January 14, 1909Binford Times5
93Grandburg, JohnDeath NoticeKilled by lightning21September 16, 1909Binford Times1
94Helgeland, Father of O SDeath NoticeJanuary 14, 1909Binford Times5
95Hoggarth, Gracie do JosephDeath NoticeKilled by lightning12August 12, 1909Binford Times1
96Hogie, Mrs A HObituaryJanuary 14, 1909Binford Times5
97Hogie, Mrs A HCorrectionJanuary 21, 1909Binford Times5
98Houge, Mrs HDeath NoticeComplications from childbirthJanuary 7, 1909Binford Times5
99Jacobs, Flora do LouisDeath NoticePneumonia8 monthsMarch 18, 1909Binford Times5
100Jacobson, Mrs ErickObituaryTumor trouble54July 22, 1909Binford Times5
101Jefford, W RileyObituaryAddison's disease18May 27, 1909Binford Times5
102Kolberg, Eli dau of ChrisDeath NoticeDiphtheria3October 14, 1909Binford Times5
103Koloen, 3 yr old of SiverDeath NoticeBrain fever3October 21, 1909Binford Times5
104Krogfoss, O K Sister ofDeath NoticeSeptember 30, 1909Binford Times5
105Mangen, Esther Father of Death NoticeMarch 11, 1909Binford Times5
106McKenzie, KennethDeath NoticeBurned to death12October 28, 1909Binford Times5
107Melgard, Infant dau of A JObituaryInfantApril 1, 1909Binford Times5
108Ness, One twin baby of A BDeath NoticeInfantJanuary 14, 1909Binford Times5
109Olsbrekken, TobiasDeath NoticeMarch 11, 1909Binford Times5
110Phelps, ClarenceDeath NoticeKilled by lightning29September 16, 1909Binford Times1
111Quam, Mrs JohnDeath NoticeMarch 11, 1909Binford Times5
112Reid, Mrs PeterDeath NoticeTuberculosis27September 16, 1909Binford Times5
113Reid, Mrs PeterGrannis, Gertrude IObituaryTuberculosis27September 23, 1909Binford Times5
114Rothfork, HarryDeath Notice19April 29, 1909Binford Times5
115Thurlow, Son of William 2nd Death NoticeHunting accident11April 15, 1909Binford Times5
116Thurlow, Son of William Death NoticeHunting accident11April 15, 1909Binford Times4
117Tufteland, JohannaDeath NoticeFroze to death15December 9, 1909Binford Times1
118Tufteland, JohannaFuneral ReportFroze to death15December 16, 1909Binford Times4
119Bauer, FrederickDeath NoticeJuly 14, 1910Binford Times1
120Cowen, Mrs R MPart 1 - Death NoticeCancerMay 5, 1910Binford Times5
121Cowen, Mrs R MPart 2 - Death NoticeCancerMay 5, 1910Binford Times5
122Ensrud, JeanetteDeath Notice2March 10, 1910Binford Times3
123Ensrud, ThelmaDeath NoticeHeart failure6March 10, 1910Binford Times3
124Horstmann, Rev Mother ofDeath NoticeFebruary 10, 1910Binford Times5
125Iverson, Mrs NelsDeath NoticeJune 16, 1910Binford Times5
126Long, HaroldDeath NoticeKilled in hunting accidentApril 28, 1910Binford Times1
127McCallson, Alpha LouisaObituaryPneumonia19January 20, 1910Binford Times1
128Rensby, AmyDeath NoticeDiabetesJanuary 20, 1910Binford Times5
129Rickford, WilliamDeath NoticeBlood poisoningFebruary 10, 1910Binford Times5
130Rogney, Trond KObituaryHeart failureMay 12, 1910Binford Times5
131Shaw, Mrs A D Father ofDeath NoticeJanuary 27, 1910Binford Times5
132Trostad, Josephine do LouisDeath NoticeFalling wood pile4May 5, 1910Binford Times5
133Wachter, 3 mo old of AndrewDeath NoticeScalded by hot coffee3 monthsMarch 3, 1910Binford Times1
134Blystad, E JDeath NoticeAugust 18, 1910Binford Times5
135Dugan, Florence Father ofDeath NoticeOctober 13, 1910Binford Times5
136Fiske, Baby boy of OttoDeath NoticeSummer complaintInfantAugust 18, 1910Binford Times5
137French, WarrenObituaryBright's disease45October 13, 1910Binford Times5
138Gallup, FrankDeath NoticeHunting accident14December 29, 1910Binford Times5
139Goplin, Mrs AlbertGreseth, RandiPart 1 - Death NoticeSeptember 15, 1910Binford Times5
140Goplin, Mrs AlbertGreseth, RandiPart 2 - Death NoticeSeptember 15, 1910Binford Times5
141Goplin, Mrs AlbertGreseth, RandiBurial35September 29, 1910Binford Times5
142Hagberg, AlbertObituaryConsumption18November 24, 1910Binford Times5
143Helland, Mrs ArndtDeath NoticeOctober 6, 1910Binford Times5
144Jasme, JamesPart 1 - Death NoticeHeart failure25October 6, 1910Binford Times5
145Jasme, JamesPart 2 - Death NoticeHeart failure25October 6, 1910Binford Times5
146Kanten, IverDeath NoticeHeart trouble86December 15, 1910Binford Times5
147Kile, Mrs WalterObituary23November 17, 1910Binford Times5
148Kraft, HenryDeath NoticeToo much alcoholDecember 29, 1910Binford Times5
149Lang, Arnold ODeath NoticeTyphoid fever28August 11, 1910Binford Times1
150Maurer, Joseph JesseDeath NoticeSpinal meningitis5 motnhsAugust 25, 1910Binford Times4
151Maurer, Joseph JesseObituarySpinal meningitis5 monthsAugust 25, 1910Binford Times5
152Sohrafoogel, TressieDeath NoticeDecember 29, 1910Binford Times4
153Sperry, Eugene Mother of Death NoticeParalytic strokeSeptember 8, 1910Binford Times5
154Truscott, Mrs J R Father of Death NoticeNovember 24, 1910Binford Times5
155West, Mrs W E Father of Death NoticeNovember 17, 1910Binford Times5
156Wilson, Rueben so ClintObituarySpinal meningitis8 monthsOctober 6, 1910Binford Times5
157Anderson, Alfred OrlandoObituaryDiabetes49May 4, 1911Binford Times1
158Anderson, Alfred OrlandoFuneral ReportDiabetes49May 11, 1911Binford Times5
159Anderson, James CDeath NoticeKilled by pump engineNovember 30, 1911Binford Times1
160Arlien, Infant dau of JohnDeath NoticeRicketsInfantAugust 24, 1911Binford Times5
161Arlien, Mrs AnnieObituary85November 16, 1911Binford Times1
162Barclay, Mrs GertrudeObituary81September 14, 1911Binford Times5
163Berg, HalvorDeath NoticeApril 6, 1911Binford Times5
164Boyle, Mrs William Father ofDeath NoticeMay 4, 1911Binford Times5
165Dahl, RobertDeath NoticeConsumption30January 19, 1911Binford Times5
166Dusbabek, Mrs Emil Brother ofDeath NoticeFebruary 16, 1911Binford Times5
167Ebentier, Mrs JosephDeath NoticeMay 11, 1911Binford Times5
168Flynn, ManleyDeath NoticeHeart troubleJune 15, 1911Binford Times5
169Frazie, AlbertDeath NoticeHunting accident17October 12, 1911Binford Times5
170Hull, Mrs HenryObituaryStroke of Paralysis56September 7, 1911Binford Times5
171Jacobs, Mrs L Father ofDeath Notice73April 27, 1911Binford Times5
172Jenson, AntonObituaryTyphoid Fever46September 21, 1911Binford Times1
173Jenson, AntonFrom HattonObituaryTyphoid Fever46September 28, 1911Binford Times1
174Jenson, OmarDeath NoticeDrownedSeptember 28, 1911Binford Times1
175Johnson, Dau of OliverDeath NoticePneumoniaMay 4, 1911Binford Times5
176Johnson, Infant dau of AlfredDeath NoticeBrain FeverFebruary 9, 1911Binford Times5
177Johnston, Mrs Harry LBorgerson, AlmaObituary22April 13, 1911Binford Times5
178Johnston, Mrs Harry LBorgerson, AlmaFuneral Report22April 20, 1911Binford Times5
179Knapp, ArneDeath NoticeSuffocated in flax bin17December 21, 1911Binford Times1
180Knapp, ArneFuneral ReportSuffocated in flax bin17December 28, 1911Binford Times5
181Knapp, ArneFuneral Correction17December 21, 1911Binford Times5
182Knapp, Mrs MasonRemington, Mamie JObituarySciatica39July 13, 1911Binford Times8
183Leininger, JohnObituaryHeart failureJanuary 19, 1911Binford Times5
184Rickford, Mrs JohnObituaryBright's disease69April 27, 1911Binford Times5
185Rosdal, H KObituaryDrank carbolic acid by mistake37May 18, 1911Binford Times5
186Shaw, Twin infants of A DBirth and DeathDeath NoticeInfantsNovember 23, 1911Binford Times5
187Sherrer, Mrs F GDeath NoticeTyphoid fever and pneumoniaSeptember 28, 1911Binford Times5
188Sletten, Mrs OlianaObituary80March 30, 1911Binford Times5
189Stephens, William FerdinandObituaryPneumonia55July 13, 1911Binford Times4
190Thoreson, Ed Mother ofDeath NoticeMarch 23, 1911Binford Times5
191Van Voorhis, J FObituaryPsoriasis amaemia45June 15, 1911Binford Times1
192Watne, BerthaObituaryPneumonia11April 27, 1911Binford Times5
193Watne, BerthaFuneral ReportPneumonia11May 4, 1911Binford Times5
194Watts, HenryDeath NoticeNovember 9, 1911Binford Times5
195Alm, Rudolph Melvin so H OObituaryPneumonia complicationsInfantApril 25, 1912Binford Times5
196Amlie, Mrs PaulObituaryStomach cancer38April 11, 1912Binford Times5
197Anderson, IverObituaryAccidentally shot himself35April 11, 1912Binford Times1
198Anderson, Mrs O L Sister ofDeath NoticeApril 18, 1912Binford Times4
199Arlien, Ida Mathilda do JohnObituaryTuberculosis19May 23, 1912Binford Times5
200Asmus, DanielObituaryHeart disease and chronic pneumonia67October 24, 1912Binford Times1
201Bakken, Mrs Ole Father ofDeath NoticeMay 30, 1912Binford Times5
202Baumgard, TonyDeath NoticeDrowned in Sheyenne RiverJune 27, 1912Binford Times5
203Burke, EarlObituaryAccidentally shot while hunting13April 11, 1912Binford Times5
204Daley, InfantDeath NoticeSkull fracture in railroad accidentInfantJanuary 4, 1912Binford Times1
205Dronnen, NelsObituaryTuberculosisAugust 22, 1912Binford Times5
206Enstad, JonasObituaryWagon accident32November 28, 1912Binford Times5
207Geer, CharleyDeath NoticeHeart failure35February 29, 1912Binford Times5
208Greenland, Mrs Oscar Grandmother ofDeath Notice85September 26, 1912Binford Times5
209Hagle, 7 yr old so of M AObituaryPleurisy7June 27, 1912Binford Times5
210Hanstad, LewisFuneral ReportOctober 31, 1912Binford Times5
211Keeter, Mrs MarthaDeath NoticeTrain wreckJanuary 4, 1912Binford Times1
212Larson, L P Funeral ReportChildbirth42October 3, 1912Binford Times5
213Larson, L P Father ofPart 1 - Death NoticeHeart failure52September 12, 1912Binford Times5
214Larson, L P Father ofPart 2 - Death NoticeHeart failure52September 12, 1912Binford Times5
215Larson, O PPart 1 - Obituary62November 28, 1912Binford Times1
216Larson, O PPart 2 - Obituary62November 28, 1912Binford Times1
217Lodge, LDeath NoticeTrain wreckJanuary 4, 1912Binford Times1
218Lowe, Ora Nephew ofDeath NoticeApril 25, 1912Binford Times5
219Mahoney, BrakemanDeath NoticeTrain wreckJanuary 4, 1912Binford Times1
220Maurer, Mrs H J Sis in lawDeath NoticeCrushed under beet wagon3September 26, 1912Binford Times5
221McArthur, 3 yr old son of J ADeath NoticeOctober 17, 1912Binford Times1
222McLaughlin, JohnDeath NoticeShot to death in quarrelFebruary 29, 1912Binford Times1
223Mosher, JoeDeath NoticeTrain wreckJanuary 4, 1912Binford Times1
224Myron, Joseph Father ofDeath NoticeTuberculosis and heart trouble56May 30, 1912Binford Times5
225Myron, Joseph Father ofObituaryTuberculosis and heart trouble56June 6, 1912Binford Times4
226Olson, BenneyObituaryConsumptionFebruary 22, 1912Binford Times4
227Olson, Mrs EllefDeath NoticeOctober 3, 1912Binford Times5
228Paulsrud, Helen do HenryDeath NoticeTuberculosis of the brain1January 4, 1912Binford Times5
229Peterson, ChristinaDeath NoticeGas poisoningJanuary 18, 1912Binford Times5
230Peterson, JoeDeath NoticeGas poisoningJanuary 18, 1912Binford Times5
231Peterson, JorgenObituaryHemorrhage of the lungs42February 29, 1912Binford Times1
232Peterson, JorgenFuneral ReportHemorrhage of the lungs42March 7, 1912Binford Times5
233Pratt, GeorgeDeath Notice76January 25, 1912Binford Times5
234Pratt, George WObituary76January 25, 1912Binford Times5
235Pratt, Mrs AnnObituary86January 25, 1912Binford Times1
236Sinclair, DuncanDeath NoticeMay 9, 1912Binford Times5
237Sinclair, Mrs J H Mother ofDeath NoticeNovember 21, 1912Binford Times5
238Skaalen, Knud PObituary66April 25, 1912Binford Times5
239Skofstad, Henry so B JObituaryBright's diseaseDecember 5, 1912Binford Times4
240Vatne, WilhelmDeath NoticeKilled by Chinese mobJanuary 18, 1912Binford Times4
241Bartlett, DavidDeath NoticeHemorrhage of the brainOctober 23, 1913Binford Times2
242Behm, Mrs Fredericke WObituaryOld age93November 27, 1913Binford Times3
243Berg, A HObituary55September 4, 1913Binford Times1
244Betts, Miss Laura J Father ofDeath NoticeApril 10, 1913Binford Times5
245Betts, Miss Laura J Father ofDeath NoticeApril 10, 1913Binford Times5
246Bjelland, Mrs IngeborgObituaryPneumonia after appendix and tumor removalMarch 27, 1913Binford Times5
247Brill, ClarenceObituaryAbscess of the brain16July 10, 1913Binford Times2
248Evert, Harvey Father ofDeath NoticeMarch 13, 1913Binford Times5
249Fadnise, 4 wk old son of AmielObituary4 weeksMay 15, 1913Binford Times4
250Falla, Torger AObituaryHeart failure67October 2, 1913Binford Times5
251Gratias, AlbertObituaryHunting accidentOctober 9, 1913Binford Times1
252Greenland, MorrisObituaryParaysis33October 2, 1913Binford Times2
253Helgeland, L SObituaryRupture of the stomach55December 18, 1913Binford Times1
254Hermandson, Mrs B AObituaryHeart failureJuly 10, 1913Binford Times2
255Kebsgaard, DanielObituaryPneumonia69May 22, 1913Binford Times3
256Knapp, AgnesFuneral ReportConsumption15January 9, 1913Binford Times5
257Knapp, AgnesObituaryConsumptionJanuary 9, 1913Binford Times1
258Mathieson, Josie Sister ofDeath NoticeNovember 27, 1913Binford Times2
259McCulloch, Daughter of JoeDeath NoticeScarlet feverJanuary 2, 1913Binford Times5
260McElroy, Infant of PekinDeath Notice2 hours after childbirth2 HoursNovember 6, 1913Binford Times2
261Minor, CharlesObituaryBrain feverJuly 3, 1913Binford Times2
262Olson, ChrisObituaryLiver complaint42May 1, 1913Binford Times5
263Olson, Ole Brother of KnuteDeath NoticeDecember 18, 1913Binford Times3
264Peterson, Eunice do P EDeath NoticeSummer complaintJuly 31, 1913Binford Times3
265Peterson, Henry Sister ofDeath NoticeNovember 20, 1913Binford Times3
266Rickford, John FObituaryGrippe and pneumonia77February 20, 1913Binford Times5
267Rix, Charles Sister ofDeath NoticeMay 22, 1913Binford Times3
268Schoondyke, E RDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfNovember 20, 1913Binford Times1
269Thorn, Earl so Robert IDeath NoticeBrain feverInfantApril 10, 1913Binford Times5
270Thorn, Earl so Robert IObituaryBrain feverInfantApril 10, 1913Binford Times4
271Truscott, Dr J R Father of Death NoticeHeart failure71April 24, 1913Binford Times5
272Truscott, J BObituaryHeart failure71May 1, 1913Binford Times4
273Anderson, Adolph Oliver so AndrewObituaryTuberculosis of the spine and kidneys21February 12, 1914Binford Times3
274Anderson, CarlDeath NoticeDrowned in Saskatoon RiverAugust 13, 1914Binford Times5
275Bakke, O J Father ofDeath NoticeApril 30, 1914Binford Times3
276Brekken, JosephineOlsonDeath NoticeConsumption21October 1, 1914Binford Times5
277Brodshaug, Ole O Sister ofDeath NoticeJanuary 22, 1914Binford Times3
278Casey, Lyman RObituaryHeart failure77January 29, 1914Binford Times2
279Edland, OleDeath NoticeBurned to death in barn fire25October 1, 1914Binford Times5
280Houghtaling, Brakeman Father ofDeath NoticeMarch 5, 1914Binford Times3
281Langford, S BDeath NoticeHeart failureJanuary 1, 1914Binford Times3
282Larson, Mrs LarsOsmundson, Anna MariaObituary41March 5, 1914Binford Times3
283Ness, Infant of ThorDeath NoticeInfantSeptember 17, 1914Binford Times5
284Peterson, HansDeath NoticeFebruary 12, 1914Binford Times3
285Peterson, J D Brother ofDeath NoticeSeptember 10, 1914Binford Times5
286Quam, Mrs Death NoticeJanuary 22, 1914Binford Times3
287Rickford, Earl William so PaulDeath NoticePneumoniaInfantMarch 26, 1914Binford Times3
288Romsos, L ODeath NoticeOctober 8, 1914Binford Times5
289Rorvig, Matt and Ole Uncle ofDeath NoticeOctober 8, 1914Binford Times5
290Rothert, G L Mother of Death NoticeMarch 5, 1914Binford Times3
291Rothert, Mrs EmelieObituaryMyocarditis63March 12, 1914Binford Times1
292Tjeltweet, BorghildObituaryThin bloodInfantSeptember 24, 1914Binford Times5
293Baker, AsaDeath NoticeBurned to death5December 17, 1914Binford Times1
294Barclay, J D Mother ofDeath NoticeNovember 12, 1914Binford Times4
295Bruns, Walter JObituaryDiabetes23November 5, 1914Binford Times5
296Bruns, Walter JFuneral ReportDiabetes23November 12, 1914Binford Times4
297Feiberger, JosephDeath NoticeOctober 29, 1914Binford Times5
298Hollister, GladysDeath NoticeBurned to death in prairie fireNovember 12, 1914Binford Times1
299Johnston, D S BObituary82November 19, 1914Binford Times5
300Smith, RexieDeath NoticeKilled in prairie fireNovember 12, 1914Binford Times1
301Bendeke, HalfdenObituaryBlood clots in artery leading to lungs46September 30, 1915Binford Times1
302Bjorlie, AndrewDeath Notice30-35June 3, 1915Binford Times4
303Burns, Mrs HowardCarlquist, DorrisObituaryCerebral inflammation31July 1, 1915Binford Times5
304Burseth, CharlesObituaryBright's Disease48February 25, 1915Binford Times1
305Cole, Wilbur TObituaryAppendicitis operationDecember 9, 1915Binford Times1
306Currie, Mrs A N Mother of Pladson, MrsDeath NoticeMay 13, 1915Binford Times1
307Curry, Theodore KObituaryCancer of the stomach39June 3, 1915Binford Times4
308Davis, FrankDeath NoticeKilled after holding up 7 men in pool hallOctober 14, 1915Binford Times1
309Davis, Mrs John SDeath NoticeFebruary 25, 1915Binford Times5
310Forde, Mrs O OObituaryFebruary 11, 1915Binford Times1
311Greenland, Clara JuliaObituaryDropsy38September 30, 1915Binford Times5
312Greenland, Infant of OscarDeath NoticeInfantJanuary 7, 1915Binford Times5
313Grigsby, Mrs M Mother ofDeath NoticeFebruary 25, 1915Binford Times5
314Helland, Elmer so T TDeath NoticeBrain fever15December 2, 1915Binford Times5
315Hemmingson, NelsObituaryParalytic strokes69April 29, 1915Binford Times1
316Isacson, IsaacDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentNovember 4, 1915Binford Times5
317Jasmer, EdithDeath NoticeAppendicitisJune 3, 1915Binford Times5
318Leininger, MarieObituaryDiabetes14May 27, 1915Binford Times4
319Rorvig, PaulObituary67October 28, 1915Binford Times1
320Sinclair, Mrs James HRetzlaff, LauraObituaryParalysis27August 19, 1915Binford Times1
321Stahl, FrankDeath NoticeApril 8, 1915Binford Times1
322Berg, RollefDeath NoticeSpinal injuryJuly 27, 1916Binford Times5
323Berg, RollefObituarySpinal injuryAugust 3, 1916Binford Times1
324Birkus, Mrs HenryDeath NoticeKilled by a passenger trainSeptember 28, 1916Binford Times4
325Brodshaug, MargaretDeath NoticeTyphpid pneumoniaOctober 12, 1916Binford Times5
326Carlander, Thure TugDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentMay 25, 1916Binford Times1
327Carlson, Mrs J ADeath Notice48April 6, 1916Binford Times5
328Carroll, John DObituaryNovember 9, 1916Binford Times4
329Dahl, Torval Father ofDeath NoticeNovember 16, 1916Binford Times5
330Dalton, 7 mo old dau of W JObituaryPneumonia7 monthsOctober 5, 1916Binford Times4
331Erickson, JohnDeath NoticeDrowned in Sheyennne RiverJuly 13, 1916Binford Times5
332Evers, HenryObituary94June 8, 1916Binford Times5
333Flebell, MrsDeath NoticeJuly 27, 1916Binford Times4
334Green, NicDeath NoticeDrowned while attempting to cross riverAugust 10, 1916Binford Times5
335Hadlock, WilliamObituaryHeart failureDecember 21, 1916Binford Times5
336Hagberg, Mrs JohnAnderson, Emma JosephineObituary40June 1, 1916Binford Times5
337Hagen, VelmaDeath NoticeAutomobile accident3August 24, 1916Binford Times5
338Holloway, ClarkObituaryHead injury from fall44August 31, 1916Binford Times1
339Holte, Three children of O ADeath NoticeMeaslesApril 6, 1916Binford Times5
340Johnson, IverDeath NoticeDrowned in Stump LakeAugust 3, 1916Binford Times5
341Lindgren, Mrs GustafDeath NoticeNovember 23, 1916Binford Times5
342Lowe, Mrs CarlDeath NoticeSeptember 28, 1916Binford Times4
343Lundmark, EdDeath NoticeStabbed to deathApril 20, 1916Binford Times5
344Lundmark, EdCourt CaseDeath NoticeStabbed to deathMay 4, 1916Binford Times1
345Maurer, H J Granddaughter ofDeath NoticeFell on nailMay 25, 1916Binford Times5
346Maurer, Mrs Mary EObituaryPneumonia and pleurisy80February 24, 1916Binford Times1
347McCulloch, Mrs Graham Mother ofDeath NoticeJanuary 27, 1916Binford Times5
348Nybo, HermanDeath NoticePoisonous gases in well drilling accidentAugust 17, 1916Binford Times1
349Pritz, Elaine Christina do OttoBirth and DeathObituaryInfantApril 20, 1916Binford Times5
350Retzlaff, Mrs Otto Father ofDeath NoticeOctober 12, 1916Binford Times4
351Selm, Iver IObituaryHeart failure59March 16, 1916Binford Times1
352Stevens, Mrs JuliaDeath NoticeHeart troubleMay 18, 1916Binford Times1
353Swenson, OlafObituaryStroke of paralysis74February 10, 1916Binford Times5
354Trostad, 2nd boy of LouisObituaryWagon accidentNovember 30, 1916Binford Times4
355Trostad, Levi so LouisFuneral ReportDecember 7, 1916Binford Times4
356Tweed, Leonard so LouisDeath NoticeAccidental strangulation4April 20, 1916Binford Times5
357Almklov, Andrew MartinusObituaryPneumonia tuberculosis30September 6, 1917Binford Times1
358Arndt, Mrs Adolf Brother ofDeath NoticeFebruary 1, 1917Binford Times4
359Bakken, Mrs Ole Brother ofDeath NoticeJanuary 11, 1917Binford Times5
360Bendickson, Carl Brother of Mrs Alfred RetzlaffObituaryFractured skull in fall from ship's riggingAugust 23, 1917Binford Times5
361Carpenter, Levi HiramObituary64February 15, 1917Binford Times1
362Carr, Mrs WalterDeath NoticeTonsilitisAugust 2, 1917Binford Times5
363Davis, John S Father of Mrs M GrigsbyObituary86September 20, 1917Binford Times5
364Finstuen, Evelyn do P JObituarymastoid abscess, pneumonia pleurisy7April 26, 1917Binford Times5
365Grove, Mrs CarlObituaryPeritonitis29January 4, 1917Binford Times1
366Hagberg, John ODeath NoticeKilled in WW ISeptember 27, 1917Binford Times5
367Haugen, KnuteDeath NoticeFroze to deathJanuary 25, 1917Binford Times5
368Henning, Mrs Edward and babyDeath NoticeBurned to deathMarch 8, 1917Binford Times1
369Isaacson, OleObituaryParalysis61August 2, 1917Binford Times1
370Lee, Nels ADeath NoticeCancer of the stomach48October 25, 1917Binford Times5
371Lee, Nels AObituaryCancer of the stomach48November 1, 1917Binford Times1
372Moe, Mrs P KDeath NoticeBlood poisoning from nail scratchMarch 15, 1917Binford Times5
373Myron, Joseph Death NoticeJanuary 11, 1917Binford Times5
374Olson, Ludvig so GilbertObituarySpinal meningitis23May 10, 1917Binford Times1
375Osmundson, Mrs MargitObituaryOld age86August 16, 1917Binford Times5
376Overby, Mrs EmmaObituaryPneumonia61February 1, 1917Binford Times5
377Pella, Mrs FelixMeshba, TheresaPart 1 - ObituaryPneumonia62April 19, 1917Binford Times1
378Pella, Mrs FelixMeshba, TheresaPart 2 - ObituaryPneumonia62April 19, 1917Binford Times1
379Phipps, B CObituaryDrowned in Red Willow Lake41May 10, 1917Binford Times1
380Reid, Gordon Andrew so J DObituaryWhooping cough6 monthsOctober 25, 1917Binford Times5
381Retzlaff, Mrs Charles Brother ofDeath NoticeMay 3, 1917Binford Times5
382Sheffield, GDeath NoticeKilled by night robbersSeptember 20, 1917Binford Times5
383Tetzlaff, ArnoldDeath NoticeFebruary 1, 1917Binford Times4
384Thoen, HermanDeath NoticePneumoniaNovember 1, 1917Binford Times5
385Torreson, EmmaObituaryBlood poisoning from stepping on nail7February 1, 1917Binford Times5
386Vadnie, HarryObituaryDrowned in Red Willow LakeMay 10, 1917Binford Times1
387Westerhousen, Mrs MikeDeath NoticeCoal stove explosionFebruary 8, 1917Binford Times5
388Virgo, Infant of Dr. G LObituaryFebruary 9, 1883Cooperstown Courier1
389Covell, H MObituaryJuly 27, 1883Cooperstown Courier1
390Prindle, Rev. EObituaryJuly 27, 1883Cooperstown Courier1
391Lenham, William SObituaryNovember 2, 1883Cooperstown Courier1
392Whidden, John BlairObituaryNovember 2, 1883Cooperstown Courier1
393Baldwin, James H1st part - ObituaryKidney trouble and Bright's Disease87May 22, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
394Baldwin, James H2nd part - ObituaryKidney trouble and Bright's Disease87May 22, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
395Odegard, Thore JObituaryGeneral Breakdown81May 22, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
396Fouts, Female infant of DObituary2 daysMay 29, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
397Simenson, MathiasObituaryMay 22, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
398Miklethem, AndrewDeath NoticeShot in heartJune 12, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
399Groven, Annie wife of E HObituaryPneumonia44July 31, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
400Berg, HalvorObituaryHeart Failure40July 31, 1902Cooperstown Courier4
401Dusbabek, JosephDeath NoticeShot in Abdomen20July 5, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
402Newell, JimmyObituaryTyphoid Pneumonia13July 17, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
403Quamme, ConowObituaryPeronitis12July 10, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
404Canham, Mrs. JamesDeath NoticeAppendicitisJuly 17, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
405Campbell, Jessie AdelaidePetersonObituaryChloroform for Appendicitis Operation27August 21, 1902Cooperstown Courier4
406Crane, Alice MaynardFuneral ReportHead Crushed by Bull Wheel13August 21, 1902Cooperstown Courier4
407Crane, Alice MaynardObituaryHead Crushed by Bull Wheel13August 14, 1902Cooperstown Courier4
408Winger, ErmonDeath Notice8August 21, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
409Winger, AllaDeath NoticeScarlet Fever7August 21, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
410Gunderson, Female child of GeorgeDeath NoticePneumoniaInfantAugust 21, 1902Cooperstown Courier8
411Koyl, Frank Son of G CObituaryTonsillitis and Diptheria7September 18, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
412Groven, 1st child of hDeath NoticeSeptember 3, 1902Cooperstown Courier4
413Van Voorhis, J HObituaryInflammation of bowels/pneumonia81November 13, 1902Cooperstown Courier1
414Olsby, H GDeath Notice76November 20, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
415Greenland, Male child of OscarDeath NoticeSpinal Meningitis2November 13, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
416Maurer, MinnieObituaryPneumoniaNovember 13, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
417Wade, InfantDeath NoticeLung trouble3 monthsDecember 18, 1902Cooperstown Courier5
418Summerville, Male child of L MObituaryPneumonia/Appendicitis6January 1, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
419Holt, Female infant of M EObituaryPneumonia10 weeksJanuary 22, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
420Hart, Male infant of CharleyDeath NoticeBorn DeadJanuary 1, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
421Hamilton, J V Pa of Mrs. W D MarshDeath Notice87February 5, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
422Norgaard, Samuel KObituaryGeneral Breakdown78February 26, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
423Johnson, Mrs. Ingry Ma of Mrs. S W BlackObituaryBronchitis and general breaking down78March 26, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
424McInnes, AlexanderObituaryFall78March 12, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
425Johnson, John EObituaryPleuro-Pneumonia48March 26, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
426Rukke, Nels CObituaryBright's Disease62April 23, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
427Bidwell, Edward MDeath NoticeHead CrushedApril 16, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
428Russell, MariettaSumnerObituaryCancer of the right breast caused by fall79May 28, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
429Stengele, Male infant of JosephObituaryPneumonia11 daysJune 11, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
430Lovisondahl, OlofDeath NoticeShot in foreheadJune 18, 1903Cooperstown Courier4
431Soma, Mrs. JorgenObituarySeptic feverJune 18, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
432Skramstad, IngvalObituaryConsumptionAugust 27, 1903Cooperstown Courier4
433Rose, RoderickObituaryHeart Trouble65September 17, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
434Brekke, Mrs. Ma of Knud ThompsonDeath Notice87October 8, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
435Anderson, Mrs. AntonObituaryUnknown36October 22, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
436Blocker, JuliaObituarySepticemia19October 15, 1903Cooperstown Courier4
437Blocker, JuliaDeath NoticeSepticemia19October 8, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
438Dare, LeonardInvestigationShot Between the EyesOctober 22, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
439Dare, LeonardDeath NoticeShot Between the EyesOctober 15, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
440Hart, Mary NihillObituaryBright's DiseaseOctober 22, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
441Lien, Hans OObituaryRunaway, broken neck, crushed head49November 19, 1903Cooperstown Courier1
442Fosholdt, Mrs. Ole TDeath NoticeConvulsionsNovember 19, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
443Jones, Father of T RDeath NoticeNovember 19, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
444Hutchins, W H Ma of Mrs. J N BrownDeath NoticeGrippeDecember 17, 1903Cooperstown Courier5
445Olson, OleDeath NoticeConsumptionFebruary 18, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
446Johnson, HalvorObituaryBroken Leg/Pneumonia30March 10, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
447Erickson, 17 yr old son of DanielDeath NoticeAppendicitis17March 3, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
448Houghton, Female Infant Twin Dau of WesternObituarySmallpox3 monthsMarch 12, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
449Reynolds, LauraDeath NoticeHeart TroubleMarch 3, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
450Koch, FredrickaArndtObituaryOld Age77April 21, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
451Upton, Benjamin AObituaryTuberculosis49April 7, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
452Hamre, Mrs. AndrewObituaryConsumption24April 14, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
453Johnson, Elling1st part - ObituaryOld Age75May 25, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
454Johnson, Elling2nd part - ObituaryOld Age75May 25, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
455Howden, SarahRutledgeObituaryCatarrh of the Stomach45May 26, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
456Richardson, Infant of WalterObituary1 WeekMay 19, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
457Watne, Andrew LObituaryStrokeMay 5, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
458Ziner, O PDeath NoticeMurder/Shot and KilledMay 19, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
459Ziner, Ole PDeath NoticeMurder/Shot and KilledMay 26, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
460Curry, Alex Sr.Obituary94June 9, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
461Davis, W H Father of Mrs. BlackwellDeath Notice73June 23, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
462Ward, DavidObituaryBronchitis59June 2, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
463Andrus, Grace PaulineObituary11June 23, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
464Haaland, son of EdwardDeath NoticeRun Over by Branch EngineChildJune 9, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
465Borgerson, HalvorObituaryJune 2, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
466Quamme, Rev. O KDeath NoticeKicked in Head by a Horse51July 7, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
467Hartman, Female child of GeorgeObituaryTyphoid Fever9July 14, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
468Olson, Child of TheodoreDeath NoticeChildJuly 21, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
469Houghton, KennethObituaryAte too much Peanuts and Candy1 Year 8 MonthsJuly 14, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
470Quamme, Rev. Ole KnutsenObituaryJuly 14, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
471Graham, RobertObituaryPneumonia18August 11, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
472Larson, JennieDeath NoticeAppendicitisAugust 24, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
473Gimblett, 15 yr old son of JamesDeath NoticeRunaway/Hit Head on Gang Plow15September 29, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
474Mystery body in Broadview TwpDeath NoticeSeptember 22, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
475Johnson, John JObituaryCancer71October 13, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
476Moffatt, AlexObituaryHeart Trouble64October 6, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
477Sinclair, RuthObituaryDiptheria12October 6, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
478Knapp, MartinObituaryDrownedOctober 27, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
479Zech, WilliamDeath NoticeMurder/Shot and KilledOctober 6, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
480Carleton, Eliza DavisObituary46November 24, 1904Cooperstown Courier1
481Homme, IsabelleNordgardenObituaryTuberculosis45November 24, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
482Goffe, Mother of CharleyDeath NoticeNovember 24, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
483O'Meara, JohnObituaryDrowningNovember 24, 1904Cooperstown Courier4
484Stai, BerthaObituaryconsumption21December 8, 1904Cooperstown Courier5
485Cain, JohnObituaryDiabetes44January 12, 1905Cooperstown Courier4
486Baldwin, James W Brother of A MDeath NoticeRun Over by Freight TrainJanuary 26, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
487Curtis, NinaObituaryLa Grippe/PneumoniaJanuary 25, 1905Cooperstown Courier4
488Sundberg, LarsObituaryThrown from WagonJanuary 12, 1905Cooperstown Courier4
489Skagen, S KFuneral ReportCancer53February 23, 1905Cooperstown Courier8
490Skagen, S KObituaryCancer53February 16, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
491Skeoch, Jennie KObituary19February 23, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
492Johnson, CasperaObituaryPneumonia8February 16, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
493Christofferson, ClaraObituaryConsumptionFebruary 2, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
494Cooper, Thomas JObituaryHorse threw him and then fell on himFebruary 2, 1905Cooperstown Courier1
495Buesing, Mrs. LouisDeath Notice72April 13, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
496Melgard, VictorObituaryAccidentally shotabout 14April 27, 1905Cooperstown Courier4
497Ayrea, BerniceObituaryWhooping Cough/Pneumonia5April 13, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
498McCulloch, Joseph AlbertObituaryLaryngitis3April 20, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
499Arndt, Frank 1 son born, 1 diesDeath Notice2May 4, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
500Atchison, Mrs. JohnObituaryStroke50June 1, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
501Martin, Son of LenDeath NoticeBroken Neck10June 1, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
502Adams, RozinaObituary64July 27, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
503Knapp, MartinDeath NoticeDrownedJuly 27, 1905Cooperstown Courier1
504Knapp, MartinDeath NoticeDrownedJuly 20, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
505Steinborn, AugustObituaryApoplexy58August 24, 1905Cooperstown Courier1
506Johnson, OscarObituaryKicked by horse18August 31, 1905Cooperstown Courier1
507Albrant, W CObituaryPneumoniaAugust 10, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
508Climie, B KDeath NoticeAccidental ShootingAugust 31, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
509Dickenson, Male Death NoticeDrowningAugust 3, 1905Cooperstown Courier8
510Jacobson, FemaleDeath NoticeDrowningAugust 3, 1905Cooperstown Courier8
511Quamme, Mrs. O KDeath NoticeAugust 31, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
512Quamme, Mrs. O KObituaryAugust 31, 1905Cooperstown Courier4
513Sinclair, DanielObituaryAnemi68September 21, 1905Cooperstown Courier1
514Climie, Ben KObituaryAccidental ShootingSeptember 7, 1905Cooperstown Courier1
515Galehouse, PostmasterDeath NoticeTuberculosisSeptember 7, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
516Johnson, MartinDeath NoticeApoplexy or Heart Disease65October 26, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
517Blocker, EdObituaryTyphoid FeverNovember 23, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
518Alm, 6 yr old son of HDeath NoticeBurned to death in Explosion6December 21, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
519Enger, InezDeath NoticePneumoniaDecember 14, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
520Reames, EstherDeath NoticeDecember 14, 1905Cooperstown Courier5
521Opheim, Mrs. Omund NelsonObituary81January 4, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
522Opheim, Mrs. Omund NelsonObituaryOld ageabout 80January 4, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
523Hadlock, Eliza AnnObituary73January 18, 1906Cooperstown Courier8
524Larson, BirzitObituary63January 25, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
525Ashland, RuthDeath NoticeHeart Trouble/Pneumonia12February 1, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
526Varnson, Mrs. O MObituaryMarch 1, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
527Markuson, Mrs. N KObituaryPleurisy29April 5, 1906Cooperstown Courier1
528Rood, Ragnel OlisaObituaryTuberculosis25April 5, 1906Cooperstown Courier1
529Hallberg, Miss Death NoticeAppendicitisApril 12, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
530Stewart, AngusDeath NoticeApril 26, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
531Fellows, PhyllisDeath NoticeDropped dead of heart failureLittle GirlMay 17, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
532Wiklund, HedwigObituaryMay 24, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
533Greenland, MinnieObituaryConsumption27June 21, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
534Rudquist, Mrs.ObituaryDrowning SuicideJuly 19, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
535Loge, SvenObituaryParalysis of the Bowels55August 23, 1906Cooperstown Courier4
536Rood, Nels MObituaryHemorrhage of the lungs18August 23, 1906Cooperstown Courier4
537Bjornson, JohnDeath NoticeShot in Heart (Probably Murder)August 9, 1906Cooperstown Courier4
538Lang, Dau of Leo L LangDeath NoticeAugust 23, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
539Corbett, EddieDeath Noticestabbed in heart22September 20, 1906Cooperstown Courier1
540Williams, JohnObituarySeptember 6, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
541Koloen, EdDeath NoticeSuicide (strychnine and laudanum)42October 4, 1906Cooperstown Courier1
542Andrus, ByronDeath NoticeAccidentOctober 25, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
543Vatne, Mrs. RackelObituaryOctober 4, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
544Aga, PeterObituaryDecember 20, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
545Olson, LewisDeath NoticeConsumptionDecember 27, 1906Cooperstown Courier5
546Benson, JohannaDeath NoticeOld Age76January 17, 1907Cooperstown Courier3
547Haaland, Mrs. EdwardObituary57January 17, 1907Cooperstown Courier3
548Johnson, Son of ErnestDeath NoticeDiptheria7January 30, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
549Saunders, Mrs. GeorgeObituary78February 28, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
550Nelson, J MObituaryPneumonia after being snow boundFebruary 21, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
551Thune, Mrs. JohnDeath NoticeFebruary 21, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
552Halvorson, HalvorDeath NoticeOld Age79March 14, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
553Knapp, HubbardObituaryBright's Disease70March 21, 1907Cooperstown Courier1
554Stai, BertinaDeath NoticeMarch 14, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
555Marson, Mrs. DavidDeath NoticeMay 16, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
556Retzlaff, Mrs. Otto Dau of Wm SteffinDeath NoticeMay 30, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
557Williams, Infant of JohnDeath NoticeMay 23, 1907Cooperstown Courier4
558McDonald, Anna MarthaRickfordObituaryHeart Trouble and Dropsy30June 27, 1907Cooperstown Courier1
559Kaarboe, GustavDeath NoticeConsumptionAugust 1, 1907Cooperstown Courier4
560Tang, C HObituarySeptember 26, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
561Goodman, GeorgeDeath NoticeCaught in Belt48October 10, 1907Cooperstown Courier1
562Halvorson, OleObituaryOctober 27, 1907Cooperstown Courier4
563Houghton, Effie OliveLangleyObituaryStomach Cancer46November 7, 1907Cooperstown Courier1
564Peterson, Hans GDeath Noticeasthenia50December 19, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
565Beck, CarlObituaryPneumonia21December 12, 1907Cooperstown Courier1
566Jacobs, 7 yr old son of LewisObituaryAppendicitis7December 26, 1907Cooperstown Courier5
567McCulloch, Sarah AnnSansburn1st part - ObituaryAppendicitis60January 23, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
568McCulloch, Sarah AnnSansburn2nd part - ObituaryAppendicitis60January 23, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
569Bull, BerthaObituarycancerJanuary 30, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
570Hallock, Mrs. Charles Ma of Mrs. John SyversonDeath NoticeJanuary 30, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
571Pike, Mary PageObituaryJanuary 16, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
572Svare, Mrs. HansObituaryJanuary 16, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
573Engen, Mrs. John HObituaryPneumonia/Bronchitis75February 13, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
574Lunde, IdaObituaryTuberculosis of the Intestines22February 6, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
575Edwards, Major A WDeath NoticeFebruary 13, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
576Sisson, Father of RuthDeath NoticeFebruary 6, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
577Watne, OleObituaryFebruary 13, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
578Vande Bogart, ByronObituaryMarch 12, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
579Hogden, Brother of LewisDeath NoticeAccidental deathMarch 26, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
580Bergstrom, Dr. Nils AObituaryPneumonia48April 23, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
581Hare, 3 yr old son of TomObituaryDiphtheria3April 23, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
582Gunderson, CharlieDeath NoticeHit by trainApril 16, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
583Jones, Mrs. S RObituarygoitreApril 23, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
584Crook, Infant of HarryObituary9 weeksMay 21, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
585Brekke, Louis OObituarySuicideMay 7, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
586Hagberg, JohnObituarySuicide (shot himself in head)May 28, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
587Kline, Mrs. S RDeath NoticeBuggy accidentMay 14, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
588Loreaux, Mrs. D HObituaryTyphoid FeverMay 21, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
589Unknown ManDeath NoticeDrownedMay 7, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
590Woodwick, Mrs. G L and childDeath NoticeBurnt to deathMay 14, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
591Ford, Orville CObituary63June 18, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
592Snyder, J MObituaryDropsy62June 11, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
593Hogenson, ClaraObituaryTyphoid Fever26June 18, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
594Birkus, HenryObituaryRunaway team of horses10June 18, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
595Brown, GeorgeDeath NoticeCaught in feed mill beltJune 18, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
596Ford, O CDeath NoticeJune 4, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
597Heard, Mrs. Robert Rukke, NellieObituaryHeart failureJune 18, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
598Nicoll, John Sr. Obituary85July 2, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
599Park, Andrew Sr.Obituary81July 30, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
600McDermott, J HFuneral ReportDiabetes52July 16, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
601McDermott, J HObituaryDiabetes52July 9, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
602Hegna, ChristianObituaryconsumption21July 2, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
603Ormson, HalvorDeath NoticeFlying timber in windstorm80September 3, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
604Rothert, CharlesObituaryAsthma/Emphysema66September 10, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
605Johnson, Mathilda Obituary56September 10, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
606Arndt, MildredObituaryGastroentritis8 monthsSeptember 3, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
607Trubshaw, J JObituaryStroke of paralysisover 70October 15, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
608Gladstone, George KyleObituaryHeart trouble64October 1, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
609Johnson, PalmerObituaryTuberculosisOctober 15, 1908Cooperstown Courier1
610Johnson, Palmer son of J EFuneral ReportTuberculosisOctober 22, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
611Johnson, Joseph LoraineObituaryInflammation of the bowels3November 12, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
612Conant, Infant of BenDeath NoticeInfantNovember 12, 1908Cooperstown Courier4
613Nesse, CarolineDeath NoticeDecember 24, 1908Cooperstown Courier5
614Barnard, Nellie EObituaryTumor of the liver64January 21, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
615Platou, TrygvarObituaryDiphtheria14January 21, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
616Hinds, JamesObituarySuicide (shot himself in head)January 7, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
617Jones, Thomas RObituaryPneumonia and yellow jaundiceJanuary 21, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
618Bruns, J W Mrs.ObituaryHeart Failure50February 25, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
619Overby, Infant of AndrewObituaryAppendicitis3February 11, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
620Person, JensObituaryParalysis/pneumonia59March 25, 1909Cooperstown Courier8
621Alfstad, K AObituaryMarch 18, 1909Cooperstown Courier4
622Brown, Mrs. HarryObituaryDrank strychnineMarch 4, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
623Lenham, Mrs. L SObituaryGrippe80April 15, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
624Kvammen, TorjusObituary79April 8, 1909Cooperstown Courier4
625Opfer, Henry FObituaryHeart failure55April 29, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
626Dahl, RichardObituaryconsumption25April 29, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
627Bjornson, IngridObituaryPneumoniaApril 1, 1909Cooperstown Courier4
628Eliason, Mother of Mrs. HDeath NoticeApril 22, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
629Olson Flagestad, TobiasObituaryApril 8, 1909Cooperstown Courier4
630Burseth, Tilla LarsenObituaryBright's Disease30May 13, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
631Erickson, Florence WinifredRoodyObituaryPneumonia29May 27, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
632Marquardt, Mrs. OttoSaundersObituaryconsumption20May 27, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
633Kerr, Dr. ThomasObituaryMay 27, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
634Stork, George NObituaryMay 13, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
635Glaspell, WoodmanObituary78June 10, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
636Ford, Frances EObituaryBright's Disease64June 17, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
637Jeoffords, WrileyObituary18June 3, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
638Overby, 3 yr old son of AndrewObituaryInfantJune 24, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
639Kaeding, Mrs. J LObituaryJune 10, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
640Thyle, EvenObituaryCancer of the stomach75July 22, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
641Hoggarth, GracieObituaryLightning12August 12, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
642Arneson, BeatriceObituaryMalignant scarlet fever4September 9, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
643Arneson, RobertObituaryToxeamea1September 9, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
644Gronberg, JohnObituaryLightningSeptember 16, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
645Phelps, ClarenceObituaryLightningSeptember 16, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
646Stone, EmmaHaskellObituarySeptember 9, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
647Kampen, Wife of Supt I A KampenDeath NoticeOctober 7, 1909Cooperstown Courier4
648Erickson, A GObituary60November 18, 1909Cooperstown Courier1
649Fredrickson, 2 yr old dau of JohnObituaryMeasles and then pneumonia1November 25, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
650Bolkan, WillieObituaryconsumptionNovember 18, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
651Logan, BlacksmithObituaryPneumoniaNovember 25, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
652Bateman, Mrs. MaryObituary75December 9, 1909Cooperstown Courier4
653Fredrickson, 6 yr old son of JohnObituary6December 16, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
654Fredrickson, 11 mo old dau of JohnObituaryPneumonia11 moDecember 2, 1909Cooperstown Courier5
655Peterson, AustinDeath NoticeTyphoid FeverFebruary 17, 1910Cooperstown Courier1
656Peterson, AustinObituaryTyphoid FeverFebruary 17, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
657Houghton, Mrs. J W Obituary81April 7, 1910Cooperstown Courier4
658Long, HaroldObituaryAccidental shooting18April 28, 1910Cooperstown Courier1
659Trundy, Laura E Ma of Mrs. David BartlettDeath NoticeApril 14, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
660Saltre, Ole O BergObituaryAcute tuberculosis and pneumonia19May 12, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
661Trosdad, JosephineObituaryFalling wood from woodpile4May 5, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
662Cowen, LinaLedouxFuneral ReportCirrhosis and malignant cancer of the liverMay 12, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
663Cowen, LinaLedouxObituaryCirrhosis and malignant cancer of the liverMay 5, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
664Hyde, Frank Jr.ObituaryDrownedMay 5, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
665Wuflestad, PetraObituaryTuberculosis26June 9, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
666Jones, 8 yr old son of R LObituaryMeasles and othe complications8June 2, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
667Lunde, RollinObituarySpinal meingitisJune 16, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
668Piatt, Charles CarrollObituaryJune 16, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
669Blow, Mrs. HarryDeath NoticeJuly 27, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
670Huntley, Mrs.ObituaryJuly 28, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
671Koenig, KatherineObituaryOld age96August 18, 1910Cooperstown Courier1
672Blystad, E JObituaryHeart failure60 to 70August 18, 1910Cooperstown Courier4
673Chamberlain, Herbert GObituary48August 18, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
674Fosholdt, TorvalObituaryStomach complaint35August 18, 1910Cooperstown Courier1
675Feske, 6 mo old son of OttoObituaryCholera infantum6 monthsAugust 18, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
676Brosten, RichardObituaryAppendicitisAugust 4, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
677Woods, A LDeath NoticeAugust 25, 1910Cooperstown Courier4
678Peterson, Peter MarionObituaryAcute aculteritive tubeitis2September 22, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
679Maurer, Joseph JesseObituarySpinal meningitis5 monthsSeptember 1, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
680Njaa, Thea J wife of TorkilObituaryParalysis42October 20, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
681Rickford, 3 yr old dau of AlbertObituaryTuberculosis3October 6, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
682Schoelpkof, Child of P CObituaryComplication of child's troubles3October 13, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
683Moffatt, William BObituaryTelescoping of the bowelsOctober 6, 1910Cooperstown Courier1
684De Rudio, Charles CObituary78November 10, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
685Statsvick, B ObituaryPneumonia47November 17, 1910Cooperstown Courier1
686Statsvick, BenObituaryPneumonia47November 24, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
687Trost, HermanFuneral Report47November 24, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
688Trost, HermanObituary47November 17, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
689Baker, Infant of FrankObituaryinfantNovember 10, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
690Stermer, CharlesObituaryNovember 3, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
691Mulroy, Mrs. J HDeath NoticeDecember 8, 1910Cooperstown Courier7
692Monson, ElmaObituaryParalysis13December 22, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
693More, Russell ADeath NoticeBuilding collapsedDecember 22, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
694Tuskind, CarlDeath NoticeCollapsing grain buildingDecember 22, 1910Cooperstown Courier5
695Monson, EvenObituary83January 26, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
696Standal, Child of MatObituaryPneumoniainfantJanuary 12, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
697Leninger, JohnObituaryHeart failureJanuary 19, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
698Thoreson, Mrs. AlbertObituaryLampsia or convulsionsJanuary 12, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
699Zimmerman, Mrs. MDeath NoticeJanuary 26, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
700McDaniel, D DObituary56February 23, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
701Ole, Agnes JanettObituaryInlammatory rheumatism and heart trouble14February 23, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
702Johnson, Child of AlfredObituaryBrain Fever1February 9, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
703McKenzie, KennethDeath NoticeMurderedFebruary 9, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
704Zimmerman, Mrs. MBrownObituaryFebruary 2, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
705Wells, Walter FObituaryAppendicitis33March 13, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
706Lewis, Arta MayObituaryHit by train6March 13, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
707Bolkan, Mrs. AnnaObituaryGrippe and old ageMarch 30, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
708Martin, Leonard son in law of Mrs. GlaspellDeath NoticeAppendicitisMarch 16, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
709Berg, SigurdObituary91April 27, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
710Berg, HalvorObituaryHeart Failure40April 6, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
711Johnston, AlmaBorgersonObituary22April 20, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
712Bolkan, Mrs. AnnaObituaryGrippe and old ageApril 6, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
713Simenson, Mrs. EmilObituaryTuberculosis and appendicitisApril 20, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
714Hamre, Mrs. LouisaObituary78May 18, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
715Ebentire, Mrs. JosephObituaryPernicious anaemia52May 18, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
716Anderson, Alfred OrladoObituaryDiabetes29May 4, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
717Cooper, Florence MyrtleObituaryNervous Disorder27May 4, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
718Fosberg, Beda MariaObituary14May 4, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
719Watne, BerthaObituaryPneumonia11May 4, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
720Rosdahl, H KObituaryAccidentally drank poisonMay 11, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
721Freer, Ella CObituaryInflammation of the kidneys and stomach54June 29, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
722Flynn, ManleyObituaryHeart troubleJune 15, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
723Van Voorhis, J FObituaryBlood turned into waterJune 15, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
724Knapp, Mamie JRemingtonObituaryParalysisJuly 6, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
725Steffen, WilliamObituaryAccidentally drank formaldehydeJuly 13, 1911Cooperstown Courier8
726Whidden, Mrs. C TObituaryJuly 27, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
727Climie, Mrs. JaneObituary83August 10, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
728Arndt, Carl WilliamObituaryHeart failure74August 17, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
729Leoleoh, MikeObituaryHead crushed when ran over by train.20August 17, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
730Johnson, EndreObituaryEpilepsy28September 7, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
731Knudson, LeRoyObituaryInfantile paralysischildSeptember 21, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
732Marsh, William DObituaryCirrhosis of the liver60October 12, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
733Freise, Albert HObituaryAccidental Shooting17October 12, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
734Abbott, Laura MaeObituary9October 19, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
735Lewis, Infant dau of HenryObituary2 weeksOctober 26, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
736Phipps, W HObituaryOctober 12, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
737Wagley, RasmusObituaryAppendicitis and perforation of the bowelOctober 5, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
738Nelson, N EObituary54November 16, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
739Hare, Thomas FranklinObituaryHeart failure50November 2, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
740Hanson, Father of GustavDeath NoticeNovember 9, 1911Cooperstown Courier4
741Parsons, Mrs. WilsonDeath NoticeNovember 16, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
742Soma, Mrs. IngborgObituaryNovember 9, 1911Cooperstown Courier5
743Haugland, Mrs. I CPetersonObituaryBlood poisoning25December 14, 1911Cooperstown Courier1
744Allen, NellieMielkeObituaryInternal HemorrhagingDecember 7, 1911Cooperstown Courier3
745Watne, WilhelmObituaryMurdered by mob in ChinaDecember 7, 1911Cooperstown Courier3
746Seymour, Mary FObituaryOld age92January 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
747Luckason, Mrs.ObituaryOld age90January 4, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
748Kingsley, Mrs. HarrietFuneral Report76January 25, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
749Kingsley, Mrs. HarrietObituary76January 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier1
750Wattles, StellaObituaryPneumonia and blood poisoning20January 11, 1912Cooperstown Courier1
751Pratt, George WObituaryLagrippe and kidney trouble76February 1, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
752Westley, Infant of HansObituaryInfantile paralysisinfantMarch 28, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
753Ladbury, Mrs. LlewelynObituary87April 11, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
754Amlie, Mrs. PaulObituaryStomach Cancer38April 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
755Anderson, Alvena KristinaObituaryHeart trouble25April 11, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
756Rearick, RuthDeath NoticePneumonia8April 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier4
757Rearick, RuthObituaryPneumonia8April 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
758Berry, Mrs. WilliamObituaryBright's Disease and paralysisApril 4, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
759Peterson, Mrs. AlbertFlukeObituaryconsumptionApril 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier4
760Thompson, FlorenceShueObituaryDiphtheriaApril 4, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
761Watne, W TDeath NoticeMurdered by mob in ChinaApril 18, 1912Cooperstown Courier4
762Hougen, KnutObituary90May 23, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
763Josephson, RobertObituaryComplication of diseases25May 2, 1912Cooperstown Courier4
764Herigstad, TheodoreObituaryTyphoid Fever16May 23, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
765Collette, Infant of E JDeath NoticePneumoniainfantMay 16, 1912Cooperstown Courier1
766Sinclair, DuncanDeath NoticeMay 16, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
767Stokka, Ole JObituaryLiver trouble63June 27, 1912Cooperstown Courier1
768Baumgart, TonyObituaryDrowned21June 27, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
769Rukke, Elma ObituaryMorphine overdose or heart failure27July 25, 1912Cooperstown Courier4
770Rukke, Elma Death NoticeMorphine overdose or heart failure27July 11, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
771Rukke, Elma ObituaryMorphine overdose or heart failure27August 8, 1912Cooperstown Courier4
772Cassell, JohnObituaryBurned to death17August 1, 1912Cooperstown Courier1
773Paintner, AnnieSteinbornObituarySeptic feverAugust 8, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
774Nierenberg, Frederick HenryObituaryAppendicitis20September 5, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
775Hanstad, LouisDeath NoticeHeart failureOctober 31, 1912Cooperstown Courier7
776Seignor, GeorgeDeath NoticeHeart Failure55November 21, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
777Siegner, GeorgeObituaryHeart Failure55November 28, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
778Dobbedal, I IObituaryHeart failureNovember 7, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
779Retzlaff, Mary KObituaryNovember 21, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
780Retzlaff, Mrs. HenryDeath NoticeNovember 21, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
781Tang, Mrs. JohnObituaryNovember 7, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
782Bolkan, Mrs. FreemanObituaryGrippe and old ageDecember 12, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
783Skofstad, HenryObituaryBright's diseaseDecember 5, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
784Stokka, Hans AObituaryTuberculosisDecember 19, 1912Cooperstown Courier5
785Ayrea, JohnObituaryHeart failure85January 9, 1913Cooperstown Courier1
786Knapp, AgnesObituaryconsumption16January 9, 1913Cooperstown Courier5
787Ott, Mrs. FrankObituary3January 2, 1913Cooperstown Courier5
788Rickford, John F ObituaryGrippe and pneumonia76February 27, 1913Cooperstown Courier1
789Kalvik, KnutObituaryHeart failure63February 13, 1913Cooperstown Courier8
790Wold, Infant of IngwaldDeath NoticeInfantFebruary 20, 1913Cooperstown Courier1
791Fjelstad, Mrs. Martin Jr. ObituaryDied after operation for tumor.February 27, 1913Cooperstown Courier5
792Gibbon, Mr. Death NoticeBright's DiseaseFebruary 20, 1913Cooperstown Courier1
793Lima, Mrs. PeterObituaryPleuro meningitisFebruary 6, 1913Cooperstown Courier5
794Lucht, Mrs. Mother of HermanObituaryAppendicitis70March 6, 1913Cooperstown Courier5
795Archer, W WObituaryStrangulated hernia60March 6, 1913Cooperstown Courier5
796Swanson, 3 mo old child of FredDeath NoticeWhooping cough3 monthsJuly 18, 1902Courtenay Gazette8
797Ahearn, Mrs. P EObituaryUraemic poisoning46January 2, 1903Courtenay Gazette1
798Wescom, Julia dau of EdObituaryDiphtheria4June 19, 1903Courtenay Gazette6
799Walker, John HDeath NoticeJune 19, 1903Courtenay Gazette6
800Stritzel, MikeObituaryRunaway team of horses60November 13, 1903Courtenay Gazette1
801Fosholdt, Mrs. O THaggberg, Emma AugustaObituary29November 13, 1903Courtenay Gazette1
802O'Lien, HansCorrectionBuggy accidentNovember 27, 1903Courtenay Gazette6
803O'Lien, HansObituaryBuggy accidentNovember 20, 1903Courtenay Gazette1
804Fredrickson, Mrs. TenaObituaryconsumption29December 11, 1903Courtenay Gazette3
805Watson, MotObituaryTyphoid fever24December 11, 1903Courtenay Gazette3
806Nelson, 13 mo old dau of HansObituary13 moDecember 18, 1903Courtenay Gazette3
807Henderson, MissDeath NoticeCommitted suicide by drinking strychnineDecember 25, 1903Courtenay Gazette1
808Morris, DavidDeath NoticeSuicide by drinking strychnineDecember 25, 1903Courtenay Gazette1
809Posey, Stella dau of DavidObituaryThroat troubleDecember 25, 1903Courtenay Gazette8
810Hoggarth, JohnObituaryHeart disease45January 1, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
811McGuire, Child of ThomasBirth/DeathInfantJanuary 29, 1904Courtenay Gazette10
812Fletcher, Mrs. William Death NoticeDropsyJanuary 15, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
813Hinsperger, AndrewObituaryBurnt to death in train accidentJanuary 15, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
814Colby, Mrs. AdeliaObituary73February 5, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
815Magnuson, CharlesObituaryHeart failure or suicide31February 19, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
816Bemis, Child of W WDeath NoticeInfantFebruary 19, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
817Boyle, Mrs. ThomasDeath NoticeDiabetesFebruary 19, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
818McGuire, Mrs. ThomasNeidecker, AnnaObituaryErysipelsFebruary 5, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
819Ling, MikeDeath NoticePneumoniaMarch 18, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
820Salmon, Mrs. SamuelBunnel, ElizabethObituary78April 8, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
821Wojick, Mrs. GertrudeObituaryLiver trouble57April 15, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
822Baldwin, Rev. WinfredObituaryStomach trouble53April 29, 1904Courtenay Gazette2
823Ingraham, Mrs. G WObituary50April 1, 1904Courtenay Gazette2
824Ochsner, JohnObituaryDiabetesApril 29, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
825Vahl, A N Death NoticeDeath NoticeSuicide with pistolApril 8, 1904Courtenay Gazette2
826Smith, Lambert Sr.Obituary89May 13, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
827Potter, Henry MObituaryPneumonia65May 13, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
828Thorp, E WObituaryHeart diseaseabout 52May 27, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
829Loomis, Mrs. FrankDeath NoticeBlood poisoning42May 6, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
830Harrison, Miss EuniceObituaryAppendicitisMay 6, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
831Anderson, J PDeath Notice55June 17, 1904Courtenay Gazette10
832Howden, Mrs. WilliamObituaryJune 3, 1904Courtenay Gazette7
833Peterson, Carl EObituaryDrownedJune 17, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
834Kelly, Mrs. MaryObituaryHeart trouble87July 1, 1904Courtenay Gazette10
835Schweirtz, Mrs JosephineObituaryPleurisy84July 15, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
836Barrett, Thomas CObituarySciatic rheumatism64July 8, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
837Durkee, JennieObituaryAppendicitis19July 15, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
838Haas, Mrs. AntonObituaryCancer of the stomachJuly 22, 1904Courtenay Gazette2
839Haas, Mrs. TonyDeath NoticeJuly 22, 1904Courtenay Gazette10
840Panco, AugustObituaryFell off barnJuly 28, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
841Clough, George EObituary57August 19, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
842Engen, NelsDeath NoticeBridge collapsedAugust 26, 1904Courtenay Gazette2
843Mikkelson, Mrs. ThorstenObituaryBrain disease55September 2, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
844Nashold, Mrs J JObituaryParalytic strokeSeptember 23, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
845Ehlert, HenryDeath Noticethreshing engine blew upOctober 28, 1904Courtenay Gazette7
846Isley, Jacob Mother ofDeath NoticeOctober 7, 1904Courtenay Gazette7
847Knapp, MartinDeath NoticeDrownedOctober 28, 1904Courtenay Gazette7
848Ryan, JackDeath NoticeMurdered William ZeinOctober 7, 1904Courtenay Gazette7
849Zein, WilliamDeath NoticeShot and killedOctober 7, 1904Courtenay Gazette7
850Whitbeck, Miss DoraObituaryHeart trouble48November 11, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
851Anderson, AndrewObituaryDiabetes34November 25, 1904Courtenay Gazette10
852Kramp, MatthiasObituaryKidney diseaseabout 60December 9, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
853Anderson, AndrewObituaryDiabetes34December 2, 1904Courtenay Gazette1
854Pearson, ArthurObituaryTyphoid feverDecember 9, 1904Courtenay Gazette8
855Campbell, CharlesObituary88January 6, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
856Gilbertson, ChristDeath NoticePneumoniaJanuary 20, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
857Mastin, Mrs. Herbert JObituaryTyphoid feverJanuary 13, 1905Courtenay Gazette7
858See, J WObituaryparalysisJanuary 13, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
859Seiler, Mrs. JohnObituaryPneumoniaover 65February 24, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
860Maynard, 4.5 mo old child of L CObituarySpinal meningitis4 monthsFebruary 17, 1905Courtenay Gazette2
861Scoville, Mrs. A NObituaryPneumoniaFebruary 3, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
862Wright, Mrs. George's sisterDeath NoticeFebruary 17, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
863Anderson, OleObituaryStomach Cancer64March 17, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
864Seiler, JohnObituaryTuberculosis56March 3, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
865Michaelson, OleObituaryTuberculosis45March 24, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
866Reidel, 6 mo old child of AugustDeath Notice6 monthsMarch 3, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
867Leisch, John JObituary77April 7, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
868Robertson, FrankDeath NoticeAbout 45April 21, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
869Goodman, Edith MayObituaryComplications from Typhoid Fever17April 14, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
870Holopeter, Mrs. Gorrell, MamieDeath NoticeApril 28, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
871Melgard, PeterDeath NoticeAccidental shootingApril 28, 1905Courtenay Gazette2
872Wilhelm, Charles EDeath NoticeKilled by trainApril 7, 1905Courtenay Gazette7
873See, Mrs. J WObituaryBright's diseaseabout 50May 12, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
874Hansen, Jens ObituaryDied at seaMay 12, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
875Wilson, Infant of GarfieldDeath NoticeInfantJune 2, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
876MacDonald, Mrs. A W Mother ofDeath NoticeJune 2, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
877Murphy, DanDeath NoticeHeart failureJune 30, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
878Oxenrider, Mrs. AltharrObituaryJune 16, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
879Marsolek, SylvesterObituary60July 28, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
880Agnimson, PeterObituaryJuly 14, 1905Courtenay Gazette2
881Johnson, HermanObituary70August 4, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
882Archibald, Dr. O WObituaryDrowned in bath tubAugust 4, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
883Balsh, J WObituaryBronchitisAugust 4, 1905Courtenay Gazette7
884Kline, Mrs. WilliamObituaryStomach cancerAugust 11, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
885Hemerly, AdamDeath NoticeBarn fire36September 29, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
886Hemerly, AdamObituaryBarn fire36September 29, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
887Barnes, BarneyDeath NoticeBurned to death in barn fireSeptember 29, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
888Hoffman, Charles EDeath NoticeComplications from runaway accident27October 27, 1905Courtenay Gazette6
889Smith, HarryDeath NoticeHead severed in train accidentabout 17October 13, 1905Courtenay Gazette3
890Plummer, InfantDeath NoticeInfantOctober 13, 1905Courtenay Gazette6
891Ryan, Infant of JohnDeath NoticeInfantOctober 20, 1905Courtenay Gazette6
892Konia, FrankObituaryRailroad accidentOctober 13, 1905Courtenay Gazette9
893Rooney, John Death NoticeHung for murderOctober 20, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
894Hoffman, Charles ElmerObituaryComplications from runaway accident27November 3, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
895Neva, 10 day old baby of P JDeath Notice10 daysNovember 3, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
896Beagle, J HDeath NoticeAccidentally killed by shotgunNovember 24, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
897Burdick, Mrs. WesleyObituaryNovember 3, 1905Courtenay Gazette1
898Barnes, Mrs. Frances A Ma of Mrs. J B DenaultObituary80December 15, 1905Courtenay Gazette8
899Nogosek, Infant boy of JoeDeath Notice12 daysFebruary 23, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
900Bolstad, MarieDeath NoticeFebruary 23, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
901Schmitt, Mrs PeterObituaryFebruary 23, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
902Albright, Mrs PeterObituaryConsumptionMarch 30, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
903Elliot, GeorgeDeath NoticeMarch 9, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
904Mason, GeorgeDeath NoticeTuberculal peritonitis of the bowelsMarch 23, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
905Ruddy, Mrs J BDeath NoticeMarch 9, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
906Lilley, Mrs ChasSyverson, AmandaObituaryConsumption47April 18, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
907Gray, OttFuneral ReportHemorrhage of the lungsApril 20, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
908Gray, OttDeath NoticeHemorrhage of the lungsApril 13, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
909Murtha, JohnDeath NoticeSan Francisco earthquakeApril 27, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
910Sullivan, Mrs FrankHopwood, StellaObituary18May 18, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
911Hart, HenryDeath NoticeComplications from appendicitis13May 11, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
912Helmund, BurnardDeath Notice86June 1, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
913Stock, FredDeath NoticeHeart disease60June 1, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
914Pangburn, Leon Bro in LawDeath NoticeRailroad accidentJuly 12, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
915Posey, Mrs Miner Father ofDeath NoticeJuly 26, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
916Stochlowski, JacobObituaryStomach cancerJuly 26, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
917Nelson, BessieObituary23August 2, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
918Baum, Mrs WesleyDeath NoticeAugust 16, 1906Courtenay Gazette7
919Russell, Benjamin SObituary84September 20, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
920Wilson, James SObituary66September 27, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
921Thompson, Margie AlbertaObituary22September 6, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
922Klein, GottliebDeath NoticeLightningSeptember 20, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
923Merry, John JObituarySuicide by shooting himself in heartabout 35October 11, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
924Milne, 5 yr old do of John McGDeath Notice5October 11, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
925Milne, Margaret BeatriceObituary3October 18, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
926Sisk, Infant of ThomasObituaryInfantOctober 25, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
927Venum, JohnDeath NoticeOctober 18, 1906Courtenay Gazette1
928Suchla, Mrs SimonObituary63November 1, 1906Courtenay Gazette7
929Martin, Mrs LObituaryCancer53November 22, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
930Hyland, HarryObituary39November 15, 1906Courtenay Gazette4
931Davidson, Child of John MDeath NoticeScarlet feverNovember 8, 1906Courtenay Gazette5
932Sadewasser, Mrs HenryObituaryHeart trouble36December 6, 1906Courtenay Gazette2
933Hellmund, A CDeath Notice53January 31, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
934Bohl, FredObituary30January 31, 1907Courtenay Gazette8
935Spiller, Fred HObituaryKidney trouble17January 31, 1907Courtenay Gazette2
936Spiller, Fred Son of SamuelObituaryKidney trouble17January 17, 1907Courtenay Gazette3
937Rasmussen, AlfredDeath NoticeJanuary 17, 1907Courtenay Gazette3
938Hellmund, A CObituary53February 14, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
939Lum, Editor Father ofDeath NoticeFebruary 7, 1907Courtenay Gazette5
940Neilson, JamesDeath NoticeFebruary 7, 1907Courtenay Gazette5
941Sears, FrankDeath NoticeTyphoid fever44March 28, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
942Beans, Male to LincolnBirth/Death1 dayMarch 14, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
943Everett, HarlowDeath NoticeDropped deadMarch 28, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
944Robinson, A H Father ofDeath NoticeMarch 21, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
945Masterson, HezekiahObituarySuicide by hangingabout 50April 11, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
946Scoville, 1.5 yr old son of DanDeath NoticeAbscess from teething1April 18, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
947Lilly, Sam Father ofDeath Notice89May 30, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
948Anderson, Olof FrederickObituary82May 16, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
949Olson, Christ and Alfred Father ofDeath Notice82May 9, 1907Courtenay Gazette2
950Reuter, Mary LouiseDeath NoticeBright's disease13May 30, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
951Forman, 8 yr old son of EditorDeath NoticeAccidentally strangled himself8May 16, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
952Woodward, 5 wks old child of E LDeath Notice5 weeksMay 16, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
953Farries, Mrs GeorgeDeath NoticeMay 9, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
954Bond, Henry MartinObituaryStomach trouble64June 27, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
955Watson, James MoodyObituary58June 13, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
956Walker, Frank ThorpObituaryParalysis21July 11, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
957Peterson, Wallace Son of FrankDeath NoticeChicken pox7July 4, 1907Courtenay Gazette4
958Murdoch, Thelma BObituary3 monthsJuly 4, 1907Courtenay Gazette4
959Anderson, LewisDeath NoticeBeaten to deathJuly 11, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
960Fredrickson, August DObituaryLightningJuly 25, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
961Goodman, Sylvia do MayDeath NoticeSmall poxJuly 25, 1907Courtenay Gazette11
962Halbett, LeeDeath NoticeLead poisoningJuly 4, 1907Courtenay Gazette3
963Kulnik, MartinDeath NoticeExtreme old age94August 29, 1907Courtenay Gazette8
964Durkee, J B Sister ofDeath NoticeAugust 22, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
965Jole, AlfredObituaryAppendicitisAugust 29, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
966Dearborn, Mrs A TObituaryParalysis and rheumatism63September 12, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
967Nelson, Mrs HansObituary48September 12, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
968Brown, Ethel do A JDeath NoticeDiphtheria and pneumonia12September 19, 1907Courtenay Gazette9
969Holmes, Infant of LarsDeath NoticeSummer complaintInfantSeptember 26, 1907Courtenay Gazette10
970Hilborn, Mrs H AObituaryCancer of the liverSeptember 5, 1907Courtenay Gazette9
971Jennings, Ethel do LeeObituaryBurned to deathSeptember 5, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
972Maxam, CharlesDeath NoticeAccidentally shotSeptember 19, 1907Courtenay Gazette9
973Mooney, JohnObituaryFroze to deathabout 65October 31, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
974Goodman, GeorgeDeath NoticeCaught in Belt48October 17, 1907Courtenay Gazette4
975Gossell, Hazel 1 yr old of JohnDeath NoticeCholera infantum1October 3, 1907Courtenay Gazette4
976Green, Mrs MDeath NoticeOctober 10, 1907Courtenay Gazette9
977Strong, Female infant of J EDeath NoticeInfantNovember 7, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
978Fair, Mrs Death NoticeNovember 7, 1907Courtenay Gazette10
979Putman, Mrs George H Death NoticeBurned to deathNovember 7, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
980Seldage, MosesObituary101December 12, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
981Homuth, MrsObituary85December 19, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
982Eddy, Julius JObituaryDiabetes63December 26, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
983Farris, Mrs G WKelly, Jemima EObituaryPneumonia62December 19, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
984Peterson, Hans GDeath Noticeasthenia50December 19, 1907Courtenay Gazette8
985Deveraux, J ChesterDeath NoticeCommitted suicide by drinking laudanum30December 19, 1907Courtenay Gazette1
986McLain, Mrs D BDeath NoticePneumoniaDecember 26, 1907Courtenay Gazette7
987Shadrick, Richard HDeath NoticeDecember 26, 1907Courtenay Gazette8
988Anderson, Mrs StenaObituary84January 2, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
989Finney, George SrObituary83January 2, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
990Williams, Mrs HarryObituary38January 23, 1908Courtenay Gazette7
991Dickey, Mrs AlfredObituaryJanuary 23, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
992Miller, Peter JDeath Notice49February 27, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
993Edwards, C AObituaryConsumption42February 6, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
994Buzzell, Mrs DelbertObituaryInflammatory rheumatism27February 20, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
995Birks, Mrs GeorgeDeath NoticeAsthmaMarch 5, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
996Bigelow, George HObituaryGas in well he was digging34April 16, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
997Russell, Mrs F ADeath NoticeApril 23, 1908Courtenay Gazette8
998Glaspell, S LObituaryDropsy and liver troubles56May 28, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
999Klein, Mrs Death NoticeRunaway horses49May 14, 1908Courtenay Gazette7
1000Klein, Mrs S RObituaryRunaway horses49May 21, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1001Danelson, LauraObituaryWhooping cough and pneumonia4 monthsMay 21, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1002Posey, Mrs DavidObituaryMay 7, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
1003Woodwick, Mrs G and babyDeath NoticeGenerator explodedMay 14, 1908Courtenay Gazette7
1004Altringer, JohnObituaryHeart failure69June 25, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1005Whitbeck, AndrewDeath NoticePneumonia and heart failure56June 25, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1006Peterson, Mrs EdwardAbrahamson, Anna SteinaObituary35June 11, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1007Wedeman, PeterDeath NoticeOld age85July 16, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
1008Whitbeck, AndrewObituaryPneumonia and heart failure56July 2, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1009Marsolek, AndrewObituaryKidney trouble and dropsy31July 9, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1010Hertel, RosaDeath NoticeAccidentally shot herself in mouth10July 30, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1011House, GeorgeObituaryStomach trouble then typhoid pneumoniaJuly 30, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
1012Woodbury, George HObituaryJuly 23, 1908Courtenay Gazette8
1013Mrozek, John MObituaryLightning22August 13, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1014Hennings, HenriettaObituaryTyphoid fever and pleurisy19August 13, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1015Farrar, 2 yr old son of GlenDeath Notice2August 6, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1016Hennings, Miss NettieFuneral ReportAugust 20, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1017Isely, Jacob Father of Death Notice79September 10, 1908Courtenay Gazette8
1018Johnson, Mrs GustavMathildaObituary56September 10, 1908Courtenay Gazette2
1019Johnson, Mrs GustavDeath Notice56September 3, 1908Courtenay Gazette8
1020Johnson, Mrs GustavFuneral Report56September 3, 1908Courtenay Gazette8
1021Hauge, Mrs Helge WSand, AggieObituaryCancer38September 24, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1022Kellogg, Naomi Aldyth do of JudsonObituary7 monthsSeptember 17, 1908Courtenay Gazette7
1023Bartholomew, Mrs WilliamObituarySeptember 3, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1024Moore, IsabellaObituaryChronic nephrites61October 22, 1908Courtenay Gazette8
1025Arnett, Mrs Emma LDeath Notice50October 8, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1026Wright, Chas so J JObituaryHit by train7October 8, 1908Courtenay Gazette10
1027Darkenwald, Male Infant of George OObituary4 monthsOctober 8, 1908Courtenay Gazette10
1028Prodzinski, Infant twin of MichaelDeath NoticeInfantOctober 1, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1029Russell, Mrs M JObituaryOctober 8, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1030Bond, Mrs WmHoward, RachelObituary37December 10, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1031Lonski, HelenObituaryConsumption22December 10, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1032Doughtery, Rev R LObituaryCommitted suicide by cutting his throat20December 31, 1908Courtenay Gazette1
1033Lane, Dau of L CDeath NoticeDecember 10, 1908Courtenay Gazette9
1034Sanford, Mrs C ABarker, Elizabeth GertrudeObituary70January 14, 1909Courtenay Gazette3
1035Sanford, Mrs C ADeath Notice70January 7, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1036Sanford, Mrs C ADeath Notice70January 7, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1037Schultz, GottliebObituary65January 14, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1038Syverson, Mrs ElizabethObituaryOld age81February 25, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1039Syverson, Mrs ElizabethDeath NoticeOld age81February 18, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1040Lambie, GeorgeDeath NoticeFebruary 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1041Scrutek, MattObituaryConsumptionFebruary 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1042Berg, ClarenceDeath NoticePneumonia and typhoid feverMarch 25, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1043Cupps, Mrs GeorgeHagerman, LydiaObituary55April 29, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1044Peterson, John AObituaryTyphoid pneumonia45April 22, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1045Berg, H ClarenceObituary36April 1, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1046Berg, ClarenceFuneral ReportPneumonia and typhoid feverApril 1, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1047Burgster, BronteDeath NoticeApril 15, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1048Thurlow, AlonzoDeath NoticeAccidentally shot by friendApril 22, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1049Larson, HalburDeath Notice85May 20, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1050Wilson, Mrs G HoffmanObituaryMeningitis39May 20, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1051Wilson, Mrs GeorgeHoffman, Ruth CObituaryMeningitis39May 27, 1909Courtenay Gazette10
1052Sabula, 5 wks old Dau of JohnDeath NoticePneumonia5 weeksMay 6, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1053Anderson, Mrs DaveDeath NoticeMay 6, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1054Boyd, Rev J S Son in LawDeath NoticeAbscess on the brainMay 13, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1055Broughton, A WDeath NoticeMay 6, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1056Thompson, Andrew Dau ofDeath NoticePneumoniaMay 13, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1057Kjelson, Mother of Christ, Oscar, AdolphDeath Notice84June 10, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1058Cornwall, HarryDeath NoticeStomach cancer and jaundice53June 24, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1059Falk, FritzDeath NoticeDrownedabout 30June 10, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1060Buerge, Mrs ChasDeath NoticeAppendicitisJune 3, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1061Cross, Mrs DelbertDeath NoticeHeart troubleJune 17, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1062Graves, Mrs George and 2 daughtersDeath NoticeCycloneJune 3, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1063Limmersand, LauraDeath NoticeDrownedJune 10, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1064Moran, PatrickDeath NoticeJune 24, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1065Crawford, Allen Eliza do WilliamObituaryWhooping cough5 monthsJuly 15, 1909Courtenay Gazette7
1066Serrin, HarlowDeath NoticeDrownedAugust 26, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1067Shumaker, J HDeath NoticeKidney trouble47October 14, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1068Bradly, OscarDeath NoticePatient in insane asylum40October 21, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1069Johnson, 5 yr old son of HNDeath NoticeInfantile paralysis5October 28, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1070Arneson, Mrs ThorvaldDeath NoticeOctober 14, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1071Ingraham, Capt G WObituaryOctober 14, 1909Courtenay Gazette10
1072Kneeland, Mrs Fred GObituaryPeritonitis and appendicitisOctober 21, 1909Courtenay Gazette1
1073Romer, H HFuneral ReportOctober 28, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1074Romer, HansDeath NoticeOctober 28, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1075Hale, Emery C Death NoticeApoplexy70November 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1076Shepard, MarkObituaryBlood poisoning55November 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1077O'Dell, BamDeath Notice30November 18, 1909Courtenay Gazette10
1078Anderson, Albert so P JDeath NoticeTyphoid pneumonia19November 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1079Anderson, CeceliaDeath NoticeCroup8 daysNovember 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1080Dimmery, LeRoyDeath NoticeTyphoid feverNovember 11, 1909Courtenay Gazette2
1081Kinney, Mrs CharlesDeath NoticeCancerNovember 18, 1909Courtenay Gazette10
1082Walen, Mrs LarsWalen, AnnaObituary23December 16, 1909Courtenay Gazette13
1083Merritt, Mrs Chas Mother ofDeath NoticeDecember 9, 1909Courtenay Gazette9
1084Romer, Mrs N HCarpenter, Ella JObituary41January 27, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1085Patterson, Mrs E ODeath NoticeJanuary 6, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1086Slinde, SevertDeath NoticeDrunk and wagon overturnedJanuary 13, 1910Courtenay Gazette8
1087Keiran, JamesObituaryBright's disease53February 10, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1088Devolve, GeorgeObituaryHeart failure87March 24, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1089Smith, John Nicholas BailhacheObituary56March 17, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1090Fox, Mr J E Mother ofDeath NoticeMarch 31, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1091Fox, Mrs J E Mother of Death NoticeMarch 24, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1092Fox, Mrs J E Mother of (Correction)Death NoticeMarch 31, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1093Larson, OleDeath NoticeSuicide by jumping to bottom of grain bin.March 17, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1094McFadgen, Mr JohnDeath NoticePrescription drug errorMarch 3, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1095McFadgen, Mrs JohnDeath NoticePrescription drug errorMarch 3, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1096Walker, Grace dau of WmObituaryMarch 17, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1097Ludwig, H ADeath NoticeKicked in head by horse10April 7, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1098Sluga, 18 mo old dau of NickObituarySpinal meningitis18 monthsApril 21, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1099Oxenrider, 16 mo old of JamesDeath NoticePneumonia16 monthsApril 28, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1100Dunlap, HarryDeath NoticeWandered offApril 7, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1101Moe, Albert Death NoticeMurderedApril 7, 1910Courtenay Gazette3
1102Severson, JohnDeath NoticeScalded to death in hot bathtubApril 28, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1103Steinway, W F Father ofDeath NoticeApril 21, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1104Stern, Ed RDeath NoticeProbably murderedApril 21, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1105Wisbaar, ReinholdDeath NoticeTried to stop moving windmill with his foot.April 7, 1910Courtenay Gazette8
1106Miller, Ezra D GDeath NoticeAccidental discharge of shotgunOver 50May 12, 1910Courtenay Gazette8
1107Larson, Henry LDeath NoticeTuberculosis of the stomach28May 19, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1108Horner, WilliamDeath NoticeAccidentally shot himself14May 19, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1109Oxenrider, 16 mo old of JamesBurialPneumonia16 monthsMay 15, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1110Malstead, Infant of BDeath NoticePneumoniaInfantMay 19, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1111Edwards, William FDeath NoticeParalysisMay 19, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1112Kroshus, P ADeath NoticeHung himself in jailMay 12, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1113Schriever, Mrs WilliamDeath NoticeDrowned in water tankMay 5, 1910Courtenay Gazette3
1114Peterson, DuncanObituary89June 9, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1115Orr, Judge WilliamObituaryStomach cancer67June 23, 1910Courtenay Gazette5
1116Johnson, William ADeath NoticeMurdered46June 30, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1117Raney, C EObituaryTubercular glands40June 9, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1118Ersin, Emil JObituaryDiabetes39June 30, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1119Schrade, EdwardObituaryLost his mind37June 2, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1120Forester, LaMott Son of WmObituaryChoked on barbed wire fence2June 30, 1910Courtenay Gazette9
1121Moody, JoeDeath NoticeKilled by live wireJune 9, 1910Courtenay Gazette10
1122Pratt, 18 mo old of ChasDeath Notice18 monthsJuly 28, 1910Courtenay Gazette11
1123Dahl, Male Infant of P EDeath NoticeInfantJuly 21, 1910Courtenay Gazette3
1124Gunderson, TomDeath NoticeDrownedJuly 7, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1125Siebert, JacobDeath NoticeStomach cancer48August 25, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1126Falk, Mrs PeterGurski, HelenObituaryOrganic heart disease28August 25, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1127Bartkowski, 15 mo old of PeterDeath Notice15 monthsAugust 25, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1128Fosholdt, TorvellDeath NoticeAugust 18, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1129Robinson, SlaytonObituarySuicide51September 1, 1910Courtenay Gazette8
1130Walker, RobertObituary49September 29, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1131Anderson, AntonObituaryKilled while digging well31September 15, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1132Crowe, DelDeath NoticeMurderedSeptember 29, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1133Wayne, Dau of ChasDeath NoticeTyphoid feverSeptember 22, 1910Courtenay Gazette8
1134Anderson, A J Mother ofDeath NoticeOctober 27, 1910Courtenay Gazette8
1135Brand, Carl RDeath NoticeKilled by trainNovember 3, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1136Schumacher, Mrs LudwigOpperman, WilheminaObituaryCancer82December 15, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1137Gallivan, WmObituaryHeart failure51December 29, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1138Gallivan, WmDeath NoticeHeart failure51December 15, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1139Clark, Murrell Dau of W P JrObituaryPneumonia1December 29, 1910Courtenay Gazette1
1140Dick, Mrs J HObituaryPneumoniaDecember 29, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1141Dick, Mrs JasparDeath NoticePneumoniaDecember 22, 1910Courtenay Gazette7
1142More, RussellDeath NoticeKilled by collapsing floor in warehouseDecember 15, 1910Courtenay Gazette2
1143Atkinson, JosephDeath NoticeSuffocated in bed fireOver 80January 26, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1144Sanford, Charles AFuneral Report72January 26, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1145Sanford, Charles AObituary72January 19, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1146Lunde, Rolland N son of HermanObituary1January 26, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1147Johnson, CharlieObituary20February 2, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1148Siebert, 1 mo old female of AntonObituary1 monthMarch 23, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1149Berg, SigurdInterment91April 27, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1150Berg, SigurdObituary91April 20, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1151Berg, Sigurd Brother ofDeath Notice88April 6, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1152Wilson, Mrs WilliamObituary77April 27, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1153Atchison, Mrs SamuelObituaryPneumonia64April 27, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1154Johnson, Anton KObituary30April 6, 1911Courtenay Gazette2
1155Pettit, Mrs OlianaObituaryTuberculosis23April 6, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1156Berg, Sigurd Death NoticeApril 13, 1911Courtenay Gazette2
1157Bingham, BenjaminDeath NoticeTyphoid pneumoniaMay 18, 1911Courtenay Gazette2
1158Cooper, Mrs James HPosey, Clara MadelineObituaryPneumonia41June 8, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1159Olson, Ole pt 1Death NoticeDrowned27June 29, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1160Olson, Ole pt 2Death NoticeDrowned27June 29, 1911Courtenay Gazette2
1161Brimer, Mrs A RDeath NoticeJune 1, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1162Ross, C HDeath NoticeJune 22, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1163Seabright, Mrs MaeDeath NoticeConsumptionJune 29, 1911Courtenay Gazette3
1164Brown, 2 wk old bb of OscarDeath Notice2 weeksJuly 6, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1165Welsh, JackObituaryRunaway horse35August 31, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1166Nugent, DickDeath NoticeSuicide by drinking carbolic acid23September 7, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1167Thayer, Sissy LeoneObituary3September 14, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1168Hollister, Mrs LillianObituarySeptember 28, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1169Johnson, George F Mother ofDeath NoticeOver 82October 12, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1170Spinarski, John SrObituaryBright's disease57October 26, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1171Severn, John HObituaryOctober 5, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1172Posey, Mrs WmAtchison, JaneObituary81November 30, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1173Kellogg, F A and Jud Father ofDeath Notice75November 30, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1174Sills, C F Father ofDeath NoticeOver 60November 2, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1175Thompson, Mrs G ODurkee, HarrietObituaryBright's disease28November 30, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1176McKinnon, ErvinObituaryDiphtheria9November 9, 1911Courtenay Gazette7
1177Peterson, SteveDeath NoticeRailroad accidentNovember 23, 1911Courtenay Gazette11
1178Posey, Mrs WmAtchison, JaneObituary81December 7, 1911Courtenay Gazette1
1179Gallivan, Mrs WmDeath Notice52December 28, 1911Courtenay Gazette5
1180Gallivan, Hazel Mother ofDeath NoticeJanuary 11, 1912Courtenay Gazette3
1181Hammersteadt, H A Brother ofDeath NoticeCancerJanuary 11, 1912Courtenay Gazette3
1182Seedler, CarlDeath NoticeCancerJanuary 11, 1912Courtenay Gazette3
1183Jones, Benjamin HarrisonObituary19February 8, 1912Courtenay Gazette5
1184Jones, BennieIn Memorium19February 8, 1912Courtenay Gazette4
1185Chmelik, Infant of BenDeath NoticeInfantMarch 21, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1186Skaar, E LObituaryAsthma, bronchitis, pneumonia51April 4, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1187Anderson, IverDeath NoticeAccidentally shot himselfabout 35April 11, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1188Caven, WilliamObituaryApril 11, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1189Long, WmDeath NoticeLightningMay 23, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1190Long, WmDeath NoticeLightningMay 23, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1191Richmond, Rev J PDeath NoticeMay 9, 1912Courtenay Gazette4
1192Price, JamesObituaryStrokes of Paralysis76June 6, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1193Price, James RFuneral ReportStrokes of Paralysis76June 13, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1194Sidman, Mrs CDeath Notice57June 6, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1195Nelson, John EFuneral Report31June 6, 1912Courtenay Gazette5
1196Nelson, John EObituary31June 6, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1197Rudolph, Small child of PeterDeath NoticeInfantJune 13, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1198Thompson, Mrs J DObituaryHeart failureJune 13, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1199Sidman, Mrs Chas WCrouse, Louise MObituary57July 4, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1200Mallette, H RDeath NoticeJuly 11, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1201Albin, Nels Father ofDeath Noticeabout 70August 8, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1202Albin, PeterDeath Noticeabout 70August 8, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1203Wright, Mrs Wm HWilliams, MargaretObituary38August 29, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1204McFadden, Mrs A P Father ofDeath NoticeAugust 22, 1912Courtenay Gazette5
1205Nelson, ChristianObituaryLung troubleAugust 29, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1206Reynolds, WmDeath NoticeAugust 22, 1912Courtenay Gazette5
1207Sluga, N PObituaryTuberculosis39September 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1208Perkins, Eugene GDeath NoticeFound dead in bed60October 10, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1209Richardson, Mrs HuldaObituaryOld age82November 14, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1210Owens, Mrs Funeral ReportBurned to death65December 12, 1912Courtenay Gazette2
1211Owens, Mrs Death NoticeBurned to death65December 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1212Wiedman, JohnDeath NoticeFell off ladderabout 30December 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1213McBain, 4 yr old boyDeath NoticeBurned to death4December 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1214Dorsen, Female infant to M EBirth/DeathPneumoniaInfantDecember 26, 1912Courtenay Gazette4
1215Adams, A SDeath NoticeOperationDecember 19, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1216Flynn, Mrs C AObituaryDecember 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette6
1217Moffett, W F and W B Uncle ofDeath NoticeOperationDecember 19, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1218Newbold, Mrs L BObituaryDecember 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1219Siebert, HermanObituaryRunawayDecember 26, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1220Wright, W WDeath NoticeTuberculosisDecember 5, 1912Courtenay Gazette1
1221Davis, Infant boy of ThomasDeath NoticeWhooping cough and pneumoniaInfantJanuary 2, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1222Thayer, WalterDeath NoticeJanuary 9, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1223Brennan, Mrs James Mother ofObituary83February 6, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1224Harvey, Mrs.Obituary83February 6, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1225Wiechmann, John FObituary23February 20, 1913Courtenay Gazette2
1226Bower, Iona infant of Mathew WDeath NoticeInfantFebruary 13, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1227Linker, Male birth and death to CBirth/DeathInfantFebruary 13, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1228Son, J E Brother ofDeath NoticeFebruary 6, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1229Caldwell, ThomasDeath Notice79March 27, 1913Courtenay Gazette3
1230Angel, Mrs WillEffelsonObituaryBright's diseaseMarch 27, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1231Parson, Mrs N O Father ofDeath NoticeMarch 27, 1913Courtenay Gazette3
1232Nelson, Joseph WilliamObituaryInfantApril 17, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1233Bronson, Mrs C RObituaryApril 10, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1234Wanner, FredObituaryGall stonesApril 17, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1235Cutsforth, ManleyObituaryLightning20May 29, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1236Menge, LewisDeath NoticeRun over by disc17May 22, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1237Meeker, WesleyDeath NoticeRun over by packer6May 22, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1238Giese, HenryDeath NoticeFound deadMay 22, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1239McFadden, Mrs A P Sister ofDeath NoticeMay 15, 1913Courtenay Gazette3
1240Ness, OscarDeath NoticeRailroad accidentMay 22, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1241Simpson, GeorgeObituaryKicked by cowMay 15, 1913Courtenay Gazette3
1242Wallwerth, FredDeath NoticeMay 29, 1913Courtenay Gazette4
1243Walters, R LDeath NoticeMay 29, 1913Courtenay Gazette2
1244Bishop, Mrs DorthaObituaryDronchists83June 26, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1245Lohrke, Mrs EdnaGallivanObituaryChildbirth23July 17, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1246Lohrke, Mrs Otto AGallivan, Edna LenoreObituaryChildbirth23July 24, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1247Riddle, Rev Merchant SDeath NoticeJuly 31, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1248O'Neil, RobertDeath NoticeLightningAugust 21, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1249Klemik, Mrs AgnesObituary84September 25, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1250Nelson, TollefDeath NoticeHeart failure75September 18, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1251Walker, Mrs ElizabethObituary64September 18, 1913Courtenay Gazette5
1252Eddy, FrankObituaryThreshing accident46September 18, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1253Lavenkofski, Lena do PeterObituaryTyphoid fever15September 18, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1254Siebert, John SrObituaryabout 74November 27, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1255McDaniel, AlbertObituary61November 20, 1913Courtenay Gazette8
1256Munro, GeorgeDeath NoticeFell from scaffoldingDecember 25, 1913Courtenay Gazette1
1257Nogosek, Mrs GeorgeSkrock, ChristinaObituaryHeart failure70January 1, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1258Merritt, Frank JObituaryPneumonia56January 22, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1259Hager, WilliamDeath NoticeRailroad accidentJanuary 15, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1260Onstine, Harry so AbeObituarySaw mill accident29April 16, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1261Armstrong, Son of AbeDeath NoticeAccidentabout 22April 2, 1914Courtenay Gazette5
1262Larson, L H Nephew ofDeath Noticeabout 22April 9, 1914Courtenay Gazette5
1263Haynes, Samuel HObituaryApoplexyApril 2, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1264Bond, Mrs Henry MPreece, SusannahObituary67May 7, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1265McFadden, A P and Joe Sister ofDeath NoticeJune 11, 1914Courtenay Gazette5
1266Laing, JosephDeath NoticeOld age84August 20, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1267Suchla, 2.5 yr old so TomObituaryAccidentally drank carbolic acid2August 6, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1268Lange, John EObituaryAcute pneumonia and old age83September 3, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1269Hennings, FredObituaryStomach trouble73September 3, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1270Fried, PeterObituaryAbscess69September 10, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1271Hellmund, Mrs AlbertDeath NoticeLiver cancer and gall stonesSeptember 17, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1272Klenk, Mrs A FDeath NoticeSeptember 24, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1273Walker, Female and Male infant of WilliamDeath NoticeInfantOctober 1, 1914Courtenay Gazette4
1274Hoggaith, JechariahObituaryHeart failureOctober 1, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1275Kingston, Rev J WDeath NoticeThreshing accidentOctober 22, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1276Klenk, Mrs A FFuneral ReportOctober 1, 1914Courtenay Gazette5
1277Lundeen, Mrs John VictorFritzellObituaryDiabetesNovember 12, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1278Penn, Mrs WilliamObituaryTuberculosisNovember 12, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1279Bailey, Mrs RobertDeath NoticeDiabetes62December 17, 1914Courtenay Gazette5
1280Holmes, O EDeath NoticeCancerDecember 3, 1914Courtenay Gazette1
1281Johnson, 4 yr old of Charles OObituaryPneumonia4January 12, 1899Griggs County Sentinel5
1282Richardson, 4 yr old of Alva EObituaryLung trouble4January 12, 1899Griggs County Sentinel5
1283Murkuson, MartinObituaryHemorrhageMay 18, 1899Griggs County Sentinel1
1284Johnson, AlfredObituaryMay 7, 1903Griggs County Sentinel4
1285Shobe, 4 yr old of JObituaryBurned to death4June 18, 1903Griggs County Sentinel8
1286Lovisendahl, OlofObituaryAccidentally shotJune 18, 1903Griggs County Sentinel1
1287Soma, Mrs. JorgenObituarySeptic feverJune 18, 1903Griggs County Sentinel5
1288Blocker, JuliaObituarySepticemia19October 15, 1903Griggs County Sentinel8
1289Dare, Leonard CDeath NoticeMurdered17 or 18October 15, 1903Griggs County Sentinel5
1290Olson, OleObituaryConsumptionFebruary 18, 1904Griggs County Sentinel1
1291Helland, Infant dau of HansDeath NoticeInfantMarch 30, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1292Melgard, VictorObituaryAccidentally shotabout 14April 27, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1293Ayrea, BerniceObituaryWhooping Cough/Pneumonia5April 13, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1294McCulloch, Joseph AlbertObituaryLaryngitis3April 20, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1295Cederson, 3 wk old son of CharlesDeath Notice3 weeksApril 6, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1296Drittenbass, JohanObituaryMay 11, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1297Edland, OleObituaryMay 18, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1298Stai, Hans LarsonObituaryabout 55June 15, 1905Griggs County Sentinel4
1299Atchison, Mrs. JohnDeath NoticeStroke50June 1, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1300Larson, AlmaObituaryHeart trouble and pneumonia19June 15, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1301Hagen, Grandson of ThorObituaryHeart disease and Bright's diseaseabout 11June 22, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1302Stone, RuthObituaryMalignant diphtheria6June 8, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1303Larson, HansDeath NoticeJune 15, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1304Adams, Mrs. RozinaEckerObituary64July 27, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1305Marson, Twins Boy and Girl of GeorgeObituaryabout 2 monthsJuly 13, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1306Dickinson, CharleyObituarydrownedJuly 27, 1905Griggs County Sentinel5
1307Jacobson, Mrs. GeorgeObituaryDrownedJuly 27, 1905Griggs County Sentinel5
1308Knapp, MartinDeath NoticeDrownedJuly 20, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1309Knapp, MartinFuneral ReportDrownedJuly 20, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1310Trebert, AlbertObituaryLightningJuly 27, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1311Weiland, CarlObituaryLightningJuly 27, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1312Steinborn, AugustObituaryApoplexy58August 24, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1313Johnson, OscarObituaryKicked by horse18August 24, 1905Griggs County Sentinel5
1314Mossing, ChristianObituaryConsumption5August 31, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1315Mossing, ChristianObituaryConsumption5August 24, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1316Climie, Ben Death NoticeShot and killedAugust 31, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1317Erlandson, AObituaryHeart diseaseAugust 31, 1905Griggs County Sentinel8
1318Kalvik, JohnObituaryConsumptionAugust 3, 1905Griggs County Sentinel4
1319Qvamme, Mrs.ObituaryAugust 31, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1320Sinclair, DanielObituaryAnemi68September 21, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1321Climie, BenDeath NoticeShot and killedSeptember 7, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1322Johnson, MartinObituaryApoplexy or Heart Disease65October 26, 1905Griggs County Sentinel4
1323Mogaard, HannahObituaryEpileptic fitabout 1October 5, 1905Griggs County Sentinel5
1324Saunders, Dau of SaunderObituaryDiphtheriaOctober 26, 1905Griggs County Sentinel5
1325Adrian, A HObituaryCancerNovember 23, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1326Blocker, EdwinObituaryTyphoid feverNovember 23, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1327Opheim, Mrs. Omund NelsonObituaryOld ageabout 80December 28, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1328Alm, 7 yr old son of LandlordDeath NoticeGas lighting plant explosion7December 21, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1329Patterson, QueenieObituaryKidney troubleabout 4December 14, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1330Enger, InezObituaryPneumoniaDecember 14, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1331West, Ole HDeath NoticeDecember 7, 1905Griggs County Sentinel1
1332Larson, Mrs. HelgaObituary63January 25, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1333Graham, Mrs. DavidObituaryCancer57January 11, 1906Griggs County Sentinel4
1334Anderson, Mrs. EmilThuneObituaryConsumptionFebruary 22, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1335Burns, Mrs. PeterObituaryFebruary 15, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1336Arndt, Mrs. CarlObituaryConsumption68March 8, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1337Robison, Charles CObituaryMarch 29, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1338Evenson, Mrs. EdObituaryHeart failure43April 19, 1906Griggs County Sentinel8
1339Rood, Ragnel OlisaObituaryTuberculosis25April 5, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1340Cederson, HelenaDeath NoticeApril 19, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1341Hallber, HilmaObituaryAppendicitisApril 12, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1342Larson, UnknownObituarySuicde by shooting himselfApril 19, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1343Wiklund, 7 yr old dau of AkselObituarySpinal meningitis7May 24, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1344Fellows, PhyllisDeath NoticeDropped dead of heart failureLittle GirlMay 17, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1345Borgerson, OleObituaryConsumption30June 7, 1906Griggs County Sentinel8
1346Greenland, MinnieObituaryConsumption27June 21, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1347Huntley, Mr.ObituaryJune 7, 1906Griggs County Sentinel8
1348Stringer, Twins of WilliamDeath NoticeInfantsJuly 5, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1349Rudquist, Mrs.ObituaryDrowning SuicideJuly 19, 1906Griggs County Sentinel1
1350McDonald, Charles CObituary45April 4, 1890Griggs Courier1
1351Rusness, CarrieFuneral ReportCongestion of the brain and malarial fever19April 25, 1890Griggs Courier5
1352Rusness, CarrieObituaryCongestion of the brain and malarial fever19April 18, 1890Griggs Courier5
1353Vesern, Berthe wife of ErickThank you to allApril 11, 1890Griggs Courier5
1354Vesteren, Erick JDeath NoticeRunawayApril 4, 1890Griggs Courier5
1355Chalmers, Mr. part oneDeath NoticeAugust 29, 1890Griggs Courier5
1356Chalmers, Mr. part twoDeath NoticeAugust 29, 1890Griggs Courier5
1357Braekke, Mrs. ThomasDeath NoticeChildbirthFebruary 14, 1890Griggs Courier5
1358Nelson, 3 yr old of HansDeath Notice3January 3, 1890Griggs Courier5
1359Anderson, DoraFuneral ReportJanuary 10, 1890Griggs Courier5
1360Anderson, DoraDeath NoticeJanuary 3, 1890Griggs Courier5
1361Anderson, DoraObituaryJanuary 10, 1890Griggs Courier5
1362Messner, UnknownDeath NoticeChildbirthJanuary 17, 1890Griggs Courier5
1363Olson, eldest female of HenryDeath NoticeRed River feverJanuary 10, 1890Griggs Courier5
1364Olson, Oscar NDeath NoticeHeart diseaseJanuary 10, 1890Griggs Courier5
1365Quamme, 8 yr old dau of Rev.Death NoticeMembraneous croup8July 11, 1890Griggs Courier5
1366Johnson, 4 yr old son of PeterDeath NoticeMalignant diphtheria4July 18, 1890Griggs Courier5
1367Lundeby, 4 yr old son of Rev.Death Notice4July 25, 1890Griggs Courier5
1368Quamme, AgnesDeath NoticeJuly 18, 1890Griggs Courier5
1369Montgomery, Infant dau of J HDeath NoticeAbscessInfantMarch 7, 1890Griggs Courier5
1370McDonald, C CObituaryConsumptionMarch 14, 1890Griggs Courier5
1371Walks, DavidDeath Notice65May 9, 1890Griggs Courier5
1372Retzlaff, Freddy part 1ObituaryAccidentally shot4May 30, 1890Griggs Courier5
1373Retzlaff, Freddy part 2ObituaryAccidentally shot4May 30, 1890Griggs Courier5
1374Johnson, Mrs. AdolphDeath NoticeMay 9, 1890Griggs Courier5
1375McDermott, Mr. Father of J HDeath NoticeMay 23, 1890Griggs Courier5
1376Fenner, F DDeath NoticeMay2, 1890Griggs Courier5
1377Michaels, Luella ElinaFuneral ReportInflammation of the bowels10 monthsNovember 21, 1890Griggs Courier5
1378Michaels, Luella ElinaObituaryInflammation of the bowels10 monthsNovember 14, 1890Griggs Courier5
1379Brown, LillieObituaryTyphoid feverNovember 14, 1890Griggs Courier5
1380Haskell, Charles A L part 1ObituaryComplications from surgery3October 3, 1890Griggs Courier5
1381Haskell, Charles A L part 2ObituaryComplications from surgery3October 3, 1890Griggs Courier5
1382Perry, Mrs. W HDeath NoticeOctober 17, 1890Griggs Courier5
1383Michaelis, JohnDeath Notice76April 17, 1891Griggs Courier5
1384Hovel, 17 mo old child of HermanDeath Notice17 monthsApril 24, 1891Griggs Courier5
1385Ladbury, Mrs. CharleyObituaryQuick consumptionApril 24, 1891Griggs Courier5
1386Retzlaff, 18 mo old female of CharlesDeath NoticeMeasles and severe cold18 monthsAugust 28, 1891Griggs Courier5
1387Haskell, J LObituaryLa grippeDecember 25, 1891Griggs Courier1
1388Hazard, Mrs. Emily AgustaMcDonaldObituaryPneumonia50January 30, 1891Griggs Courier1
1389Skarie, 11 mo old son of C EDeath Noticeteething11 monthsJanuary 16, 1891Griggs Courier5
1390Michaels, John NDeath NoticeJanuary 23, 1891Griggs Courier5
1391Pratt, WillieObituaryEnlargement of the heart13July 10, 1891Griggs Courier5
1392Davis, Oldest Daughter of M JDeath NoticeCongestion of the lungs and malignant sore throatMarch 20, 1891Griggs Courier5
1393Owen, Mrs. C HObituaryMarch 13, 1891Griggs Courier5
1394St. John, AlbertObituaryGored to death by bullMarch 20, 1891Griggs Courier5
1395Laude, JohnObituaryInflammation of the stomach and bladder63May 22, 1891Griggs Courier5
1396Smith, SamuelObituaryFroze to deathNovember 13, 1891Griggs Courier5
1397Johnson, 13 mo old dau of John EDeath NoticeStomach disorder13 monthsOctober 30, 1891Griggs Courier5
1398Ouren, Mrs. S JObituaryWomb diseaseOctober 9, 1891Griggs Courier1
1399Gimblett, Miss BetsyObituaryHeart diseaseSeptember 4, 1891Griggs Courier5
1400Blanchard, C WObituaryCancer of the liver51April 1, 1892Griggs Courier1
1401Stringer, Mrs. Will ObituaryBright's disease22April 1, 1892Griggs Courier1
1402Lee, ChristinaObituaryHeart disease18April 1, 1892Griggs Courier1
1403Jones, Mrs. Gma of Mrs. Joel JimesonDeath Notice87August 26, 1892Griggs Courier1
1404Olson, Mrs. Mother of Gilbert and BentDeath NoticeInflammation of the bowelsnearly 80August 12, 1892Griggs Courier1
1405Byington, Mrs. John SObituaryHemorrhage of the lungsAugust 12, 1892Griggs Courier1
1406Pirchardt, Mrs. OttoObituaryCongestion of the bowelsAugust 12, 1892Griggs Courier1
1407Jorgensen, Mrs. JohnHicksObituaryDecember 9, 1892Griggs Courier5
1408Zobak, JohnFuneral ReportKilled in attempted murder and robberyDecember 9, 1892Griggs Courier1
1409Zobak, JohnDeath NoticeKilled in attempted murder and robberyDecember 2, 1892Griggs Courier1
1410Larson, AndrewObituaryConsumption and la grippsabout 40 to 45February 5, 1892Griggs Courier1
1411North, Orrin LObituaryPleurisy and congestion of the lungs45January 22, 1892Griggs Courier1
1412Hiller, HenryDeath NoticeExhaustionJanuary 8, 1892Griggs Courier5
1413McCollagh, Mrs. RobertObituaryJanuary 1, 1892Griggs Courier1
1414Robertson, Mrs. Mother of Mrs. Wm StewartDeath Notice72July 8, 1892Griggs Courier1
1415Glaspell, CharleyFuneral ReportInflammation of the bowels25July 15, 1892Griggs Courier1
1416Glaspell, Charlie son of Woodman part 1ObituaryInflammation of the bowels25July 8, 1892Griggs Courier1
1417Glaspell, Charlie son of Woodman part 2ObituaryInflammation of the bowels25July 8, 1892Griggs Courier1
1418Ellis, George RObituaryLa grippe24July 29, 1892Griggs Courier1
1419Fenner, Mrs. FerdinandDeath NoticeInflammation of the bowelsJuly 15, 1892Griggs Courier1
1420Anderson, AndrewFuneral ReportDiabetes34June 10, 1892Griggs Courier1
1421Anderson, Andrew son of RierObituaryConsumption17June 3, 1892Griggs Courier1
1422Williams, Hattie Dau of CharlesDeath Notice9June 17, 1892Griggs Courier1
1423Blaine, EmmonsDeath NoticeInflammation of the bowelsJune 24, 1892Griggs Courier1
1424Davis, Manley JObituaryInflammation of the bowelsJune 3, 1892Griggs Courier1
1425Anderson, 2 yr old boy of RierDeath Noticetypo malarial fever2November 18, 1892Griggs Courier1
1426Purinton, CoraObituary16October 7, 1892Griggs Courier1
1427Warner, Nellie Edna Dau of T EObituaryCholera infantum16 monthsOctober 7, 1892Griggs Courier1
1428Lyons, Infant Male of H SObituaryCholera infantumInfantOctober 7, 1892Griggs Courier1
1429Olson, Son of J SObituaryCholera infantumInfantOctober 14, 1892Griggs Courier1
1430Olson, Male son of J SDeath NoticeOctober 14, 1892Griggs Courier1
1431Virgo, Mrs.ObituaryInflammation of the bowels or peritonitisOctober 21, 1892Griggs Courier1
1432Hegna, AgnesDeath NoticeTyphoid feverSeptember 9, 1892Griggs Courier1
1433Zeimke, ChristianObituary78December 29, 1893Griggs Courier1
1434Nelson, RobertObituaryTumorDecember 1, 1893Griggs Courier1
1435Robinson, Marcus MiltonObituaryDropsy59February 17, 1893Griggs Courier1
1436Stromme, OleFuneral ReportAccidentally shotFebruary 24, 1893Griggs Courier5
1437Stromme, OleDeath NoticeAccidentally shotFebruary 3, 1893Griggs Courier1
1438Wamberg, Child of John JDeath NoticeScarlet feverInfantJanuary 20, 1893Griggs Courier5
1439Stewart, JamesObituaryCongestion of the lungsJanuary 13, 1893Griggs Courier5
1440Rankin, Miss MariaDeath NoticeMarch 10, 1893Griggs Courier1
1441Brown, GrandmaObituary88May 19, 1893Griggs Courier1
1442Simmerson, Mr.Death NoticeMay 26, 1893Griggs Courier1
1443Nelson, RobertObituaryTumorNovember 24, 1893Griggs Courier1
1444Lyons, Harry SObituarySeptic peritonitis32October 6, 1893Griggs Courier1
1445Van Voorhis, Mrs. J HMarthaObituaryStomach trouble and paralysis59September 1, 1893Griggs Courier1
1446Olson, 5 mo old son of TollefDeath Notice5 monthsSeptember 22, 1893Griggs Courier5
1447Newell, 6 wk old son of DuboisDeath NoticeCholera infantum6 weeksAugust 31, 1894Griggs Courier1
1448Thune, Child of Ole KDeath NoticeInfantAugust 31, 1894Griggs Courier1
1449Erickson, EliasDeath NoticeTook strychnineAugust 10, 1894Griggs Courier1
1450Kingsley, A ZObituary84December 21, 1894Griggs Courier1
1451Hall, Female infant of C AObituaryInfantFebruary 23, 1894Griggs Courier1
1452Gimblett, Mrs. ThomasFuneral ReportConvulsionsFebruary 23, 1894Griggs Courier1
1453Gimblett, Mrs. ThomasObituaryConvulsionsFebruary 16, 1894Griggs Courier1
1454Kilmartin, JohnDeath NoticeLung feverFebruary 9, 1894Griggs Courier1
1455Henrickson, Mrs. BerthaObituary66January 12, 1894Griggs Courier1
1456Johnson, Walter son of J EObituaryScarletina4January 26, 1894Griggs Courier1
1457Albert, JackObituaryJuly 27, 1894Griggs Courier1
1458Halvorson, 2.5 yr old of OleDeath Notice2June 8, 1894Griggs Courier1
1459Johnson, EmmaObituaryMalaria17May 4, 1894Griggs Courier1
1460Simonsen, M, Father in law ofDeath Notice83November 2, 1894Griggs Courier4
1461Retzlaff, Henry part 1ObituarySuicide by hanging himselfNovember 30, 1894Griggs Courier1
1462Retzlaff, Henry part 2ObituarySuicide by hanging himselfNovember 30, 1894Griggs Courier1
1463Gleason, TomObituaryGas in well45October 26, 1894Griggs Courier8
1464Evers, Alvin V son of JohnObituary8 monthsOctober 12, 1894Griggs Courier1
1465Hogenson, OleObituaryHeart troubleOctober 26, 1894Griggs Courier1
1466Ellefson, EllefDeath Notice37September 21, 1894Griggs Courier1
1467Seim, Infant femaleDeath NoticeCholera infantumInfantSeptember 7, 1894Griggs Courier1
1468Stevens, JohnObituary83April 26, 1895Griggs Courier1
1469Behm, ChristianObituary75August 2, 1895Griggs Courier5
1470Hare, 6 wk old dau of ThomasDeath NoticeBled to death6 weeksAugust 2, 1895Griggs Courier5
1471Hare, do of ThomasDeath NoticeBled to death6 weeksAugust 2, 1895Griggs Courier5
1472Jare, O DDeath NoticePeritonitisAugust 30, 1895Griggs Courier1
1473Knutson, Knut LDeath NoticePeritonitisAugust 30, 1895Griggs Courier1
1474Barnard, George WObituaryPneumonia63February 1, 1895Griggs Courier1
1475Steinborn, WilliamObituaryBronchitis18January 4, 1895Griggs Courier1
1476Holje, MartinDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Griggs Courier5
1477Ness, EdFuneral ReportLightningJuly 12, 1895Griggs Courier1
1478Ness, EdDeath NoticeLightningJuly 5, 1895Griggs Courier5
1479Santor, Mrs.ObituaryBreast cancerJuly 5, 1895Griggs Courier1
1480Selander, Mr.ObituaryJuly 5, 1895Griggs Courier1
1481Simonson, AntonDeath NoticeSepticaemiaJuly 5, 1895Griggs Courier5
1482Botnan, OleObituaryLightningJune 14, 1895Griggs Courier5
1483Botnan, OleObituaryLightningJune 14, 1895Griggs Courier5
1484Pattison, Welcome LObituaryJune 21, 1895 Griggs Courier1
1485Ole, John O, Mother ofDeath Notice73March 8, 1895Griggs Courier1
1486Sanderson, son of SObituaryMarch 15, 1895Griggs Courier5
1487Spangenberg, Dau of WmDeath NoticeMarch 15, 1895Griggs Courier1
1488Detwiller, WilliamObituaryHeart disease18May 17, 1895Griggs Courier1
1489JorgensonDeath NoticeMay 17, 1895Griggs Courier1
1490Newell, DuboisObituaryMay 17, 1895Griggs Courier1
1491Jimeson, Mrs. W CObituaryPleuro-pneumonia60November 15, 1895Griggs Courier1
1492Strande, John JObituaryTyphoid fever39November 1, 1895Griggs Courier5
1493Buckley, John PObituaryHemorrhage of the brain35November 15, 1895Griggs Courier1
1494Adams, Fred HObituarySuicide45October 25, 1895Griggs Courier1
1495Richards, 16 mo old dauDeath NoticeWhooping cough16October 18, 1895Griggs Courier1
1496Denham, ReubenObituaryParalysisOctober 25, 1895Griggs Courier5
1497Sherwood, BernardDeath NoticeSuicide by drowningSeptember 27, 1895Griggs Courier1
1498Retzlaff, MichelObituary77April 17, 1896Griggs Courier5
1499Johnson, Enger MaryObituaryEpilepsy18April 17, 1896Griggs Courier5
1500Fladland, 14 yr old son Death NoticeParalysis14April 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1501Berg, 7 yr old dau of A HObituary7April 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1502Houghton, Leo son of HoraceObituaryScarletina22 monthsApril 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1503Fenner, AlfredDeath Notice8 monthsApril 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1504Lewis, W WObituaryPneumoniaApril 24, 1896Griggs Courier5
1505Nelson, Mrs. Wife of Steele Co. Treas.ObituaryApril 17, 1896Griggs Courier5
1506Fugelstad, PeterObituaryConsumptionAugust 21, 1896Griggs Courier5
1507Qualey, JuliaObituaryBrain fever17December 18, 1896Griggs Courier4
1508Burrows, Henry MDeath NoticeFroze todeathDecember 4, 1896Griggs Courier1
1509Doyle, LylaObituaryTried to commit suicide by drinking carbolic acidDecember 11, 1896Griggs Courier1
1510McKeever, D CDeath NoticeFroze todeathDecember 4, 1896Griggs Courier1
1511Ebentier, ClaraObituaryDiphtheria6February 21, 1896Griggs Courier5
1512McDermott, 1 yr old dau of J HObituaryStomach trouble and teething1February 14, 1896Griggs Courier5
1513McDermott, Baby dau Funeral ReportInfantFebruary 21, 1896Griggs Courier5
1514Petterson, Infant of CharlesDeath NoticeInfantFebruary 21, 1896Griggs Courier5
1515Richardson, 3 mo old son of AlObituaryCongestion of the lungs3 monthsJanuary 24, 1896Griggs Courier5
1516Cox, WillDeath NoticeJanuary 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1517Stewart, KatieObituaryConsumption20July 3, 1896Griggs Courier5
1518Johnson, 4 yr old son of J EObituaryAbscess of the heart4July 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1519Monson, Elmer Joseph son of AlbertObituaryCroup3July 10, 1896Griggs Courier5
1520Davidson, Willie son of AlexObituaryAccidentally shot5June 5, 1896Griggs Courier1
1521Curtis, ThomasObituaryPneumonia47March 6, 1896Griggs Courier5
1522Brown, Franklin NObituaryHeart disease36March 27, 1896Griggs Courier1
1523Fladland, AnnieObituaryConsumption21March 27, 1896Griggs Courier8
1524Fladland, Annie OObituaryConsumption21March 27, 1896Griggs Courier5
1525Pike, BennettObituaryPneumonia19March 13, 1896Griggs Courier5
1526Lien, Yr old son of Hans ODeath Notice1March 13, 1896Griggs Courier5
1527Larson, Infant of AlbertObituarycramps o. colicInfantMarch 13, 1896Griggs Courier5
1528Arestad, Clara dau of ChristianObituaryConsumption16May 15, 1896Griggs Courier5
1529Boyd, William Henry son of R WObituaryPneumonia9May 29, 1896Griggs Courier5
1530Klubben, 7 yr old dau of WaldemarDeath NoticeStomach consumption7May 15, 1896Griggs Courier5
1531Berg, Mrs. SorenDeath NoticeMay 8, 1896Griggs Courier5
1532Hanson, H TPhotographerDeath NoticeConsumptionMay 22, 1896Griggs Courier5
1533Nelson, Ole CDeath NoticeLung cancerMay 8, 1896Griggs Courier5
1534Olson, Mrs. GilbertDeath NoticeLung feverMay 8, 1896Griggs Courier5
1535McMordie, WilliamObituaryLung troubleabout 40November 13, 1896Griggs Courier5
1536Wilson, Infant female of ClintonObituary4 monthsOctober 23, 1896Griggs Courier5
1537Gunderson, Infant of S CObituaryCholera morbus14 monthsSeptember 4, 1896Griggs Courier5
1538Arnt, AugustObituaryConsumption23April 9, 1897Griggs Courier5
1539Bustrack, Mrs. S HObituaryCancerApril 9, 1897Griggs Courier5
1540Greftgreff, Dr. G OObituaryDrank arsinous acid and caustic potash by mistakeApril 23, 1897Griggs Courier8
1541Olson, AdolfDeath NoticeFroze to deathApril 9, 1897Griggs Courier5
1542Evers, 5 yr old dau of JohnObituaryRun over by wagon5August 13, 1897Griggs Courier5
1543Fay, Mrs. Wife of ex sheriffObituaryAccidentally shotAugust 27, 1897Griggs Courier1
1544Lunde, RachelObituaryLung troubleAugust 6, 1897Griggs Courier5
1545Pederson, ThomasObituary32December 17, 1897Griggs Courier5
1546Serumgard, ThoreObituaryTyphoid pneumonia29December 3, 1897Griggs Courier1
1547Odegard, Mrs. GuroObituary77February 5, 1897Griggs Courier5
1548Westacott, Infant of CaptainObituaryFell into tub of hot water16 monthsFebruary 12, 1897Griggs Courier1
1549Koch, WilliamObituary68January 29, 1897Griggs Courier5
1550Kruger, EmilObituaryKicked in head by horse30July 23, 1897Griggs Courier5
1551Bradford, Mrs. Gma of JohnDeath NoticeJuly 23, 1897Griggs Courier1
1552Cooper, James BObituary68June 11, 1897Griggs Courier1
1553Gunderson, Mrs. S CObituaryJune 18, 1897Griggs Courier4
1554Reid, Mrs. Death NoticeJune 4, 1897Griggs Courier1
1555Beecher, Mrs. Henry WardDeath Notice85March 12, 1897Griggs Courier5
1556Williams, CharlesObituaryFace cancer43March 26, 1897Griggs Courier1
1557Grant, FinlayObituaryTyphoid35May 7, 1897Griggs Courier1
1558Klubben, KarenObituaryConsumption15May 28, 1897Griggs Courier5
1559Johnson, Mrs. AugustDeath NoticeLung troubleMay 21, 1897Griggs Courier5
1560Gilbertson, Mrs. MayHagenObituary26November 5, 1897Griggs Courier1
1561Stone, Mrs. Fred JFuneral ReportSeptic fever25November 26, 1897Griggs Courier5
1562Stone, Mrs. Fred JObituarySeptic fever25November 19, 1897Griggs Courier1
1563Hicks, Infant of C EDeath NoticeMeaslesNovember 12, 1897Griggs Courier5
1564Hicks, Mrs. C EObituaryMeaslesNovember 12, 1897Griggs Courier1
1565Lewis, John pa of Mrs. S B LangfordDeath Noticeover 80October 22, 1897Griggs Courier5
1566Gimblett, ThomasObituary76October 22, 1897Griggs Courier5
1567Stewart, 5 mo old son of PeterObituaryWater on the brain5 monthsOctober 1, 1897Griggs Courier1
1568Wilson, 2 mo old of ClintonObituary2 monthsOctober 1, 1897Griggs Courier8
1569Gorthy, Infant of ArchieObituaryInfantOctober 1, 1897Griggs Courier8
1570Lundeby, Rev. IObituaryKidney and liver troubleOctober 1, 1897Griggs Courier5
1571Nelson, Mrs. NelsObituaryTyphoid feverOctober 15, 1897Griggs Courier5
1572Emerson, GunderDeath Notice69September 3, 1897Griggs Courier5
1573Bakke, Anders MDeath NoticeSeptember 17, 1897Griggs Courier5
1574Ressler, Mrs. JohnObituarySeptember 10, 1897Griggs Courier1
1575Newell, Dr. G GObituaryStroke of paralysis81April 1, 1898Griggs Courier1
1576Hurd, Mrs. Hanna ADeath Notice77April 1, 1898Griggs Courier5
1577Messner, ChrisObituaryPneumonia60April 22, 1898Griggs Courier4
1578Vande Bogart, Mrs. AnnieObituary37April 1, 1898Griggs Courier1
1579Mayer, ChrisObituaryBlood vessel in head burstApril 1, 1898Griggs Courier5
1580Hyde, Mrs. Ma of W SObituaryTyphoid fever57August 12, 1898Griggs Courier4
1581Hogan, TommyObituaryInjured by runaway horse13August 5, 1898Griggs Courier5
1582Ressler, Female infant of John WDeath NoticeInfantAugust 12, 1898Griggs Courier5
1583Wylie, GrandmaObituaryPneumonia74December 8, 1898Griggs Courier1
1584Laatvet, OleObituaryHeart failureabout 40December 1, 1898Griggs Courier5
1585Benson, 17 mo old son of JohnObituaryAccidentally drank carbolic acid17 monthsDecember 15, 1898Griggs Courier4
1586Guest, Mrs. H JObituaryDropsyJuly 22, 1898Griggs Courier5
1587Lichtscheidle, FranzObituarySuicide by drinking strychnineJuly 8, 1898Griggs Courier4
1588Jorgenson, John NObituarySuicide by shoothing himselfabout 45June 24, 1898Griggs Courier4
1589Pound, S J part 1ObituarySuicide by blowing his brains outMarch 25, 1898Griggs Courier1
1590Pound, S J part 2ObituarySuicide by blowing his brains outMarch 25, 1898Griggs Courier1
1591VandeBogart, Mrs. ScotObituaryChild birth / blood poisoningMarch 25, 1898Griggs Courier5
1592Iverson, Mrs. OObituaryApoplexy62May 6, 1898Griggs Courier1
1593Sinclair, Mrs. Florence MObituarySeptic fever24May 13, 1898Griggs Courier5
1594Friedenburg, Male infant of CharlesDeath NoticeInfantMay 20, 1898Griggs Courier4
1595Houghton, J WObituaryDropsy and old age71October 13, 1898Griggs Courier5
1596Person, MaggieObituaryTyphoid feverOctober 6, 1898Griggs Courier5
1597Williams, HiramObituary81September 8, 1898Griggs Courier4
1598Church, WilliamObituaryAccidentally shot himselfabout 64September 22, 1898Griggs Courier4
1599Foley, Mrs. JamesObituaryDrownedabout 22September 22, 1898Griggs Courier8
1600Arestad, Infant of HalvorDeath NoticeInfantSeptember 29, 1898Griggs Courier4
1601Stewart, Mrs. WilliamObituaryConsumptionabout 39September 28, 1899Griggs Courier1
1602Hammer, Mrs. Helena HalvorsonObituary70April 27, 1899Griggs Courier1
1603Martin, Mrs. W HObituaryCholera morbus68April 20, 1899Griggs Courier1
1604Johnson, Charles HObituaryPneumonia53April 27, 1899Griggs Courier1
1605Lunde, HansObituaryConsumption27April 6, 1899Griggs Courier5
1606Lande, C GObituarySuicide by prussic acidApril 13, 1899Griggs Courier5
1607Soma, Mrs. JorgenObituarySeptic feverApril 20, 1899Griggs Courier5
1608Larson, AlfredObituarySuicide by drowning42August 31, 1899Griggs Courier4
1609Anderson, Ruth dau of RierObituaryCholera infantum7 monthsAugust 24, 1899Griggs Courier5
1610Borchert, Mrs. GottfriedObituaryConsumptionAugust 31, 1899Griggs Courier5
1611Murphy, WilliamObituaryBad whiskeyAugust 31, 1899Griggs Courier1
1612Helland, Mrs. H HObituary62December 28, 1899Griggs Courier5
1613Nordhougen, Mrs. TollefObituary55December 7, 1899Griggs Courier4
1614Collins, WilliamObituaryFell off elevator under constructionabout 50December 7, 1899Griggs Courier1
1615Rice, Miss BelleObituaryConsumption29December 7, 1899Griggs Courier1
1616Simmons, H CObituaryDecember 28, 1899Griggs Courier1
1617Johnson, Mrs. HDeath Notice80February 23, 1899Griggs Courier1
1618Nimier, D S Father of Mrs. E S ShawDeath NoticeDropsyFebruary 16, 1899Griggs Courier5
1619Richardson, 8 mo old of A EObituaryPneumonia8 monthsJanuary 12, 1899Griggs Courier5
1620Shue, Mrs. A EFuneral ReportJanuary 26, 1899Griggs Courier5
1621Fluke, ThomasFuneral ReportCatarrh of the stomach53June 15, 1899Griggs Courier1
1622Fluke, ThomasObituaryCatarrh of the stomach53June 15, 1899Griggs Courier1
1623Buck, Mrs. AmosDeath Notice78March 9, 1899Griggs Courier5
1624Kingsley, William AObituary65March 2, 1899Griggs Courier4
1625Stevens, Hon. JuliusObituaryLung trouble43March 9, 1899Griggs Courier4
1626McCulloch, JamesObituaryMarch 30, 1899Griggs Courier5
1627Opheim, OscarDeath NoticeCarbon monoxideMarch 9, 1899Griggs Courier5
1628Opheim, OscarObituaryCarbon monoxideMarch 9, 1899Griggs Courier5
1629Lear, 1 yr old dau of ChristDeath NoticeLung trouble1May 25, 1899Griggs Courier5
1630Markuson, MartinObituaryBursting blood vesselMay 18, 1899Griggs Courier4
1631Olson, AlfredObituaryCancer67November 16, 1899Griggs Courier5
1632Allen, JosephObituaryHeart failureNovember 2, 1899Griggs Courier4
1633Hill, 2nd son of Mrs. JObituaryNovember 16, 1899Griggs Courier5
1634Olson, AndrewObituaryNovember 16, 1899Griggs Courier5
1635Ward, Miss EmmaObituary19October 26, 1899Griggs Courier1
1636Gullickson, Mrs. GeorgeObituaryComplications from tumor removal53September 28, 1899Griggs Courier5
1637Bowden, A LObituaryHeart failure41September 7, 1899Griggs Courier1
1638Allen, Gertie dau of StephenObituaryFellfrom load of hay13September 7, 1899Griggs Courier5
1639Gunning, 1 yr old dau of JamesObituaryCholera infantum11 monthsSeptember 21, 1899Griggs Courier5
1640Newton, Charlie - part 1ObituaryFell from grain wagonSeptember 21, 1899Griggs Courier1
1641Newton, Charlie - part 2ObituaryFell from grain wagonSeptember 21, 1899Griggs Courier1
1642Newton, ChasDeath NoticeFell from wagonSeptember 21, 1899Griggs Courier4
1643Arneson, Mrs. ChristieDeath Notice64January 18, 1900Griggs Courier5
1644Hagen, CarolineObituaryPleuro pneumoniaabout 27January 25, 1900Griggs Courier5
1645Christofferson, ClaraDeath NoticeConsumptionJanuary 25, 1900Griggs Courier5
1646Haase, CarlObituaryRailroad accidentJanuary 4, 1900Griggs Courier5
1647Root, HerbertDeath NoticeStomach cancerJanuary 11, 1900Griggs Courier5
1648Werner, MissDeath NoticeWeighed 280 pounds19March 29, 1900Griggs Courier5
1649Blocker, StellaObituaryCholera10March 29, 1900Griggs Courier4
1650Gouldthrite, Frank MerleObituary5April 26, 1900Griggs Courier5
1651Fredenburg, Mrs. CharleyObituaryChildbirthApril 19, 1900Griggs Courier4
1652Walks, Mrs. SusannaObituary76May 3, 1900Griggs Courier5
1653Climie, Mrs. BenjaminBrown, EdithObituaryChildbirth29May 17, 1900Griggs Courier1
1654Robinson, Infant Death NoticeInfantMay 17, 1900Griggs Courier8
1655Baum, Mrs. JoelDeath NoticeHeart affection and runawayMay 3, 1900Griggs Courier5
1656Hiller, Mrs.Death NoticeMay 24, 1900Griggs Courier5
1657Hiller, Mrs. Ma of MatDeath NoticeMay 24, 1900Griggs Courier5
1658Saunders, James ObituarySuicide by shooting26August 9, 1900Griggs Courier5
1659Brophy, Mrs. R C ObituaryAugust 23, 1900Griggs Courier5
1660Iverson, Twin Dau of AlexObituaryAugust 9, 1900Griggs Courier4
1661Koloen, Infant twin of SeverDeath NoticeSummer complaintAugust 9, 1900Griggs Courier4
1662Stewart, Child of PeterDeath NoticeAugust 30, 1900Griggs Courier8
1663Ueland, AndersObituaryRunawayAugust 9, 1900Griggs Courier1
1664Vestern, Mrs.Death Notice70September 13, 1900Griggs Courier5
1665Dusbabek, JosephDeath NoticeShot in Abdomen20September 27, 1900Griggs Courier5
1666Dusbabek, JosephObituaryShot in Abdomen20September 27, 1900Griggs Courier1
1667Braax, 16 yr old sonObituaryHeart failure16September 13, 1900Griggs Courier8
1668Benson, 9 mo old boy of A ODeath NoticeSummer complaint9 monthsSeptember 6, 1900Griggs Courier5
1669Myers, Infant of FrankDeath NoticeInfantSeptember 6, 1900Griggs Courier8
1670Gunderson, ADeath NoticeSeptember 27, 1900Griggs Courier8
1671Fiebiger, Mrs. JosephObituary59October 25, 1900Griggs Courier5
1672Williams, George adopted son of C M HuntleyObituaryHemorrhage of the bowels18October 25, 1900Griggs Courier5
1673Watne, Jonas Death Notice73November 22, 1900Griggs Courier5
1674Arestad, Halvor - Part 1Obituary35November 22, 1900Griggs Courier8
1675Arestad, Halvor - Part 2Obituary35November 22, 1900Griggs Courier8
1676Wilson, James W - part 1ObituaryHeart failure due to sepsis35November 8, 1900Griggs Courier8
1677Wilson, James W - part 2ObituaryHeart failure due to sepsis35November 8, 1900Griggs Courier8
1678Arneson, 4 yr old dau of ArneDeath NoticeRichiadia4November 29, 1900Griggs Courier5
1679Andrus, Mrs. LinaBarnardObituaryNovember 29, 1900Griggs Courier1
1680Austad, Nels - part 1ObituaryBurned to deathNovember 22, 1900Griggs Courier8
1681Austad, Nels - part 2ObituaryBurned to deathNovember 22, 1900Griggs Courier8
1682Watne, son of ErickDeath NoticeConsumptionNovember 8, 1900Griggs Courier5
1683Detwiller, HenryObituary59December 6, 1900Griggs Courier1
1684Simonsen, SyverObituaryconsumption26January 3, 1901Griggs Courier3
1685Flynn, Infant son of J CObituaryeclampsia or seizures14 monthsJanuary 17, 1901Griggs Courier1
1686Christofferson, Dau of MartinDeath NoticeJanuary 24, 1901Griggs Courier5
1687Brown, NormanObituaryLa Grippe, quinsy23February 21, 1901Griggs Courier5
1688Kaass, Mrs. AnnieDeath NoticeSuicide, hanging, while prisonerFebruary 28, 1901Griggs Courier1
1689Lenham, Mrs. JennieObituaryparalytic stroke60May 16, 1901Griggs Courier8
1690Adryan, Son of A HDeath NoticeDiphtheria4June 13, 1901Griggs Courier4
1691McClelland, InfantDeath Noticemeasles, lung troubleInfantJune 6, 1901Griggs Courier1
1692Ford, William BObituaryappendicitis and peritonitis32August 29, 1901Griggs Courier4
1693Anderson, AntonObituaryKilled while digging well31August 29, 1901Griggs Courier4
1694Ryan, PatrickDeath Noticethrown from load of hayAugust 29, 1901Griggs Courier5
1695Witham, A BObituaryheart disease, died while catching colt50September 5, 1901Griggs Courier5
1696Pirchardt, Female infant of OObituarycholera infantum7 monthsSeptember 12, 1901Griggs Courier5
1697Hughes, JohnObituaryBright's disease and inflammatory rheumatism71October 31, 1901Griggs Courier1
1698Lawrence, Susan Ma of G HDeath Noticebronchitis82November 21, 1901Griggs Courier5
1699Feske, JohnObituaryKidney trouble69November 28, 1901Griggs Courier5
1700Mattson, GustafObituarytyphoid fever26November 28, 1901Griggs Courier8
1701Stork, Mrs. G NObituarystomach cancer46January 30, 1902Griggs Courier8
1702Byington, Father of JohnDeath Noticeover 70January 2, 1902Griggs Courier5
1703Hanson, Mrs. LarsDeath NoticeKerosene fire explosionJanuary 23, 1902Griggs Courier1
1704Amundson, ErickObituaryOld Age65February 20, 1902Griggs Courier8
1705Houghton, Nina EBlanchardObituarycomplications from childbirthFebruary 13, 1902Griggs Courier5
1706Iverson, Male infant of AlexObituaryeczema5 monthsMarch 6, 1902Griggs Courier5
1707Anderson, N CObituaryax head woundMarch 13, 1902Griggs Courier1
1708Baker, W AObituarySuicide by shooting himselfMarch 13, 1902Griggs Courier5
1709Baker, W ADeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfMarch 6, 1902Griggs Courier1
1710Baker, W ADeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfMarch 6, 1902Griggs Courier1
1711Byington, Mother of Mrs. John ByingtonDeath NoticeMarch 6, 1902Griggs Courier4
1712Stadig, MarieObituarystomach cancerMarch 20, 1902Griggs Courier5
1713Rearick, Female child of S HObituarypneumonia2April 17, 1902Griggs Courier5
1714Houghton, Female Infant Twin Dau of WesternObituarySmallpox3 monthsApril 10, 1902Griggs Courier5
1715Boyles, Mrs. R Ma of Mrs. G C KoylDeath NoticeCancerApril 10, 1902Griggs Courier4
1716Jacobson, IverObituarystomach troublesApril 3, 1902Griggs Courier5
1717Doyle, Thomas FDeath NoticeFoot crushed, weak heartMay 1, 1902Griggs Courier1
1718Powers, AlvaObituaryheart attack53August 8, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1719Kalvik, John OObituaryconsumption46August 1, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1720Mossing, ChristianObituaryConsumption5August 22, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1721Dickinson, CharleyDeath NoticedrownedAugust 1, 1905Hannaford Enterprise1
1722Qvamme, Mrs.ObituaryAugust 29, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1723Sinclair, DanielFuneral ReportAnemi68September 19, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1724Sinclair, DanielObituaryAnemi68September 19, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1725Lee, WilliamObituaryrun over by threshing machineSeptember 12, 1905Hannaford Enterprise4
1726Warberg, LarsObituarycholera nostrum68October 10, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1727Mogaard, HannahObituaryEpileptic fitabout 1October 3, 1905Hannaford Enterprise5
1728Alm, AlvinObituarygasoline tank explosion7December 26, 1905Hannaford Enterprise1
1729Edlund, Mrs. S OObituarypneumonia33February 20, 1906Hannaford Enterprise1
1730Pederson, MarthaObituaryerysipelas17February 27, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1731Swingen, Dau of TomObituaryfew daysFebruary 10, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1732Christopher, TheodoreObituaryBright's Disease3March 27, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1733Evenson, Mrs. E CObituary41April 17, 1906Hannaford Enterprise4
1734Cederson, Mrs. HelenaObituary37April 17, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1735Markuson, Mrs. Nels KObituarypleurisy30April 3, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1736Corbett, EddieDeath Noticestabbed in heart22September 25, 1906Hannaford Enterprise1
1737Campbell, RubyObituarydiphtheria7September 18, 1906Hannaford Enterprise4
1738Kerber, HenryObituaryran over by train28October 9, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1739Paulson, Infant of JensObituary8 monthsNovember 13, 1906Hannaford Enterprise5
1740Anderson, Victor KObituaryJanuary 29, 1907Hannaford Enterprise3
1741Nelson, JoeObituarypneumoniaFebruary 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1742Nelson, JoeObituarypneumoniaFebruary 12, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1743Knapp, HubbardObituaryBright's Disease70March 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1744Stai, BerthaObituaryconsumption21March 12, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1745Dale, J APart 1 - ObituaryAsphyxiationMarch 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise4
1746Dale, J APart 2 - ObituaryAsphyxiationMarch 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise4
1747Dale, J M son of J APart 1 - ObituaryasphyxiationMarch 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise4
1748Dale, J M son of J APart 2 - ObituaryasphyxiationMarch 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise4
1749Kalvik, Mrs. KnutObituarykidney troubles50April 30, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1750Unknown 5 yr old (Poor copy0ObituaryApril 10, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1751Brekke, Infant of JuliusObituary1 dayJune 11, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1752Brudwick, Infant of A SObituary1 dayJune 18, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1753Lewis, ElmerObituaryKilled by farmhandJune 11, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1754Anderson, LewisDeath NoticeBeaten to deathJuly 9, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1755Larson, Infant dau of L GObituaryseveral daysAugust 13, 1907Hannaford Enterprise7
1756Tang, ChristObituaryblood poisoningSeptember 24, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1757Goodman, GeorgeObituaryCaught in Belt48October 15, 1907Hannaford Enterprise4
1758Olson, Martin CDeath Noticethreshing engine blew up22October 15, 1907Hannaford Enterprise1
1759Halvorson, OleObituaryOctober 22, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1760Larson, Myrtle VivianObituarypneumonia3November 19, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1761Stone, T DObituaryheart failure55December 31, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1762Peterson, Hans GObituaryasthenia50December 17, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1763Broten, Infant son of JohnObituary9 monthsDecember 10, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1764Anderson, LarsDeath NoticeBeaten to deathDecember 24, 1907Hannaford Enterprise5
1765Bjorgans, Syver JohnsonDeath Notice83January 28, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1766Monson, MikkelObituarykidney troubles73January 14, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1767Austad, Erik JObituaryrheumatic fever, heart diseaseJanuary 21, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1768Bull, BerthaObituarycancerJanuary 28, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1769Bjorgans, Syver JohnsonObituary83February 4, 1908Hannaford Enterprise1
1770Larson, Mrs. RichardObituaryconsumption30February 18, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1771Knudtson, RobertObituary18February 25, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1772Broten, John Mrs.Obituaryspinal meningitisFebruary 18, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1773Nelson, Agnes HefflebauerObituaryconsumptionFebruary 11, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1774Martin, Robert WObituarystroke or heart attack72April 28, 1908Hannaford Enterprise7
1775Pederson, Mrs. AObituaryabout 50April 14, 1908Hannaford Enterprise7
1776Fogderud, OlaiObituaryappendicitis operation34May 12, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1777Brekke, LewisObituarysuicide, shot himselfMay 5, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1778Forthun, ChrObituaryrheumatic feverMay 5, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1779Hagberg, JohnObituarySuicide (shot himself in head)May 26, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1780Syrian PeddlerDeath NoticeMay 5, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1781Ormson, 80 yr oldDeath NoticeGranary blew down80September 1, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1782Hoffard, Chr.ObituaryHemorrhage of the stomach64September 22, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1783Switzer, JuleObituaryHeart failure56September 29, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1784Fogderud, Raymond CliffordObituaryAppendicitis7September 15, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1785Christopherson, Infant of AntonDeath NoticeInfantOctober 6, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1786Stewart, Child of WmObituaryNovember 24, 1908Hannaford Enterprise5
1787Spillbury, Mr. Pa of Mrs. Pete StewartDeath Notice76December 8, 1908Hannaford Enterprise4
1788Watters, Mrs. H O (Matilda)Obituary26January 26, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1789Thompson, Infant of KObituaryInfantJanuary 26, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1790Furaas, Arthur HermanObituary5February 16, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1791Berg, ClarenceObituaryPneumonia and typhoid feverMarch 30, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1792Bruns, Mrs. J WObituaryHeart failureMarch 2, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1793Forsberg, CarlObituaryTuberculosis of the throat18April 27, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1794Leslie, Mrs. A CMemoriamHeart failure32May 18, 1909Hannaford Enterprise3
1795Leslie, Mrs. A CObituaryHeart failure32May 11, 1909Hannaford Enterprise4
1796Burseth, Mrs. Charles Death NoticeMay 11, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1797Larson, Mrs. Ole C. (Tora)CorrectionMay 25, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1798Larson, Mrs. Ole C. (Tora)NelsonObituaryMay 18, 1909Hannaford Enterprise3
1799Nielson, HansDeath NoticeConsumptionMay 11, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1800Syverson, OttoObituaryDrownedAbout 29June 22, 1909Hannaford Enterprise4
1801Haugen, Dau of IverDeath NoticeBrain fever5 monthsJune 15, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1802Kampen, Estella MayObituary24October 5, 1909Hannaford Enterprise4
1803Koppenhaver, 6 yr old child of S AObituaryAppendicitis6October 19, 1909Hannaford Enterprise7
1804Michaelson, Son of OleFuneral Report3October 19, 1909Hannaford Enterprise7
1805Councilman, Dau of FredDeath Notice2 monthsOctober 19, 1909Hannaford Enterprise7
1806Hoff, Dau of OscarDeath Notice1 dayOctober 12, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1807Berger, LObituaryDecember 14, 1909Hannaford Enterprise3
1808Berger, N ADeath NoticeHeart failureDecember 7, 1909Hannaford Enterprise5
1809Skaar, Martin PedersonObituaryDiabetes26February 15, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1810Mossing, OleObituary88March 8, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1811Rognlien, Infant of O MObituaryInfantMarch 8, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1812Haugen, EstherObituaryConsumptionMarch 8, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1813Houghton, MirandaObituary81April 12, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1814Long, HaroldObituaryAccidental shooting18April 26, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1815Bjornson, BjornstjerneObituary78May 3, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1816Bjornson, BjornstjerneObituary78May 3, 1910Hannaford Enterprise1
1817Kaastad, BerthaObituaryPneumonia59May 24, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1818Oppegard, PederObituaryErysipelas35May 17, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1819Jones, MerwynObituaryMeasles and heart failure7May 31, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1820Trostad, Josephine Death NoticeWood pile collapsed4May 10, 1910Hannaford Enterprise7
1821Nelson, 3 yr old of KarlObituary3May 31, 1910Hannaford Enterprise1
1822Berg, OleObituaryMay 10, 1910Hannaford Enterprise7
1823Cowen, Lina1st part - ObituaryCirrhosis and malignant cancer of the liverMay 10, 1910Hannaford Enterprise7
1824Cowen, Lina2nd part - ObituaryCirrhosis and malignant cancer of the liverMay 10, 1910Hannaford Enterprise7
1825Reite, Infant of ChristObituaryInfantJune 28, 1910Hannaford Enterprise7
1826Bauer, FrederickDeath NoticeJuly 19, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1827Blystad, ErickDeath NoticeAugust 16, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1828Fosholt, ThorvaldDeath NoticeAugust 16, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1829Margach, Karen StinaObituaryAugust 23, 1910Hannaford Enterprise1
1830Nelson, CharlesObituaryHeart disease75September 6, 1910Hannaford Enterprise1
1831Peterson, Infant of Mrs. AustenDeath Notice8 monthsSeptember 20, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1832Mathewson, Mrs. CarlObituaryTyphoid feverSeptember 13, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1833Jaeger, Mrs. Ole Death Notice58October 4, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1834Jaeger, Mrs. Ole (Dorothea)Obituary58October 11, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1835Anderson, PernilleObituaryOctober 25, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1836Stavsvick, BenObituaryPneumonia47November 22, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1837Helgeson, ClaraObituaryConsumption19November 22, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1838Everson, BentonObituaryBronchitis14November 15, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1839Everson, BentonObituaryBronchitis14November 8, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1840Ose, NelsDeath NoticeTyphoid feverNovember 19, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1841Gallup, FrankObituaryAccidentally shot himself14December 27, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1842Berger, ArthurObituaryDecember 6, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1843Kraft, UnknownDeath NoticeDecember 27, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1844More, Russell ADeath NoticeBuilding collapsedDecember 20, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1845Mulroy, Mrs. J HObituaryDecember 6, 1910Hannaford Enterprise5
1846Tuskind, CarlDeath NoticeCollapsing grain buildingDecember 20, 1910Hannaford Enterprise4
1847Hanson, WellickObituaryHeart disease78January 10, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1848Stromme, Lars KObituaryStroke of paralysis72January 3, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1849Anderson, Mrs. FritjofDeath NoticeAppendicitis ComplicationsJanuary 24, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1850Leninger, JohnObituaryHeart failureJanuary 17, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1851Vigesaa, Bertha SereineObituaryDropsy22March 28, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1852Pettit, Mrs. OllieObituary23April 4, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1853Swenson, MinnieObituaryApril 18, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1854Ebentire, Mrs. JosephObituaryPernicious anaemia52May 16, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1855Rosdal, H KObituaryAccidentally drank carbolic acid37May 16, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1856Anderson, AlfredObituaryDiabetes30May 2, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1857Anderson, Alfred Funeral ReportDiabetes30May 9, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1858Anderson, Alfred O TributeDiabetes30May 30, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1859Forsberg, Beda MariaObituary14May 2, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1860Freer, Ella CObituaryInflammation of the kidneys and stomach54June 27, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1861Bakken, EdwardObituaryTyphoid-Pneumoniaabout 19June 13, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1862Flynn, ManleyDeath NoticeHeart troubleJune 13, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1863Nolte, Elmer PDeath NoticeSuicide by drinking hydrocyanic acid22July 25, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1864Steffen, WilliamDeath NoticeAccidentally drank formaldehydeJuly 11, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1865Tufty, TomDeath NoticeJuly 18, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1866Olson, Ole MartinObituary25August 1, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1867Lolack, MichaelObituaryRailroad accident19August 15, 1911Hannaford Enterprise4
1868Berlin, Mrs. Byron EObituary53September 5, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1869Frazie, AlbertObituaryAccidentally shot17October 10, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1870Marsh, W DDeath NoticeOctober 10, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1871Soma, IngeborgObituaryDropsy61November 7, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1872Roise, Mrs KathrinaObituaryCancer86November 21, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1873Richardson, George WObituary86December 26, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1874Allen, Mrs I DObituaryInternal hemorrhageDecember 12, 1911Hannaford Enterprise5
1875Olson, Mrs EdwinDeath NoticeBright's disease57January 30, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1876Wattles, StellaDeath NoticePneumonia and blood poisoning20January 9, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1877Michaelson, Infant Dau of OleDeath NoticeInfantJanuary 16, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1878Peterson, ChristinaPart 1 - Death NoticeFroze to deathJanuary 23, 1912Hannaford Enterprise4
1879Peterson, ChristinaPart 2 - Death NoticeFroze to deathJanuary 23, 1912Hannaford Enterprise4
1880Peterson, JoePart 1 - Death NoticeFroze to deathJanuary 23, 1912Hannaford Enterprise4
1881Peterson, JoePart 2 - Death NoticeFroze to deathJanuary 23, 1912Hannaford Enterprise4
1882Vatne, WilhelmObituaryKilled by mob in ChinaJanuary 16, 1912Hannaford Enterprise1
1883Olson, Mrs EdwinObituaryBright's disease57February 6, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1884Grinager, Elizabeth Mother ofDeath NoticeMarch 5, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1885Westly, Son of HansDeath NoticeInfantile paralysisMarch 26, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1886Skaar, Edmund LObituaryAsthma and pneumonia52April 2, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1887Anderson, IverObituaryAccidentally shot himselfabout 35April 9, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1888Taxdahl, MyrtleObituaryInfantile paralysis8April 9, 1912Hannaford Enterprise1
1889Peterson, Mrs AlbertFluke, Sarah LucileObituaryConsumptionApril 16, 1912Hannaford Enterprise4
1890Herigstad, TheodoreObituaryTyphoid Fever16May 28, 1912Hannaford Enterprise1
1891Stokka, OleObituaryabout 65June 25, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1892Baumgart, TonyObituaryDrowned21July 2, 1912Hannaford Enterprise1
1893Miklethun, Mrs John LPedersonObituary34August 27, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1894Miklethun, Mrs John LDeath Notice34August 20, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1895Russel, Charles HObituaryRailroad accidentAugust 6, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1896Merriman, TracyObituaryApoplexy66September 10, 1912Hannaford Enterprise4
1897Nierenberg, FredObituaryAppendicitis19September 3, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1898Brusegard, Carl IObituaryPneumonia27October 8, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1899Peterson, ChristianObituaryConsumptionOctober 8, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1900Krag, Mrs OlausHerigstad, KirstiObituaryRheumatic fever and pneumonia42November 26, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1901Krag, Mrs OlausObituaryRheumatic fever and pneumonia42November 19, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1902Haugen, JohnObituaryRunway horsesNovember 19, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1903Mayne, Col H TObituaryPneumoniaNovember 12, 1912Hannaford Enterprise3
1904Retzlaff, Mrs WilhelminaObituaryNovember 19, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1905Ott, Mrs JamesDeath NoticeDecember 31, 1912Hannaford Enterprise5
1906Ayrea, Mr Father of E MDeath Noticeabout 84January 7, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1907Erickson, ErickObituaryJanuary 20, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1908Johnson, Mrs EllingDeath NoticePneumoniaJanuary 20, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1909Sayre, S BenObituaryKilled by Mexican cowboysJanuary 28, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1910Kalvik, KnutDeath NoticeHeart failure63February 18, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1911Lima, Mrs PeterObituaryPneumoniaFebruary 4, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1912Windingland, Mrs AnnaObituary48April 29, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1913Idland, Child of AadneDeath NoticeLung feverInfantApril 15, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1914Guthrie, ArchibaldObituaryabout 67May 27, 1913Hannaford Enterprise1
1915Hoffman, SelmaObituaryPneumonia21May 13, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1916Hoffman, SelmaDeath NoticePneumonia21May 6, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1917Sinclair, Mrs W DEthelObituaryChildbirth and heart failure30June 10, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1918Sinclair, Mrs W DDeath NoticeChildbirth and heart failure30June 3, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1919Cutsforth, ManlyDeath NoticeLightningabout 20June 10, 1913Hannaford Enterprise1
1920Peterson, Gladys Dau of SyverObituaryInfantJune 10, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1921Brunsvold, N E Sister ofFuneral ReportAppendicitisJune 24, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1922Knutson, KnutDeath NoticeOld age and paralytic strokeJune 10, 1913Hannaford Enterprise4
1923Johnson, Mrs BritaObituary74July 8, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1924Berg, A HDeath Notice55August 26, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1925Bringe, Nels N B ro of Mrs Andrew FortneyDeath NoticeAugust 5, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1926Carleton, Will Mother in Law ofDeath NoticeAugust 26, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1927Ouren, JorgenDeath NoticeTuberculosisAugust 19, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1928Saunders, Mrs IsabellaUrquhartObituaryAugust 26, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1929Saunders, Mrs Mother of Mrs CarletonDeath NoticeAugust 26, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1930Berg, A HObituary55September 2, 1913Hannaford Enterprise4
1931Berg, Edward SObituaryParalytic strokeSeptember 30, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1932Skramstad, Martin HObituarySeptember 9, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1933Sletten, OleDeath NoticeSeptember 2, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1934Berg, Edward SFuneral ReportParalytic strokeOctober 7, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1935Gunderson, Mrs AslakTheaObituary77December 9, 1913Hannaford Enterprise5
1936Horner, Mrs EdRegner, HazelObituaryJanuary 20, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1937Sells, MauriceObituaryInflammation of the brain29February 17, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1938Haugen, Infant Male of MikalObituaryInfantFebruary 3, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1939Groven, E HObituaryDropsy and heart failure56March 17, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1940Pederson, 11 yr old dau of SeverObituary11March 31, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1941Larson, OliverObituaryTuberculosis24April 7, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1942Uggelvik, SverreFuneral ReportSpinal injury from lifting hayrack22April 14, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1943Uglevik, SverreDeath NoticeSpinal injury from lifting hayrack22April 14, 1914Hannaford Enterprise4
1944Uglevik, SverreDeath NoticeSpinal injury from lifting hayrack22April 7, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1945Johnson, HazelObituaryEpilepsy14April 7, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1946Crane, Mrs MaynardObituaryDeceased gall bladderJune 16, 1914Hannaford Enterprise4
1947Hoggarth, JosephObituaryHeart failure60July 28, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1948Kalland, David ObituaryThroat and lung trouble65August 18, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1949Kalland, David Death NoticeThroat and lung trouble65August 11, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1950Sonju, HansDeath NoticeHeart trouble58August 18, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1951Sonju, HansObituaryHeart trouble58August 18, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1952Soma, 3 yr old of JorgenDeath Notice3August 4, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1953Sahl, OlafPart 1 - ObituaryTyphoid feverSeptember 29, 1914Hannaford Enterprise4
1954Sahl, OlafPart 2 - ObituaryTyphoid feverSeptember 29, 1914Hannaford Enterprise4
1955Stee, Mrs Thomas Mother ofDeath NoticeSeptember 29, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1956Downe, Mrs Death NoticeCancerOctober 6, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1957Erdahl, SjurFuneral Report93December 8, 1914Hannaford Enterprise4
1958Baker, 5 yr old sonDeath NoticeBurned to death5December 15, 1914Hannaford Enterprise7
1959Blair, JosephObituaryParalytic strokeDecember 22, 1914Hannaford Enterprise5
1960Miller, Child of AdolphObituaryInfantJanuary 19, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1961Sannes, AntonDeath NoticeJanuary 12, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
1962Warsberg, LarsObituaryJanuary 12, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1963Burseth, CharlesObituaryBright's disease47February 23, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
1964Anderson, Mrs A O Sinclair, SadieObituaryTuberculosis36February 16, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1965Anderson, SadieFuneral ReportFebruary 23, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1966Kalland, BeattaDeath NoticeOperation complications26March 23, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1967Anderson, ChesterObituaryTuberculosis17March 2, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
1968Swenson, Walter son of NicDeath Notice17March 2, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1969Swenson, WalterObituary15March 9, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1970Mortenson, Infant of ChristDeath NoticeInfantMarch 9, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1971Jensen, Mrs ChristObituaryCancerMarch 9, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1972Sundahl, Mrs O WObituaryBurned to deathMarch 16, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1973Hemmingson, NielsObituaryParalytic stroke69April 27, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1974Stromme, OleObituary68April 6, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1975Overby, Mrs T PKnutsonObituaryabout 28April 6, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1976Craig, Mrs P HMoseley, CarrieObituaryApril 6, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1977Jenson, Jens BObituaryAppendicitis operation and pneumoniaApril 20, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1978Hemmingson, NielsIntermentParalytic stroke69May 4, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1979Johnson, LauraDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentMay 18, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1980Johnson, Laura TDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentMay 18, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1981Benson, John ADeath Notice83June 22, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1982Weible Lind, Mrs MatildaObituary42June 8, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1983Curry, Theodore KDeath NoticeStomach cancer39June 8, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1984Lunde, SigurdDeath NoticeTuberculosis17July 20, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1985Kaas, NelsDeath NoticeJuly 27, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1986Helmer, Mrs OleJohanneson, Sigrid KristineObituaryCancer64August 10, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1987Johnson, Mrs Ole CGunhildObituaryStomach cancer50August 10, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1988Ose, SeverObituaryAugust 24, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1989Sinclair, Mrs JamesFuneral ReportHemorrhage of the brainAugust 17, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1990Whiting, Mrs LeoThurstonObituaryChildbirthAugust 24, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1991Larson, RasmusObituary71September 28, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1992Herigstad, MargaretObituary31September 7, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1993Ladbury, LObituarySeptember 21, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1994Greenland, Miss ClaraObituaryabout 38October 5, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
1995Berg, DorisObituaryBright's disease17October 26, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
1996Berg, Doris Dau of JohnDeath NoticeBright's disease17October 19, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1997Emery, David L Brother ofDeath NoticeConstruction accidentOctober 12, 1915Hannaford Enterprise1
1998Palm, AugustObituaryBright's disease and bronchitis59November 9, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
1999Palm, AugustDeath NoticeBright's disease and bronchitis59November 2, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
2000Christofferson, Mrs OlafDeath NoticePneumonia and weak heart35November 23, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
2001Christopherson, Mrs OlafMork, ThoraObituaryPneumonia and weak heart35November 30, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
2002Anundson, Mrs Halvor Mother ofDeath NoticeNovember 30, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
2003Holte, AndrewDeath NoticeNovember 2, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
2004Jimeson, Mrs W CDeath NoticeNovember 16, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
2005Sebby, ChristianObituaryBright's disease59December 21, 1915Hannaford Enterprise8
2006Ostebo, Sjurson S ObituaryAsthma and liquorDecember 28, 1915Hannaford Enterprise5
2007Wunderlich, JDeath NoticeDecember 28, 1915Hannaford Enterprise4
2008Lewis, S ADeath Noticeabout 80January 18, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2009Wunderlich, Mathew CObituary53January 4, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2010Ellefson, ElmerDeath NoticeTuberculosis23January 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2011Clark, S B Father of 22 yr old sonDeath NoticeAccident in packing plant22January 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2012Ostebo, Sjurson S Funeral ReportAsthma and liquorJanuary 4, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2013Thoreson, Mrs P A Father ofDeath NoticeJanuary 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2014Larson, HelgeFuneral Reportabout 80February 22, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2015Armstrong, AdamObituaryHeart trouble65February 8, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2016Stering, LuellaObituaryAppendicitis18February 15, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2017Iverson, Mrs MariaMiklethunObituaryHeart trouble83March 28, 1916Hannaford Enterprise1
2018Johnson, Gertrude do OlafObituaryInfantMarch 28, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2019Gilbertson, HansDeath NoticeFell from threshing machineMarch 7, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2020Simonson, Mrs EngebritJorstadObituaryDropsy of the heart59April 18, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2021Hanson, AndrewFuneral ReportHeart failure55April 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2022Hanson, AndrewObituaryHeart failure55April 18, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2023Aarestad, Mrs Hannah OienObituaryTuberculosis37April 11, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2024Werth, Mrs AugustPugh, Hestella PearlObituaryHeart trouble29April 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2025Werth, Mrs AugustDeath NoticeHeart trouble29April 18, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2026Koboll, GeorgeObituaryHeart trouble26April 11, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2027Holte, O A 3 children ofDeath NoticeMeasles and heart failureApril 11, 1916Hannaford Enterprise8
2028Lundmark, EdDeath NoticeKilled in knife attackApril 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise1
2029Nybo, John AndrewsObituary68May 16, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2030Njaa, GeorgeObituaryGrippe18May 23, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2031Njaa, Mrs A ABekkevold, ChristineObituaryGallstone operation32June 6, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2032Kalvik, Infant Daughter of JohnDeath NoticeInfantJune 27, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2033Brainard, Theodore so JamesDeath NoticeRan over by grain wagon6July 25, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2034Kimball, Merrit so PorterDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWIJuly 11, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2035Bothwell, Mrs JamesMcCulloch, Mary EllenPart 1 - ObituaryHemorrhage63August 22, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2036Bothwell, Mrs JamesMcCulloch, Mary EllenPart 2 - ObituaryHemorrhage63August 22, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2037Hoggarth, Mrs JosephDeath NoticeBright's disease58August 29, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2038Madsen, Mrs ChristJaeger, Charlotte MossObituaryCancer36August 22, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2039Clark, Mrs S B, Mother of 22 yr old sonFuneral ReportAccident in packing plant22August 29, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2040Brickson, Charles so Louis WDeath NoticeElectrocuted13August 29, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2041Green, NicDeath NoticeDrownedAugust 8, 1916Hannaford Enterprise1
2042Jackson, Mrs ChristVesta, IngeborgObituaryStomach and liver cancerAugust 22, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2043Jackson, Mrs ChristFuneral ReportStomach and liver cancerAugust 22, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2044Jackson, Mrs. ChristDeath NoticeStomach and liver cancerAugust 15, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2045Bothwell, Mrs JamesFuneral ReportHemorrhage63September 5, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2046Hoggarth, Mrs JosephFrancis, HannahObituaryBright's disease58September 5, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2047Vasfaret, MichaelDeath NoticeLung trouble25September 26, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2048Kuhlman, WilliamDeath NoticeThreshing machine accident24September 12, 1916Hannaford Enterprise4
2049Ableman, Mrs JamesDeath NoticeParalytic strokeSeptember 19, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2050LaValley, A OPart 1 - Death NoticeHeart failureOctober 17, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2051LaValley, A OPart 2 - Death NoticeHeart failureOctober 17, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2052Jimeson, W CDeath Notice82November 7, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2053Hanson, Mrs WellickMarie AnnaPart 1 - ObituaryStroke79November 28, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2054Hanson, Mrs WellickMarie AnnaPart 2 - ObituaryStroke79November 28, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2055Hanson, Mrs WellickMarie AnnaDeath NoticeStroke79November 21, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2056Feiring, Ole PObituaryStomach cancer70December 26, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2057Hadlock, WilliamObituaryHeart failureabout 58December 19, 1916Hannaford Enterprise13
2058Hadlock, WilliamDeath NoticeHeart failureabout 58December 12, 1916Hannaford Enterprise7
2059Evert, Ruben so AugustObituaryaccidentally shot himself14December 19, 1916Hannaford Enterprise12
2060Aarestad, LelandFuneral ReportChildDecember 19, 1916Hannaford Enterprise13
2061Aarestad, LelandObituaryChildDecember 12, 1916Hannaford Enterprise6
2062Edland, Mrs OleDeath NoticeStomach cancerDecember 26, 1916Hannaford Enterprise5
2063Trostad, 2nd son of LouisDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentDecember 5, 1916Hannaford Enterprise1
2064Richardson, Infant son of W HDeath NoticeInfantJanuary 16, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2065Njaa, Mrs TorkelDeath NoticeThroat and heart troubleJanuary 16, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2066Erdahl, Sjur JObituary73February 27, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2067Erdal, SjurDeath Notice73February 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2068Nelson, Mrs C AMcInesObituaryFebruary 13, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2069Sinclair, ElmerDeath NoticeFebruary 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2070Lilja, JohnObituaryChronic catarrh64March 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2071Paulson, OleObituaryBursting blood vessel in brain51March 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise1
2072Paulson, OleDeath NoticeParalytic stroke51March 13, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2073Henning, Mrs Edward and childDeath NoticeBurned to deathMarch 6, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2074Michaelson, Melvin Uncle ofDeath NoticeMarch 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2075Moe, Mrs P KDeath NoticePoisoned from scratchMarch 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2076Phipps, B CDeath NoticeDrowned41May 8, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2077Vadnie, HarryDeath NoticeDrowned23May 8, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2078Berg, Edward SMonumentParalytic strokeMay 29, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2079Haugen, Mrs JohannesDeath NoticeHeart failureMay 1, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2080Skaar, IverObituaryAnaema53July 24, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2081Blake, WilliamDeath NoticeRailroad accidentJuly 24, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2082Ely, FredDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentJuly 24, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2083Ely, FredObituaryAutomobile accidentJuly 24, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2084Gunderson, Irvin so PeterDeath NoticeRunaway horsesJuly 24, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2085Bendickson, CarlObituaryFall from lake steamer27August 28, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2086Thoreson, Mrs Phillip RDavis, IreneObituaryAugust 28, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2087Nielson, FredDeath NoticeParalytic stroke64September 18, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2088Almklov, AndrewFuneral ReportPneumonia and tuberculosis30September 11, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2089Almklov, Andrew MartinusObituaryPneumonia and tuberculosis30September 4, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2090Sheffield, GeorgeDeath NoticeHeld up in bank robberySeptember 25, 1917Hannaford Enterprise1
2091Isackson, Mrs Sever Mother ofDeath Notice66October 16, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2092Judge, Mrs A BAllen, Ellen LouiseObituaryCancer47October 23, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2093Houghton, WillardDeath Noticeabout 24October 16, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2094Houghton, WillardDeath Noticeabout 24October 16, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2095Aarestad, EvelynObituaryTonsillitis operation4October 16, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2096Francis, JohnDeath NoticeAnemiaOctober 2, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2097Fenton, EdObituaryCancer43November 13, 1917Hannaford Enterprise4
2098Anderson, Theo Daughter ofDeath NoticeAppendicitischildNovember 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2099Nickerson, Mrs J M Father ofDeath NoticeNovember 20, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2100Thompson, AnnaObituary83December 25, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2101Shue, AlbertObituary64December 4, 1917Hannaford Enterprise5
2102Wam, JohnObituaryHemorrhages57December 25, 1917Hannaford Enterprise1
2103Thompson, Martin Mother of Death NoticeDecember 18, 1917Hannaford Enterprise7
2104Pederson, Peter RObituaryParalytic stroke81January 22, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2105Anderson, JohannesObituary78January 29, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2106Arestad, EndreDeath NoticeDropsy71February 26, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2107Swenson, Hon NicolaiObituaryTuberculosis64February 19, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2108Swenson, NicDeath NoticeTuberculosis64February 12, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2109Baldwin, A MObituaryPneumonia58February 19, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2110Brekke, JohnObituary85March 26, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2111Nelson, Mrs CharlesStee, IsabelleObituaryParalytic stroke72March 26, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2112Arestad, EndreObituaryDropsy71March 5, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2113Thomsen, Harvey so C MObituaryWhooping Cough4March 19, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2114Dunnum, C O Mother ofDeath NoticeMarch 5, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2115Stai, Lena AmaliaFuneral ReportMarch 26, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2116Westley, Ole HObituary83April 30, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2117Reite, KnuteDeath NoticeApril 23, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2118Kittelson, BergitObituary87May 28, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2119Stai, Olga ElisaObituaryConsumption23May 7, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2120Francis, Child of JohnObituarychildMay 21, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2121Clark, Mrs S PDeath NoticePneumoniaMay 28, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2122Michaelson, AgnesObituaryTuberculosis14June 11, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2123Swenson, Alvin Johan so NicolaiObituaryDrowned12June 18, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2124Clark, Mrs S PObituaryPneumoniaJune 4, 1918Hannaford Enterprise8
2125Sebby, Mrs HenryOlson, SynnevaDeath NoticeTuberculosisJune 18, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2126Jackson, Oris so John HObituaryHeart disease13July 9, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2127Lyle, RobertDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWIJuly 30, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2128Alm, Mrs Lewis Father ofDeath Notice85August 27, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2129Rasmussen, ChrDeath Notice85August 27, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2130Sorensen, Christian so PFObituaryDiabetes maletes9August 20, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2131Van Scoik, John Dau of Death NoticeBurned to deathChildAugust 6, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2132Lindgren, GordonDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWIAugust 20, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2133Sonju, Mrs AndrewObituaryHeart failureAugust 6, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2134Armstrong, MervinMemorial ServiceKilled In Action WWI19September 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2135Armstrong, MervinObituaryKilled In Action WWI19September 17, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2136Swingen, Henry and Tom Father ofDeath NoticeSeptember 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2137Fortney, Mrs AndrewBringe, Susanna NObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia61October 22, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2138Fortney, Mrs AndrewDeath NoticeInfluenze and Pneumonia61October 15, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2139Nygaard, Dr Gabriel OsmundsonObituaryTuberculosis33October 22, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2140Johnson, AxelObituaryAenema28October 22, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2141Kimball, George WObituaryPneumonia26October 15, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2142Larson, Henry LudvigObituaryPneumonia23October 22, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2143Olson, Albert NansenObituaryPneumonia22October 15, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2144Armstrong, Mervin JohnMemorial Service pt 1Killed In Action WWI19October 1, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2145Armstrong, Mervin JohnMemorial Service pt 2Killed In Action WWI19October 1, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2146Arneson, Mrs NelsDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentOctober 29, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2147Campbell, Dr Claude and WifeObituaryInfluenze and PneumoniaOctober 22, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2148Hoel, Mrs AndrewDeath NoticeHeart failureOctober 15, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2149Kaastad, Mrs NicolaiDeath NoticeInfluenze and PneumoniaOctober 29, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2150Larson, Ludvig PObituaryPneumoniaOctober 15, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2151Pitney, Ernest Brother ofDeath NoticeOctober 1, 1918Hannaford Enterprise8
2152Sad, Tosten 'Tom' OlsonObituaryOctober 29, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2153Rooth, Mrs AgnesObituarySpanish influenza31November 12, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2154Berg, Bert so JohnDeath NoticeNovember 19, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2155Davidson, JohnNot deadErroneous death messageNovember 19, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2156Davidson, JohnObituaryErroneous death messageNovember 12, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2157Hogness, J J Mother ofDeath NoticeNovember 12, 1918Hannaford Enterprise8
2158Hunter, Mrs HarryDeath NoticeNovember 26, 1918Hannaford Enterprise8
2159Nelson, JamesObituaryInfluenze and PneumoniaNovember 5, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2160Roaming FoxDeath NoticeHeart failureNovember 12, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2161Sevareid, Vier JuliusObituaryInfluenza and pneumoniaNovember 5, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2162Wallum, RudolphDeath NoticePneumoniaNovember 5, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2163Stai, Mrs L ONolenObituaryTuberculosis66December 3, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2164Miklethun, John Jacob Lewis Sister of ObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia40December 31, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2165Peterson, Mrs RinaObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia40December 31, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2166Palm, Mrs CharlesJohnson, Agnes TheresaObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia30December 17, 1918Hannaford Enterprise1
2167Palm, Mrs CharlesDeath NoticeInfluenze and Pneumonia30December 10, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2168Syverson, Mrs Ingvald DObituaryPneumonia30December 17, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2169Pederson, Oscar LewisObituaryTuberculosis of the spine27December 31, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2170Meyer, Harold SylvesterObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia24December 17, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2171Benson, Infant son of HarveyDeath NoticeInfantDecember 17, 1918Hannaford Enterprise4
2172Alm, Louis Bro in law ofObituaryDecember 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2173Cowen, EarlDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWIDecember 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise8
2174Dewhurst, MrsObituaryDecember 31, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2175Dunnum, Christ Sister ofDeath NoticeDecember 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2176Mikelson, Mike Sister ofObituaryDecember 31, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2177Nelson, SeverinObituaryDecember 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2178Rasmussen, AlbertDeath NoticeDecember 17, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2179Regner, J TDeath NoticeInfluenze and bronchial pneumoniaDecember 3, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2180Walter, Mrs EmilDeath NoticeDecember 24, 1918Hannaford Enterprise5
2181Curtis, Mrs HenryStewart, Christine GillisObituarySpanish influenza and pneumonia45January 7, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2182Lee, Florence ConstanceObituaryInfluenze and Pneumoniaabout 13January 7, 1919Hannaford Enterprise1
2183Swenson, Infant dau of OdinObituary3 daysJanuary 7, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2184Anderson, Andrew J Nephew ofDeath NoticePneumoniaJanuary 21, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2185Guest, HiramObituaryInfluenze and PneumoniaJanuary 7, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2186Guest, Mrs HiramObituaryInfluenze and PneumoniaJanuary 7, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2187Stering, AdolphDeath NoticePneumoniaJanuary 21, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2188Johnson, Henry GObituaryPneumonia27February 4, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2189Swenson, Mrs SwenPederson, ClaraObituary23February 11, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2190Anderson, D NObituaryDiabetes52March 18, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2191Anderson, D NDeath NoticeDiabetes52March 11, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2192Melby, ElmerObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia23March 11, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2193Johnson, Infant dau of FredDeath Notice5 monthsMarch 18, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2194Johnson, Iva Elizabeth do FredObituary5 monthsMarch 25, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2195Alberta, Emelia Brother ofDeath NoticeMarch 11, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2196Larson, JohnDeath NoticeMarch 25, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2197Howden, WilliamDeath NoticeCongestion of the lungs68April 29, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2198Anderson, Mrs P A Nephew ofDeath NoticeDrowned17April 22, 1919Hannaford Enterprise7
2199Kalbakken, EarlDeath NoticeDrowned17April 22, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2200Haugen, OscarDeath NoticeBronchial pneumonia in WWIApril 8, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2201Howden, WilliamObituaryCongestion of the lungs68May 6, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2202Fiero, Mrs Ella MayObituary58May 27, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2203Hanson, Charles RObituaryHeart failure46May 20, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2204Hauge, Dorthea do WilliamDeath NoticeMeningitis1 monthMay 20, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2205Klubben, Mrs MarieDeath NoticeApoplexyMay 6, 1919Hannaford Enterprise4
2206Simonson, SimonFuneral Report93June 10, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2207Karr, BrianDeath NoticeAirplane accident19August 26, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2208Swingen, LewisDeath NoticeTuberculosisSeptember 30, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2209Thoreson, O EDeath NoticePneumoniaabout 36October 28, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2210Seigle, 2 children of JacobDeath NoticeBurned to deathOctober 14, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2211Berg, C LDeath NoticeParalytic strokeabout 60November 25, 1919Hannaford Enterprise5
2212Thoreson, Ole EObituaryPneumoniaabout 36November 4, 1919Hannaford Enterprise1
2213Nelson, Mrs Anna Obituary70December 9, 1919Hannaford Enterprise1
2214Berg, C LObituaryParalytic strokeabout 60December 2, 1919Hannaford Enterprise1
2215Coen, 5 day old infant of G WObituary5 daysDecember 16, 1919Hannaford Enterprise11
2216Scott, CarlDeath NoticeHeart failureDecember 2, 1919Hannaford Enterprise1
2217Nelson, Nels EDeath NoticeAutomobile accident65January 20, 1920Hannaford Enterprise5
2218Paulson Evensrud, Mrs AnnaObituaryParalytic stroke77February 17, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2219Thompson, MartinDeath NoticeParalytic stroke50February 10, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2220Thompson, Martin JObituaryParalysis of the heart50February 17, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2221Christianson, Mrs Grace MathildeFrydenbergObituaryInfluenze and Pneumonia31February 17, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2222Tolstad, LeilaObituaryPneumonia20February 17, 1920Hannaford Enterprise7
2223Toenberg, GerdObituaryPneumonia14February 3, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2224Berge, Elias 3 additional childrenDeath NoticeFluFebruary 10, 1920Hannaford Enterprise5
2225Berge, Elias Wife and 2 childrenDeath NoticeFluFebruary 10, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2226Christianson, Mrs JohnDeath NoticeInfluenze and PneumoniaFebruary 10, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2227Norderhaug, Oldest son of AndrewDeath NoticeFebruary 10, 1920Hannaford Enterprise5
2228Starr, Frank so RobertDeath NoticePneumoniaFebruary 10, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2229Olson Bakhus, EdwinObituaryFlu and old age76March 16, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2230Johnson, Mrs WmEvenson, Clara JosephineObituaryDiabetes40March 30, 1920Hannaford Enterprise4
2231Olson, EdDeath NoticeParalytic strokeMarch 9, 1920Hannaford Enterprise7
2232Skarie, Carl EObituary59May 4, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2233Rohlwing, Emma CharlotteObituary50June 29, 1920Hannaford Enterprise4
2234Kerber, HazelDeath NoticeHeart trouble and scarlet feverchildJune 1, 1920Hannaford Enterprise4
2235Gartman, Edward RobertObituaryDrowned11August 31, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2236Elliott, Hon Elmer EObituary59September 28, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2237Elliott, TomObituaryRailroad accident26September 21, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2238Gordon, 13 yr old so TomDeath NoticeWound around a shaft13September 28, 1920Hannaford Enterprise5
2239Kingsley, Infant of MiloDeath NoticeWhooping Cough5 monthsSeptember 14, 1920Hannaford Enterprise4
2240Arnold, JakeDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfSeptember 21, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2241Kildahl, Dr N JDeath NoticeParalytic strokeSeptember 28, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2242Scott, TomDeath NoticeLightningSeptember 28, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2243Johnson, Mrs H EAga, SigridObituaryPleurisyabout 63October 5, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2244Carlson, JohnDeath NoticeKicked by horseabout 58October 19, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2245Deering, HuldenaDeath NoticeDrank poisonabout 52October 19, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2246Wallum, ElmerDeath Notice40October 26, 1920Hannaford Enterprise2
2247Kalvik, 14 mo old infant of JoeObituaryDrowned14 monthsOctober 12, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2248Brown, Male infant so W GBirth/DeathInfantOctober 12, 1920Hannaford Enterprise6
2249Johnson, Miss Julia Death NoticeInternal cancer55November 30, 1920Hannaford Enterprise5
2250Wallum, Elmer OscarObituary40November 9, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2251Anderson, Gila do IverObituaryDrownedabout 21November 16, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2252Armstrong, MorrisObituary8November 30, 1920Hannaford Enterprise4
2253Bolstad, PeterDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentNovember 30, 1920Hannaford Enterprise5
2254Johnson, Miss Julia BObituaryInternal cancer55December 14, 1920Hannaford Enterprise1
2255Haugen, JohannesObituary75January 4, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2256Voldal, Rev HenrikObituaryRunaway accident60January 4, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2257Johnson, A WDeath NoticeParalytic strokeover 50January 11, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2258Kelly, George BDeath NoticeGall stone operationJanuary 11, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2259Lunde, DonaldDeath NoticeJanuary 4, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2260Retzlaff, CharlesDeath NoticeBurned to deathFebruary 1, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2261Wufflestad, Mrs RevDeath NoticeFebruary 8, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2262Olson, Mrs NelsForsberg, Ida Christina IngeborgObituaryPneumonia43March 8, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2263Olson, Mrs NelsDeath NoticePneumonia43March 1, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2264Storey, H CObituaryAppendicitis38March 15, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2265Storey, H CDeath NoticeAppendicitis38March 8, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2266Hovland, AlbertDeath Notice25March 29, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2267Bergstad, KnutDeath NoticeOver-indulgence in intoxicants and exposureMarch 15, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2268Gunderson, Ira G so G AObituaryAutomobile accident25April 5, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2269Hovland, Albert MarvinObituary25April 5, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2270Aarestad, GenevaObituary14April 12, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2271Nagel, JohnDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himself in heartApril 19, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2272Potvin, IsrealObituaryBlood poisoning from abscessabout 51May 10, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2273Mosher, 3 yr old of FredObituary3May 24, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2274Williams, Wellman so TheodoreObituaryInfantMay 17, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2275Downing, MrDeath NoticeMay 17, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2276Eiden, Mrs W A Father ofDeath NoticeMay 17, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2277Winsloe, Mrs J A HDeath NoticeOperationMay 31, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2278Becker, FredDeath NoticeElectrocutedabout 45June 28, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2279Mosher, Wayne ElmerObituary3June 7, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2280Mosher, Irwin HarrisonObituary1June 7, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2281Guest, WalterDeath NoticeJune 28, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2282Shepard, JohnDeath NoticeRun over by drillJune 28, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2283Washburn, M FObituary73July 12, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2284Christianson, George John so JohnObituaryInfection from small bruise1July 12, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2285Lura, Infant so AndrewDeath NoticeInfantJuly 12, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2286Johnson, AndrewDeath NoticeKidney trouble66August 9, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2287Johnson, Andrew OlofIn NorwegianObituaryKidney trouble66August 16, 1921Hannaford Enterprise4
2288Johnson, Andrew OlofObituaryKidney trouble66August 16, 1921Hannaford Enterprise4
2289Anderson, EricDeath NoticeThreshing machine accidentAugust 23, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2290Stromme, PeterObituary64September 20, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2291Skjelset, LarsObituaryAnemia60September 20, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2292Daugherty, B JDeath NoticeMurderedSeptember 20, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2293Daugherty, Budd Brother of Death NoticeMurderedSeptember 20, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2294Gustafson, Mrs CarlFliflet, BerthaObituaryQuick consumptionSeptember 6, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2295Syverson, Mrs DanielDeath NoticeOctober 18, 1921Hannaford Enterprise7
2296Taylor, AgnesDeath NoticeOctober 25, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2297Osborne, Mrs W HHyatt, Cora AObituary76November 29, 1921Hannaford Enterprise4
2298Brown, Infant so W GDeath NoticeInfantNovember 8, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2299Winsloe, J A HObituaryDiabetesNovember 29, 1921Hannaford Enterprise1
2300Bergren, JohnnyObituaryOperation complications15December 27, 1921Hannaford Enterprise5
2301Howe, HomerDeath NoticeAppendicitisFebruary 7, 1922Hannaford Enterprise5
2302Rising, Edith LuluObituaryBright's diseaseFebruary 21, 1922Hannaford Enterprise5
2303Simpson, JohnDeath NoticeSuicide by drinking carbolic acidFebruary 21, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2304Miklethun, Lars JacobsonObituaryAcute diabetes74March 14, 1922Hannaford Enterprise5
2305Sinclair, Mrs FredChurch, Lorena RObituaryOperation53March 21, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2306Sinclair, Mrs FredDeath NoticeOperation53March 14, 1922Hannaford Enterprise5
2307Blilie, EugeneFuneral ReportInflammatory rheumatism20March 28, 1922Hannaford Enterprise5
2308Blilie, EugeneObituaryInflammatory rheumatism20March 21, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2309Johnson, JonasDeath NoticeMarch 14, 1922Hannaford Enterprise5
2310Stromme, Mrs EinarOlson, GurtObituaryApoplectic stroke68April 4, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2311Mossing, Mrs M JObituary63April 18, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2312McCulloch, NormanObituarySuicide by shooting himselfApril 4, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2313Anderson, Mrs AsherPeterson, ClaraObituaryBright's disease39June 6, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2314Greenland, FrithjofDeath NoticeParalytic strokeJune 6, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2315Nelson, Nels Death NoticeDrownedJuly 25, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2316Jeffrey, Mrs WalterWood, MarionObituaryPulmonary tuberculosis20August 22, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2317Jeffrie, Mrs MarianWood ObituaryPulmonary tuberculosis20August 15, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2318Angus, Miss BelleDeath NoticePernicious anaemiaAugust 1, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2319Stutts, WilliamObituaryAugust 1, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2320McKean, Mrs WmDeath NoticeSeptember 26, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2321Reynolds, Colby CObituaryBurned to deathSeptember 12, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2322Semenson, IngebretObituary63October 3, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2323Christianson, PeterDeath NoticeSuicide by hanging himselfover 60October 10, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2324Frydenberg, AgnesDeath NoticeBurned to death19November 28, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2325Frydenberg, LydiaDeath NoticeBurned to death13November 28, 1922Hannaford Enterprise1
2326Stee, Knut KObituaryDiabetes61December 5, 1922Hannaford Enterprise8
2327Lewis, P LObituaryPeritonitisabout 44January 2, 1923Hannaford Enterprise8
2328Park, LeoDeath NoticeSuicide after killing wifeJanuary 16, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2329Park, Mrs LeoCurfmanObituaryKilled by husbandJanuary 16, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2330Sandvig, Mrs NelsLeeObituary25February 6, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2331Brekke, JuliusObituaryCancer55March 27, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2332Brekke, JuliusDeath NoticeCancer55March 20, 1923Hannaford Enterprise8
2333Sonju, Oscar AdolphObituaryLeakage of the heartMarch 27, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2334Mogaard, Mrs MikalBordson, EmmaObituaryErysipolas and kidney trouble51May 29, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2335Mogaard, Mrs MikalDeath NoticeErysipolas and kidney trouble51May 22, 1923Hannaford Enterprise8
2336Stai, Mrs OlianeObituary70June 5, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2337Purinton, Mrs SarahObituaryPneumoniaJune 12, 1923Hannaford Enterprise8
2338Everson, Axel RandolphObituaryPulmonary tuberculosis22July 31, 1923Hannaford Enterprise1
2339Hoffman, BDeath NoticeJuly 3, 1923Hannaford Enterprise8
2340Casey, PeterDeath NoticeShot and killedApril 26, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2341Miller, Mrs. F HEllsburyDeath NoticeApril 26, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2342Kleven, Ole CObituarySuicide by hanging himself50August 23, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2343Brunsdale, Male infant of K HObituaryInfantAugust 30, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2344Harlan, Mrs. FredObituaryNervous prostrationAugust 16, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2345Ruttle, Mrs. HenryDeath NoticeAugust 2, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2346Templer, JohnObituaryDiphtheriaAugust 2, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2347Tower, CharlemagneObituaryAugust 2, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2348Milligan, Infant of WilliamObituaryInfantFebruary 15, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2349Milligan, Infant son of WilliamDeath NoticeInfantFebruary 22, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2350Denning, Mrs. Clarissa ma of Joseph GrayObituary88January 25, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2351McKay, AlexanderObituaryConsumptionInfantJuly 26, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2352Bogardus, Infant of D LObituaryJuly 12, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2353McKay, Mrs. JemimaObituaryConsumptionJuly 26, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2354Rasmussen, RobertObituaryDiphtheriaJune 7, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2355Webster, HannahObituary65March 15, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2356Nate, MaryPopeObituaryHeart disease28March 29, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2357Nate, Mrs.Death Notice28March 22, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2358Gorley, Mrs. AObituary25March 29, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2359Gorley, Gertie MayObituary10 monthsMarch 29, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2360Whidden, Sadie AObituaryCongestion and blood poisoningMarch 15, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2361Taylor, Female infant of SilasObituaryInfantMay 24, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2362Smith, Mrs. BelindaDeath NoticeCancerMay 10, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2363Leru, MinnieObituary14November 8, 1889Hope Pioneer4
2364Rice, Father of Postmaster RiceDeath NoticeNovember 15, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2365Stikeman, ChildDeath NoticeNovember 22, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2366Williams, E GObituaryHeart trouble30October 25, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2367Plouff, Infant of AlanObituaryInfantOctober 18, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2368Gilbertson, HansObituaryFell from threshing machineOctober 18, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2369Pickert, Female Gdau of Capt. Death NoticeInfantSeptember 6, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2370Pickert, Granddaughter of Capt.Remains shippedInfantSeptember 13, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2371Swanerd, EllenObituarySeptember 20, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2372Ward, Mrs. ThomasObituaryRailroad accidentSeptember 27, 1889Hope Pioneer1
2373Burgess, Mrs. MaryObituary72August 1, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2374Shaw, Mrs. H AugustaWoodObituaryHeart disease48August 15, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2375Warner, Mrs. BertObituaryAugust 29, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2376Cochrane, ElsieObituaryDiphtheria4December 19, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2377Cochrane, Infant of AlbertDeath NoticeDiphtheriaInfantDecember 19, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2378Cochrane, Infant of RobertDeath NoticeDiphtheriaInfantDecember 19, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2379Pressley, Mrs. M CObituaryPlurisy26January 3, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2380Burgess, GeorgeObituaryCancer75June 13, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2381Wamberg, Lloyd son of J JObituaryAbscess in side and blood poisoning2June 13, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2382Mitchell, WilliamObituaryHeart troubleMarch 14, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2383Houghton, Mrs. C AWhisnandObituary28May 23, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2384Nelson, MayObituary1May 30, 1890Hope Pioneer4
2385Storres, Mr. RObituaryTyphoid fever27November 7, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2386Brown, LillieObituaryTyphoid feverNovember 14, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2387Mikkleson, NickObituaryWell caved inNovember 28, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2388Rhoddy, Mrs. ElizabethObituaryConsumption58October 3, 1890Hope Pioneer1
2389Carlton, G HDeath NoticeApril 8, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2390Halfpenny, ElderMemoriamPreached sermonApril 17, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2391Ingersall, Charles EDeath NoticeBoiler explosionDecember 4, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2392Jensen, EDeath NoticeBoiler explosionDecember 4, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2393Ferguson, MaryDeath NoticeDiphtheria14February 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2394Barrett, Mrs. OscarDeath NoticeDiphtheriaFebruary 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2395Cochrane, 2 children of A KDeath NoticeDiphtheriaFebruary 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2396Cochrane, 2 children of RobertDeath NoticeDiphtheriaFebruary 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2397Johnson, 2 girls of El.Death NoticeDiphtheriaFebruary 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2398Johnson, 3 children of S KDeath NoticeDiphtheriaFebruary 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2399Newman, BerthaObituaryJanuary 9, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2400St. John, AlbertDeath NoticeGored to death by bullMarch 13, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2401Shaw, Joseph, Part oneObituaryMurderedMay 29, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2402Shaw, Joseph, Part twoObituaryMurderedMay 29, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2403Baldwin, Evelyn OrrillaObituaryPneumonia45October 30, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2404Ryther, Son of H VObituary3October 9, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2405Harness, Male infant of H JObituary16 monthsOctober 2, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2406Aubel, John LesterObituaryCholera infantumInfantSeptember 4, 1891Hope Pioneer1
2407Stringer, Emma AVan DusenObituary25April 15, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2408Stringer, Mrs. WilliamVan DusenDeath Notice25April 1, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2409Nelson, Mrs. PeterObituaryBurned to deathApril 29, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2410Jones, Mrs. NancyObituary72August 26, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2411Foster, T JObituaryAugust 5, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2412Pope, Mrs. MaryCarpenterObituaryPneumonia43December 9, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2413Pope, Mrs. R AObituaryPneumonia43December 2, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2414Hebkirk, InfantDeath NoticeInfantDecember 9, 1892Hope Pioneer4
2415Lelich, Mrs. ElizabethObituary69February 26, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2416Larson, AndrewObituaryConsumption and la grippeabout 40 to 45February 12, 1892Hope Pioneer4
2417Guernsey, Mrs. Martha JaneObituary31February 19, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2418Steele, NedDeath NoticeFebruary 26, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2419Carpenter, WilliamDeath NoticeJanuary 29, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2420Warner, LauraObituaryScarlet fever and la grippe6March 4, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2421Hawley, William PObituaryConsumptionMarch 4, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2422Platt, Dau of N GObituary8November 11, 1892Hope Pioneer1
2423Marsh, L EObituaryScarlet fever28February 24, 1893Hope Pioneer1
2424Phillip, CharlesObituary2January 3, 1893Hope Pioneer1
2425Anderson, AndrewDeath NoticeDiabetes34January 5, 1894Hope Pioneer1
2426Fullmer, Infant of sis of L JObituaryInfantJanuary 26, 1894Hope Pioneer1
2427White, J R Father of Mrs. McLaughlinDeath NoticeJanuary 5, 1894Hope Pioneer1
2428Dodd, Mrs. ThomasFuneral ReportMarch 16, 1894Hope Pioneer1
2429Dodd, Mrs. ThomasDeath NoticeMarch 9, 1894Hope Pioneer1
2430Walker, George MObituaryConsumptionMarch 9, 1894Hope Pioneer1
2431Regan, Mrs.WhisnandDeath NoticeHeart failure and old ageApril 26, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2432Vosburg, ClaranceDeath NoticeStone fell on him30August 9, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2433Baldwin, Walter EFuneral ReportDecember 13, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2434Baldwin, Walter EObituaryDecember 6, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2435King, Son of LuorDeath NoticeDecember 6, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2436Klovstad, A SFuneral ReportDecember 6, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2437Williams, CharlesObituaryFace cancer43January 4, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2438Wade, HamiltonDeath Notice76July 26, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2439Wade, HamiltonObituary76July 26, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2440Aasved, ElsieObituaryCholera infantumInfantJuly 26, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2441Bye, LewisDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2442Holje, MartinDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2443Johnson, LouisDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2444Kejus, MartinDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2445Kolberg, Anton SDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2446Olson, OlansDeath NoticePoison whiskeyJuly 5, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2447Drummond, Amy JBowellObituary81June 21, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2448Newman, Lesa MableObituaryInfantJune 14, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2449Bottman, OleDeath NoticeJune 7, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2450Morris, Infant of RobertObituaryMother thrown from carriageJune 14, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2451VanDusen, WilliamDeath NoticeJune 28, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2452Cummings, JoeObituaryMarch 29, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2453Cummings, JosephObituaryMarch 22, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2454Newell, DuboisPrecariousMarch 29, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2455Newell, DuboisObituaryMay 31, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2456Parks, Male infant of JObituary2 weeksNovember 8, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2457Kiovstad, J AObituaryNovember 29, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2458Nelson, CarlObituaryInflammation of the bowelsNovember 15, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2459Thede, WilliamDeath NoticeAccidentally shotNovember 29, 1895Hope PioneerSupp
2460Montellus, Mrs. ClaraPlankDeath NoticeAppendicitisOctober 11, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2461Erb, FrankObituaryKicked by horse5September 27, 1895Hope Pioneer4
2462Erb, FrankObituaryKicked by horse5September 27, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2463Dennis, Infant of W HObituary13 weeksSeptember 27, 1895Hope Pioneer1
2464Bistline, WilliamObituaryApril 19, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2465Nelson, Mrs. S HDeath NoticeApril 10, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2466Rugg, Amos UObituaryDrowned30August 13, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2467Harmeson, Emilia AObituary29August 13, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2468Harmerson, Mrs. George WDeath NoticeAugust 6, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2469Masters, Infant of J TDeath NoticeAugust 20, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2470Ide, Ervin LaRoyObituary1January 10, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2471Rubish, Frederick HenryObituaryEpilepsy11 monthsJanuary 24, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2472Young, Dr.Death NoticeKilled by insane patientJanuary 3, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2473Stewart, Katherine Jane LivingstoneObituaryConsumption21July 2, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2474Furlong, Infant of ShermanObituaryInfantJuly 30, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2475Furlong, Mrs. R LObituaryJuly 30, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2476Furlong, Mrs. ShermanObituaryJuly 30, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2477Stewart, MarguartDeath NoticeConsumption21June 25, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2478Borden, Infant son of DavidObituaryInfantJune 25, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2479Bentley, Mrs. JuneObituary83March 27, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2480Furlong, Mrs. ShermanObituaryMay 28, 1896Hope Pioneer4
2481Baker, GeorgiaObituaryNovember 26, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2482Green, Mrs. Julian MorganFuneral ReportNovember 12, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2483Brovick, EdieObituaryInfantSeptember 17, 1896Hope Pioneer1
2484Green, Meryl KirbyObituaryComplications from measles2April 29, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2485Macoy, PhiloObituaryUremia79August 19, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2486Macoy, PhiloObituaryUremia79August 12, 1897Hope PioneerSupp
2487Olson, 2 children of NelsDeath NoticeDiphtheriaAugust 19, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2488Peterson, AlexObituaryDecember 9, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2489McPherson, AnnieDeath Noticeabout 18January 27, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2490Petit, 2 Sons of JohnDeath NoticeFroze to deathJanuary 14, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2491Burt, Frances Sis of Mrs. J A WhiteDeath Notice58March 11, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2492Jinks, WalterDeath NoticeRailroad accidentMarch 4, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2493Ruddy, JohnObituarySuicide by hanging himselfMarch 18, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2494Vadnie, NedObituaryHeart failureMay 13, 1897Hope Pioneer6
2495Smith, Harry son of J AObituary1November 4, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2496Smith, Harry son of J AObituary1November 4, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2497Klimschmidt, CharlesObituaryClubbed to death by fatherNovember 11, 1897Hope Pioneer1
2498Gilbertson, FannieObituary19October 28, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2499Heckman, Infant of W MDeath NoticeInfantSeptember 9, 1897Hope Pioneer4
2500Newell, Clara EdithObituary15April 21, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2501Newell, Clara EdithDeath Notice15April 14, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2502Pratt, HowardObituary7April 14, 1898Hope Pioneer1
2503Elliott, EdnaObituaryBlood poisoning3August 25, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2504Bird, InfantDeath NoticeInfantAugust 25, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2505Shue, Mrs. Of PageDeath NoticeBurned to deathAugust 18, 1898Hope Pioneer1
2506Doyle, JamesObituary60December 1, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2507Phillip, RuthObituary13 monthsDecember 15, 1898Hope Pioneer6
2508Shure, HenryObituaryDecember 15, 1898Hope Pioneer6
2509Smith, Mrs. LenaObituaryDecember 15, 1898Hope Pioneer6
2510Verbeck, C W - Part 1Obituary67January 27, 1898Hope Pioneer1
2511Verbeck, C W - Part 2Obituary67January 27, 1898Hope Pioneer1
2512Brown, John GObituaryConsumption54January 27, 1898Hope Pioneer1
2513Berry, Mrs. FrankPrattObituaryBright's diseaseJanuary 13, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2514Mutz, PeterObituaryAbdominal tumor23July 28, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2515Oxenrider, JohnDeath NoticeGas in wellJune 23, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2516Patterson, MyrtleDeath NoticeTonsilitis1 monthMarch 10, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2517McMahon, Mrs. W F Father ofObituaryMarch 10, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2518Strom, AndrewDeath NoticeMarch 3, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2519Aldrich, ClarenceObituary15November 17, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2520Luce, Benjamin CObituary85October 6, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2521Westcott, Moses AObituary73October 27, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2522Gilmore, LelaJohnsonObituaryPlugged artery38October 20, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2523Palfrey, Charles SObituaryTyphoid feverOctober 27, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2524Slocum, Mrs. F DMorton, SadieDeath NoticeOctober 27, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2525Barnett, Anna CarolineObituary69September 15, 1898Hope Pioneer1
2526Barnett, Anna CarolineRemains to IN69September 15, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2527Jenson, AntonDeath NoticeHemorrhage of the stomachSeptember 1, 1898Hope Pioneer4
2528Farris, Infant of W HObituaryInfantApril 27, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2529Smith, O PObituaryPneumoniaApril 20, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2530Lang, M GenevaKingObituaryHeart failure from childbirth21August 31, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2531McCollom, Mrs. J HObituaryAugust 24, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2532McMahon, Mary FlavillaMorehouseObituaryPneumonia28December 21, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2533Williams, RobbieDeath Notice7February 23, 1899Hope Pioneer1
2534Williams, RobbieObituary7February 23, 1899Hope Pioneer1
2535Williams, Infant of H AObituaryScarlet feverInfantFebruary 9, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2536Hunter, IsabelleObituaryPneumoniaFebruary 9, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2537Burich, MonsonObituary64January 26, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2538Phillip, RuthMemoriam13 monthsJanuary 26, 1899Hope Pioneer1
2539Dodds, Edward Sr.ObituaryJanuary 12, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2540McCoy, Infant of HarryObituaryCroupJanuary 19, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2541Steele, E HDeath NoticeRunawayJanuary 26, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2542Webster, Miss Aunt of Mrs. George ColeObituary82June 15, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2543Webster, Miss. AuntObituary82June 15, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2544Farris, Dau of W HObituaryInfantJune 1, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2545Bergemann, Mrs. Mother of Ms. McMahonDeath NoticeJune 8, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2546Stewart, JaneObituary74March 23, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2547Williams, RobbieMemoriam7March 2, 1899Hope Pioneer1
2548Sharp, IvyObituaryPneumonia1March 16, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2549Foster, DeweyObituaryLa grippe and pneumonia11 monthsMarch 16, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2550Moores, Mrs. C SObituaryPneumoniaMay 11, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2551Carpenter, Mother of H DDeath NoticeNovember 16, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2552Borden, Daniel BDeath NoticeRunway horsesSeptember 28, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2553Borden, Daniel. BDeath NoticeRunawaySeptember 28, 1899Hope Pioneer4
2554Leonard, FannyMeaderObituary28March 15, 1900Hope Pioneer1
2555Phillip, Infant of Dr.ObituaryApril 19, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2556Shaw, Joseph WObituaryApril 19, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2557Meader, Elizabeth MorrisObituary30May 24, 1900Hope Pioneer1
2558Henry, Mrs. W SDeath NoticeMay 17, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2559Meader, Mrs. J HDeath NoticeReflex spasmsMay 17, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2560Orton, Mrs. SamuelDeath NoticeMay 17, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2561Shaw, JosephObituaryMay 3, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2562Moore, HarryObituaryDrank wood alcohol and witch-hazelabout 40June 28, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2563McCarthy, JoeObituaryDrank wood alcohol and witch-hazelabout 28June 28, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2564Saunders, James TObituaryAccidentally shot himselfabout 26August 9, 1900Hope Pioneer4
2565Burling, WinnifredObituary6August 16, 1900Hope Pioneer6
2566Ellsbury, George HDeath NoticeKidney trouble60September 6, 1900Hope Pioneer6
2567Iseminger, Mrs. George HObituaryTyphoid feverOctober 4, 1900Hope Pioneer6
2568Drakely, Julia EObituary80March 21, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2569Knuteson, JohnObituaryConsumption19March 7, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2570McPherson, FlorenceObituaryMeasles and pneumonia6March 28, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2571Elliott, Mrs. IsabellObituary63April 25, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2572Kjorn, Hannah and 2 boysDeath NoticeFireApril 25, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2573McClellan, Lawrence JamesObituary11 monthsMay 30, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2574Mitchell, Mrs.ObituaryMay 16, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2575Russ, ChaunceyObituaryFireJune 13, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2576White, Mrs. WilliamObituaryJune 13, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2577Job, Royal WestleyObituary6 monthsJuly 4, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2578Major, Father of Mrs.Death NoticeJuly 4, 1901Hope Pioneer4
2579McMahon, Thomas JDeath NoticeJuly 18, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2580Sharp, John BObituaryJuly 11, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2581Stewart, George HDeath NoticeConsumptionJuly 11, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2582Thordarson, ChristDeath NoticeBeaten to deathJuly 18, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2583Newell, JamesObituary62August 8, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2584Newell, JamesObituary62August 1, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2585Algeo, Margaret LObituary60August 29, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2586Badger, Infant of E HObituary6 monthsAugust 22, 1901Hope Pioneer3
2587Mayes, Frank EObituaryAugust 22, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2588Stein, JohnObituaryTuberculosisAugust 15, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2589Huntley, Charles GObituary53October 31, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2590Gray, CharleyObituaryDrownedNovember 14, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2591Pease, J P ObituaryNovember 7, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2592Wilbom, 3_Yr. YrDeath NoticeKicked by horses3December 12, 1901Hope Pioneer1
2593Brokaw, ScottObituary43January 16, 1902Hope Pioneer1
2594Nybo, Mrs. EngebergObituaryJanuary 23, 1902Hope Pioneer1
2595Gray, Mrs. JoeObituary76February 27, 1902Hope Pioneer1
2596Dann, FrankObituarySuicide by shooting himselfFebruary 20, 1902Hope Pioneer1
2597Rice, Mrs. P PDeath NoticeFebruary 13, 1902Hope Pioneer1
2598Badger, Infant of E HObituary6 monthsMarch 13, 1902Hope Pioneer3
2599Boise, Mr.ObituaryMarch 13, 1902Hope Pioneer3
2600Davis, FiremanDeath NoticeMarch 6, 1902Hope Pioneer1
2601Gorman, JohnObituaryMarch 13, 1902Hope Pioneer3
2602Maybe, NettieObituaryMarch 6, 1902Hope Pioneer3
2603Kraabel, Mrs. T OObituary79January 29, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2604Meader, Mrs. F CBakerObituary22February 26, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2605Aldrich, W LObituaryFebruary 26, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2606Ward, ThomasObituaryApoplexy74March 26, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2607Gilmore, Mrs. WilliamObituaryHeart failure72March 26, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2608Larson, Mrs. MikkelObituaryStomach cancer60March 26, 1903Hope Pioneer4
2609Gilmore, Mrs.Death NoticeMarch 12, 1903Hope Pioneer4
2610Smith, SamuelDeath NoticeFroze to deathMarch 26, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2611Pope, Mr. W DObituary66April 30, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2612Pope, W DDeath Notice60April 30, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2613Baker, LydiaMemoriamTuberculosisApril 23, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2614Baker, LydiaObituaryTuberculosisApril 16, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2615Honeyman, Mrs. J BDeath NoticeApril 16, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2616Douthett, RobertObituary75May 14, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2617Pope, W DObituary60May 14, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2618Pope, W DMemoriam60May 7, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2619Williams, T CDeath NoticeAppendicitisMay 28, 1903Hope Pioneer4
2620Locke, 8 yr oldDeath NoticeSmallpox8June 11, 1903Hope Pioneer8
2621Shobe, JobObituaryBurned to death4June 11, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2622Brekke, Mrs.ObituaryJune 18, 1903Hope Pioneer8
2623Knutson, FrankObituaryFell from wagonJune 4, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2624Lock, FletcherDeath NoticeBlack smallpoxJune 4, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2625Regan, Mrs.ObituaryHeart failure and old ageJune 11, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2626Rowe, CharlesObituarypyaemia or blood poisoningJune 4, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2627Fuller, Mrs. Sidney CRandallObituaryLiver cancer63July 23, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2628Woodward, Mrs.ObituaryGeneral asthenia63July 23, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2629Pope, Mrs. W DDeath NoticeFell from buggy61July 30, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2630Pope, Mrs. W DCarpenter, HelenObituaryFell from buggy61August 6, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2631Barrett, NivaObituaryHeart failure20August 13, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2632Long, Son of EdgarDeath Notice3August 13, 1903Hope Pioneer8
2633Macoy, GeorgeDeath Noticestruck in head by stoneAugust 6, 1903Hope Pioneer3
2634Rohan, Mrs. FrankHunterObituaryAugust 27, 1903Hope Pioneer8
2635Wood, Lewis NObituaryCholera infantum5 monthsSeptember 24, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2636Leitch, WilliamDeath NoticeSeptember 3, 1903Hope Pioneer3
2637Hendrickson, AndrewObituaryStroke of paralysis55October 20, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2638Quenett, LydiaObituaryAccidentally shot5October 8, 1903Hope Pioneer8
2639Larson, Mrs. JohnObituaryTuberculosisOctober 1, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2640Peterson, Mrs. NelsObituary91November 12, 1903Hope Pioneer8
2641Cassel, Chase SObituaryGraves disease and exopthalmic goitre38November 26, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2642Pope, 4 mo old of WalterObituary4 monthsNovember 5, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2643Umsted, 1 mo old of JamesObituary1 monthNovember 5, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2644Keene, Mrs. J MObituaryHeart troubleNovember 26, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2645Phillip, Mrs. Mother of Dr.Death NoticeNovember 5, 1903Hope Pioneer5
2646Plummer, Col. A LObituaryAcute indigestionNovember 12, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2647Cassel, Chase ShermanObituaryGraves disease and exopthalmic goitre38December 3, 1903Hope Pioneer1
2648Sprague, A W ObituaryParalytic strokeDecember 24, 1903Hope Pioneer3
2649Wordworth, Harold 'Budd'ObituaryScarlet Fever and diphtheria11January 28, 1904Hope Pioneer1
2650Sander, CarlObituaryTyphoid feverJanuary 14, 1904Hope Pioneer5
2651Drakeley, Adelaide KingObituary57February 25, 1904Hope Pioneer1
2652Johnson, LauraObituaryTyphoid fever and pneumonia21February 18, 1904Hope Pioneer5
2653Drakeley, Mrs. A TDeath NoticeFebruary 18, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2654Simpson, Mrs. GeorgeFuneral ReportFebruary 18, 1904Hope Pioneer4
2655Simpson, Mrs. GeorgeObituaryFebruary 4, 1904Hope Pioneer4
2656Jensen, Infant daughterObituary1 monthMarch 3, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2657Graham, T WObituaryRan over by wagonMarch 17, 1904Hope Pioneer5
2658Olson, Daughters of F PObituaryScarlet FeverInfantApril 28, 1904Hope Pioneer3
2659Olson, Oldest Dau of F BDiptheriaSick with diphtheriaApril 21, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2660Upton, B AObituaryApril 7, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2661Olson, Daughter of F BCorrectionScarlet FeverInfantMay 5, 1904Hope Pioneer4
2662Poorman, E SDeath NoticeDropsy of the heartMay 26, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2663Curry, Alex Sr.Obituary94June 2, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2664Leed, Martine OObituaryBreast cancer63June 2, 1904Hope Pioneer5
2665Dayhuff, PeterObituaryHeart failureJune 9, 1904Hope Pioneer1
2666Orn, Mrs. P FObituaryJuly 7, 1904Hope Pioneer2
2667Whitlo, George WashingtonObituaryAcute rheumatism9August 11, 1904Hope Pioneer5
2668Engen, NelsDeath NoticeBridge collapsedAugust 25, 1904Hope Pioneer1
2669Philip, CharlesDeath NoticeStomach trouble and pneumoniaAugust 25, 1904Hope Pioneer6
2670Zeiss, Mrs. EthelFreemanObituarySeptember 15, 1904Hope Pioneer4
2671Gunkel, Mrs. ElenoreObituary60February 23, 1905Hope Pioneer4
2672Mesick, A KDeath NoticeMarch 23, 1905Hope Pioneer4
2673Thurston, MaryFavilleObituary84April 27, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2674Moote, HannahStaiObituary38April 27, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2675Finn, Katie JWilliamsObituary26April 6, 1905Hope Pioneer4
2676Lathrop, Charlotte EObituaryApril 13, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2677King, LaorObituary74May 11, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2678King, Laor MarlonObituary74May 18, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2679Peterson, LottieObituary11May 25, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2680Johnson, E ADeath NoticeMay 4, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2681Taylor, JamesObituaryMay 25, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2682Atchison, Eliza LiddelObituary56June 8, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2683Lindeman, HenryObituary53June 8, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2684McKay, AlexObituary72July 27, 1905Hope Pioneer4
2685Jefferson, JosephObituary48July 20, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2686Keiler, VidaObituary7July 27, 1905Hope PioneerSupp
2687Gray, CharleyObituaryDrownedJuly 20, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2688White, Mrs. J ADeath NoticeJuly 27, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2689White, Mrs. J AAnnouncementJuly 27, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2690Nordblum, SophiaDeath NoticeDrownedabout 22August 24, 1905Hope Pioneer8
2691Nordlum, SophiaObituaryDrownedabout 22August 31, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2692Kiellor, Vida AdalineObituary7August 3, 1905Hope Pioneer4
2693Murray, DannieDeath NoticeAppendicitisAugust 17, 1905Hope Pioneer5
2694Murray, Dannie JObituaryAppendicitisAugust 24, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2695Brown, J PObituary67September 7, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2696Brown, James PlinyObituary67September 14, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2697Joslyn, ClaudeObituaryDysenteryInfantSeptember 28, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2698Northop, 4 yr old child of EdObituaryDysentery4October 19, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2699Joslyn, AliceObituaryDysenteryInfantOctober 12, 1905Hope Pioneer12
2700Barlow, Orlan DDeath NoticeGlandersOctober 26, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2701Smith, HeleneGreenwoodObituaryTuberculosisAbout 30November 23, 1905Hope Pioneer10
2702Northrop, Elisabeth MaeObituaryDysentery4November 16, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2703Northrop, Gertrude AlbertineObituary2November 16, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2704Burch, CharlesDeath NoticeKilled by head injuryNovember 2, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2705Platt, N GObituary58December 21, 1905Hope Pioneer1
2706Burns, AObituaryPneumoniaDecember 21, 1905Hope Pioneer7
2707Anderson, W J Death NoticeFebruary 15, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2708Johnston, Norman CObituaryStomach cancer64March 29, 1906Hope Pioneer7
2709Curry, Mrs. H S ObituaryMarch 29, 1906Hope Pioneer7
2710Johnson, Mrs. Carrie CObituary73April 19, 1906Hope Pioneer8
2711Curry, Cynthia AmeliaTylerObituaryHeart trouble60April 5, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2712Scanlon, 19 mo old boy of Dr.ObituaryAccidentally ate strychnine tablets19 monthsApril 12, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2713Larson, MikleObituarySuicide by shooting himselfApril 19, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2714Severson, OleObituaryBad whiskeyApril 12, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2715Williams, A HObituaryDropsy68May 10, 1906Hope Pioneer10
2716McCullough, MabelObituaryMumps5May 10, 1906Hope Pioneer10
2717Verwest, HazelObituaryMay 24, 1906Hope Pioneer2
2718Rogers, JohnDeath NoticeRun over by trainJune 21, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2719Stewart, Mrs. R DObituaryPneumonia and consumption59August 2, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2720Lang, Infant of Leo LObituaryWhooping coughInfantAugust 23, 1906Hope Pioneer8
2721Wasem, Mrs. H HDeath NoticeAugust 16, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2722Martin, William HObituaryabout 70September 20, 1906Hope Pioneer10
2723Roney, William Henry HarrisonObituaryApoplexy66September 13, 1906Hope Pioneer8
2724Anderson, Infant of RobertDeath NoticeSeptember 27, 1906Hope Pioneer5
2725Olson, Mrs. EthelCochraneDeath NoticeTyphoid feverSeptember 20, 1906Hope Pioneer5
2726Merry, J JFoul playMurderedOctober 18, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2727Merry, J JObituaryMurderedOctober 11, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2728Trinborn, SadieObituaryTyphoid feverOctober 11, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2729Nybo, A KObituary75November 22, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2730Patterson, JohnObituaryDropsy85December 13, 1906Hope Pioneer5
2731Boyer, Mrs. L SObituary73December 20, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2732Murray, Dr. EdwardObituary45December 13, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2733Dodd, Mrs. EdwardObituaryBlood clot in the medulla oblongataDecember 20, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2734Hunter, Mrs. D WObituaryDecember 13, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2735Oldfield, JohnObituaryPneumoniaDecember 13, 1906Hope Pioneer1
2736Lien, 14 mo old of A AObituary14 monthsJanuary 16, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2737Saunders, Mrs. GeorgeObituary78February 28, 1907Hope Pioneer1
2738Cleveland, Oliver CleaveObituaryCoal gas26February 21, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2739Brown, Jean KObituary22February 28, 1907Hope Pioneer7
2740Cramer, FredDeath NoticeKilled by sonFebruary 21, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2741Luce, George AObituary64April 4, 1907Hope Pioneer1
2742Schultze, EdwardObituarySuicide by shooting himselfApril 4, 1907Hope Pioneer1
2743Whisnand, Rev W CDeath Notice73May 2, 1907Hope Pioneer8
2744Whisnand, Rev William CObituary73May 9, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2745Luce, George ATribute64May 9, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2746Rathke, CharlesObituaryMay 30, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2747Pepper, E JDeath NoticeBlood poisoning41June 27, 1907Hope Pioneer7
2748James, 16 yr old son of Rev. ZachariahDeath NoticeDrownedJune 20, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2749Kasper, CarrieDeath NoticeJune 6, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2750Lewis, ElmerDeath NoticeKilled by farmhandJune 13, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2751Johnson, ErickObituaryHeart failure44July 11, 1907Hope Pioneer8
2752Pepper, Earl JObituaryBlood poisoning41July 4, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2753Wright, Mrs. AnnObituary85August 1, 1907Hope Pioneer8
2754Kimball, LeonardObituaryConstruction accident20August 22, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2755Melcom, AntonObituary3 weeksAugust 29, 1907Hope Pioneer7
2756Italian Railroad workerDeath NoticeRailroad accidentAugust 1, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2757Kingsley, BobObituaryAugust 15, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2758Cooley, HarryObituaryBrain and typhoid fever25September 12, 1907Hope Pioneer8
2759Beckerjeck, JosephDeath NoticeSeptember 19, 1907Hope Pioneer7
2760Pederson, AlbertObituaryHeart failureSeptember 5, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2761Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth HObituary65October 3, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2762McClellan, 4 yr old dau of RobertObituary4October 10, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2763Smith, 2.5 yr old Son of WilliamObituary2October 3, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2764Scott, 18 mo old dau of S DObituary18 monthsOctober 24, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2765Dodd, 9 mo old of EdObituary9 monthsOctober 3, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2766Rieley, 4 mo oldObituary4 monthsOctober 31, 1907Hope Pioneer6
2767McRae, CualDeath NoticeShot and killed at poker gameOctober 24, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2768Quitschreiber, Mrs. AugustObituaryOctober 3, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2769Curfman, CharlesObituaryConsumption39November 21, 1907Hope Pioneer5
2770Rath, CharlesDeath NoticeHeart failureDecember 19, 1907Hope Pioneer4
2771Whisnand, W CObituary73January 2, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2772Johnson, FloydObituaryScarlet fever12January 30, 1908Hope Pioneer7
2773Harris, JackObituaryBurns from railroad accident and scarlet feverabout 60February 6, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2774Nesbitt, JaneObituary72March 19, 1908Hope Pioneer1
2775Philip, Dr. William Herries MaddenObituary55March 19, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2776Olson, John RObituaryMarch 5, 1908Hope Pioneer9
2777Pedersen, Mrs. A PObituary52April 9, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2778Jefferson, Mrs. ElizaBellObituary50April 9, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2779Long, DavidObituary3April 16, 1908Hope Pioneer7
2780Donahue, 8 mo old Death Notice8 monthsApril 2, 1908Hope Pioneer7
2781Johnson, ElizaObituaryBright's diseaseApril 2, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2782Lauritsen, Mr.ObituaryHeart failureApril 23, 1908Hope Pioneer7
2783McTavish, Donald ProsserObituaryAccident and diabetesApril 30, 1908Hope Pioneer3
2784McMahon, E JObituaryDiabetes57May 14, 1908Hope Pioneer1
2785Snyder, Joseph MObituary83June 18, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2786Wiswell, Mrs. AObituary57June 25, 1908Hope Pioneer8
2787McLain, George Sr.ObituaryParalysis78July 30, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2788Scott, JamesObituaryThroat trouble72July 9, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2789Sawyer, G WObituaryKilled by street car62July 23, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2790Holt, JerdisObituarySuicide by drinking strychnineJuly 30, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2791McLain, George Sr.ObituaryParalysis78August 6, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2792Northop, Homer AgustineObituary67August 20, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2793Johnson, GilbertObituary45August 20, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2794Holt, JerdisDeath NoticeSuicide by drinking strychnineAugust 13, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2795Rugg, Mrs. Amanda CBaldwinObituaryCancer69September 3, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2796Switzer, Jule FObituaryHeart failure56September 17, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2797McCullough, 2 yr old of JohnObituary2September 24, 1908Hope Pioneer2
2798Trochman, Twin infantObituaryInfantSeptember 17, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2799Holt, JerdisInquestSuicide by drinking strychnineSeptember 17, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2800Carmichael, 2 yr old dau of JohnObituary2October 1, 1908Hope Pioneer7
2801Olson, ErickDeath NoticeRailroad accidentOctober 15, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2802See, TommyObituaryTyphoid feverNovember 12, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2803Patterson, Mrs. MaryObituary85December 17, 1908Hope Pioneer6
2804Warner, Alfred FObituaryHeart trouble73December 24, 1908Hope Pioneer5
2805Holliday, ThomasObituary78September 11, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2806Chamberlain, HarryObituaryVenereal disease31September 18, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2807Berg, Dau of ErnieDeath NoticeDiphtheria5September 18, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2808Berg, Son of ArneDeath NoticeScarlet feverInfantSeptember 25, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2809Stearns, Dau of FredDeath NoticeInfantSeptember 11, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2810Walsh, Infant of R SDeath NoticeInfantSeptember 25, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2811Holliday, Mrs ThomasObituaryRailroad accidentSeptember 25, 1902Sanborn Enterprise8
2812Sauer, JohnObituary19October 30, 1902Sanborn Enterprise8
2813Harshman, Walter LObituaryRailroad accident10October 23, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2814Cooper, A BObituaryAppendicitisabout 60November 27, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2815Ried, Dau of PeterDeath NoticeInfantNovember 27, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2816Barnes, W JObituary72December 18, 1902Sanborn Enterprise8
2817Richmire, Mrs. Maud MonroeObituaryHeart disease, hemorrhage of the bowels, piles, morphine28December 18, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2818Crandell, Frank EObituaryHeart failure18December 25, 1902Sanborn Enterprise5
2819Langer, Lionel LeroyObituaryMeasles15December 11, 1902Sanborn Enterprise8
2820Lawrence, Harriet BObituaryPeritonitis52January 8, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2821Gilligan, 5 yr old girl of MDeath NoticeDiphtheria5January 1, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2822Gilligan, 3.5 yr old boy of MDeath NoticeDiphtheria3January 1, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2823Young, Eddie Son of E EObituaryInfantJanuary 15, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2824Getchell, Charles WObituaryRheumatism and heart weaknessJanuary 1, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2825Trietline, FrankDeath NoticeHeart failure72February 26, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2826Kane, Mrs Mother of ThomasObituary87March 25, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2827Jones, Father of C HDeath Notice78March 11, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2828Johnson, J EObituaryParalytic strokeOver 70March 25, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2829Faust, Ira son of JohnObituary3March 25, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2830Waite, Robert son of AndrewObituaryChildMarch 11, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2831Noecker, L ADeath NoticeMarch 4, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2832Tschirhart, Mrs LanceAnneObituaryMarch 25, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2833Sauer, Dau of JohnDeath NoticeFell into vessel of boiling waterInfantApril 30, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2834Owen Sanders, Mrs ClareObituaryPneumoniaApril 9, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2835Cysewski, FlorenceObituarySuicide by drinking strychnineMay 14, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2836McFadgen, D DDeath NoticeThroat trouble62June 4, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2837Riedman, Mrs F CKramer, SophiaObituary47June 25, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2838Egan, B FDeath NoticeLost while huntingJune 4, 1903Sanborn Enterprise4
2839Butler, Blanch Dau of PeterDeath NoticeDrowned15July 23, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2840Anderson, Alfred son of OleObituaryJuly 23, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2841McFadgen, DonaldObituaryAppendicitisJuly 2, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2842Meloy, Mrs J RFalconer, Diantha PObituary55October 29, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2843Eager, George CObituaryHeart trouble and stomach troubleOctober 8, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2844Humphry, GraceObituaryPneumonia4November 19, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2845Brewster, Mrs H CObituary65December 3, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2846Sartwell, Lucy JosephineObituaryPneumonia11December 10, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2847Moe, Opal Dau of I JObituaryPneumonia8 or 9December 24, 1903Sanborn Enterprise12
2848Atkins, Adopted boy of J LObituaryInfantDecember 17, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2849Biggs, Mrs. RichardNelson, MinnieObituaryDecember 17, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2850Ellis, Ernest ObituaryDecember 3, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2851McInnes, MrsObituaryDecember 10, 1903Sanborn Enterprise5
2852Tyner, Col. Noah NObituaryDecember 3, 1903Sanborn Enterprise8
2853Young, Thomas BurtonObituaryHeart disease73February 11, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2854Blair, Mrs F JMary ObituaryHeart failure38February 11, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2855Atwood, GraceDeath Notice22February 11, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2856Erps, RudolphObituaryInflammation of the bowelsFebruary 11, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2857Bell, Rose May infant of MarkObituaryInfantMarch 10, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2858Blair, Mrs F JMary AMemoriamHeart failure38April 21, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2859Heath, R OObituaryApril 21, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2860Heath, Russel ODeath NoticeApril 14, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2861Klinesmith, FerdinandObituaryApril 14, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2862Luny, JamesDeath NoticeMurderedApril 14, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2863Shollander, CarlObituaryApril 21, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2864Villers, M J ObituaryCystitisApril 7, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2865Belden, Mrs F DObituaryHeart failure and pneumonia47May 26, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2866Orange, Guy son of GuyObituaryPneumoniaabout 25May 19, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2867Barnes, 8 yr old son of W RObituary8June 2, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2868Davidson, Joseph son of AlexDeath NoticeLightningJune 23, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2869Ferguson, Child of HenryObituaryDiphtheriaJune 2, 1904Sanborn Enterprise8
2870Cochrane, Judge John MObituaryHeart trouble45July 21, 1904Sanborn Enterprise1
2871Kerr, R A Death NoticeKerosene explosion30July 14, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2872Jones, Mrs C HObituaryKidney troubleJuly 14, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2873Barnum, I WObituary80August 4, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2874Cushing, Maj M GObituaryFell into cellar77August 4, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2875Moffat, Alex ObituaryAsthmaOctober 6, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2876Conelly, Johnny son of MikeObituaryDiphtheria4November 10, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2877Barton, Mrs. IraScott, Mary HoweObituary59December 15, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2878McClain, Roy James son of SBObituaryDiphtheria10December 8, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2879Grasswick, Russell son of EmilObituaryPneumonia3 monthsDecember 8, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2880Omeara, JohnDeath NoticeDrowned (demented)December 1, 1904Sanborn Enterprise5
2881Langer, JuliusObituaryPneumonia40January 12, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2882Langer, JuliusObituaryPneumonia40January 5, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2883Kiser, Miles Son of MilesObituaryAppendicitis14January 26, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2884Stroh, Herbert Son of SimonObituaryDiphtheria11January 26, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2885Heath, ElvisObituaryTyphoid feverJanuary 5, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2886Sanger, JuliusBurialJanuary 12, 1905Sanborn Enterprise9
2887Green, Mrs W OObituaryStroke of paralysisFebruary 16, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2888Wallace, Gen LewObituaryFebruary 16, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2889Harshman, JakeDeath Notice13March 9, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2890Langer, Helen Elizabeth dau of C ODeath NoticePneumoniaInfantMarch 9, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2891Gulman, A GObituaryHeart failure63April 27, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2892Leggy, Child of CharlesDeath NoticeInfantApril 20, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2893Covell, MrExhumedLightningMay 25, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2894Edland, Father of O LDeath NoticeMay 18, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2895Prindle, Rev. A BExhumedLightningMay 25, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2896Schwegler, Edna Death NoticeMay 18, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2897Zingg, SamuelDeath NoticeLightningMay 25, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2898Edland, Sister of O LDeath NoticeConsumptionJune 1, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2899Chilberg, OttoDeath NoticeCreeping paralysisabout 50July 13, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2900Holliday, Ellsworth Pall BearersStrained himself35July 20, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2901Holliday, Ellsworth JObituaryStrained himself35July 20, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2902Johnson, LauraDeath NoticeTyphoid fever and pneumonia21July 27, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2903Carl, Leon SObituaryRailroad accidentJuly 6, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2904Wieland, CharleyDeath NoticeLightningJuly 20, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2905Hudson, Sanford AObituary87August 31, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2906Black, LouiseObituary86August 31, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2907Black, LouiseObituary86August 24, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2908Klein, Mrs WmObituaryStomach cancer45August 3, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2909Hoffort, 3 yr old dau of NicholasDeath Notice3August 10, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2910Miller, Brother of HenryDeath NoticeAugust 24, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2911Seitsinger, A EDeath NoticeHeart diseaseAugust 31, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2912Winterer, Mrs Robertha FlorenceObituaryParalysis of the nerves25October 19, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2913Waltemate, Irene Dau of ErnestObituarySpinal meningitis11October 19, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2914Camp, Infant boy of CharleyObituaryInfantOctober 26, 1905Sanborn Enterprise5
2915Elliott, Mother of Elmer EDeath Notice73November 30, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2916Hinchberger, TomBurialRailroad accidentNovember 9, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2917Hinchberger, TomDeath NoticeRailroad accidentNovember 2, 1905Sanborn Enterprise1
2918West, O HObituaryWhite plagueNovember 30, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2919Maris, A DObituaryIndigestion and liver trouble58December 7, 1905Sanborn Enterprise8
2920Gartman, Mrs. CarlObituaryFebruary 19, 1914The Sutton Reporter2
2921Anderson, ChesterObituaryTuberculosis17February 25, 1915The Sutton Reporter1
2922Green, Mrs. MargaretCasselsObituaryLa grippe89April 8, 1915The Sutton Reporter1
2923Leininger, Female dau of JohnObituaryDiabetes14May 27, 1915The Sutton Reporter4
2924Erlandson, Baby of AlfredObituaryInfantMay 6, 1915The Sutton Reporter4
2925Councilman, Lewis ElvinObituary83January 27, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2926Black, Mrs. Mary AObituaryJanuary 27, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2927Swanson, Mother of S CDeath NoticeJanuary 25, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2928Simenson, Mrs. Bertha JorstadObituaryDropsy of the heart59April 20, 1916The Sutton Reporter4
2929Lundmark, EdDeath NoticeKilled in knife attackApril 20, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2930Wilsie, Mrs. J W ObituaryGall stones, pneumonia, weak heart49June 1, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2931Jackson, Mrs. ChristObituaryStomach and liver cancer52August 17, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2932Hoggarth, Mrs. JosephDeath NoticeDropsy and Bright's diseaseAugust 31, 1916The Sutton Reporter4
2933Feiring, Ole PObituaryStomach cancer70December 28, 1916The Sutton Reporter4
2934Erickson, CarlObituaryParalytic strokeDecember 28, 1916The Sutton Reporter1
2935Soli, Grandmother of AlfredDeath NoticeJanuary 25, 1917The Sutton Reporter1
2936Erdahl, SObituaryFebruary 22, 1917The Sutton Reporter1
2937Paulson, OleObituaryBrain cancer51March 22, 1917The Sutton Reporter1
2938Paulson, OleDeath NoticeBrain cancer51March 15, 1917The Sutton Reporter4
2939Henning, Mrs. Edward and babyDeath NoticeBurned to deathMarch 1, 1917The Sutton Reporter1
2940Skaar, IverDeath NoticeJuly 19, 1917The Sutton Reporter4
2941Youngbeck, Mrs. MaryObituary75September 13, 1917The Sutton Reporter4
2942Russell, Eva Lillian, part 1ObituaryStomach and bowel trouble2 weeksSeptember 20, 1917The Sutton Reporter4
2943Russell, Eva Lillian, part 2ObituaryStomach and bowel trouble2 weeksSeptember 20, 1917The Sutton Reporter4
2944Doyle, PatDeath NoticeThrown from horseSeptember 12, 1917The Sutton Reporter4
2945Thompson, Mrs. AnnaObituary83December 20, 1917The Sutton Reporter1
2946Anderson, JohannesObituary78January 31, 1918The Sutton Reporter4
2947Baldwin, A MObituaryPneumonia58February 14, 1918The Sutton Reporter4
2948Davidson, Child ot T SObituary1 weekFebruary 14, 1918The Sutton Reporter4
2949Bakken, OleDeath NoticePneumoniaApril 18, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2950Hodgman, MildredDeath NoticePneumoniaApril 25, 1918The Sutton Reporter4
2951Dietrich, MotherDeath Notice82May 2, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2952Lindgren, GordonDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWIAugust 15, 1918The Sutton Reporter4
2953Lyle, RobertMemorial proposedKilled In Action WWIAugust 15, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2954Lyle, RobertMemorial ServiceKilled In Action WWIAugust 8, 1918The Sutton Reporter4
2955Lyle, RobertDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWIAugust 1, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2956Fitch, Mrs. C ADeath NoticePneumoniaOctober 24, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2957Larson, LudvigDeath NoticeInfluenzaOctober 10, 1918The Sutton Reporter3
2958Olson, AlbertDeath NoticeDied at training campOctober 17, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2959Brown, JohnObituaryPneumonia37November 14, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2960Davidson, JohnNot DeceasedErroneous death messageNovember 14, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2961Davidson, JohnDeath NoticeErroneous death messageNovember 7, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2962Jones, Mr.Death NoticePneumoniaNovember 7, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2963Lee, RoyDeath NoticeKilled In Action WWINovember 7, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2964Mayer, HaroldDeath NoticePneumonia23December 12, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2965Mayer, Harold SylvesterObituaryPneumonia23December 19, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2966Bemis, Mrs. W WObituaryPneumoniaDecember 26, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2967Hopwood, Mrs. ErbieHolton, AnnieFuneral ReportPneumoniaDecember 5, 1918The Sutton Reporter1
2968Northness, TheodoreDeath NoticeInfluenzaJanuary 30, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2969Larson, John PDeath NoticeParalysis55March 27, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2970Posey, Lee Son of WarrenObituaryHip and spinal disease15March 20, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2971Posey, Robert 'Lee'ObituaryHip and spinal disease15March 27, 1919The Sutton Reporter4
2972McDonnell, Daugher of DanDeath NoticeBeaten to death by parentsMarch 20, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2973Larson, John. PObituaryParalysis55April 3, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2974Daublander, Brother to TeacherDeath NoticeApril 3, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2975Burleson, Mrs. MaudeNot DeceasedFake death storyMay 8, 1919The Sutton Reporter4
2976Burleson, Mrs. MaudeDeath NoticeFake death storyMay 1, 1919The Sutton Reporter4
2977Halvorson, Brother of MartinDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentMay 1, 1919The Sutton Reporter4
2978Howden, WilliamObituaryCongestion of the lungsMay 1, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2979Simenson, SimenObituary93June 12, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2980Hartman, Mervin FranklinObituaryPneumonia10 monthsJune 26, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2981Jacobson, Father of Mrs. OleDeath NoticeJune 12, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2982Davidson, 'Grandma' Mother of T SDeath Notice88July 24, 1919The Sutton Reporter4
2983Hochberger, CharlesObituaryStormJuly 24, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2984Limmesand, Bertha Death NoticeTuberculosisJuly 10, 1919The Sutton Reporter4
2985Simenson, OleObituaryRheumatism36August 28, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2986Simenson, OleDeath NoticeRheumatism36August 21, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2987Karr, BrianDeath NoticeAirplane accidentAugust 28, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2988Honey, Father of Mrs. H SDeath NoticeOctober 9, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2989Peters, W H BillObituaryTuberculosis30November 6, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2990Hopwood, Mrs. ErbieHolton, AnnieDeath NoticePneumoniaNovember 28, 1919The Sutton Reporter1
2991Bush, Mrs. W EDeath NoticeJanuary 1, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
2992Wilsie, J W sister ofDeath NoticeJanuary 1, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
2993Paulson, Mrs. Anna Obituary77February 19, 1920The Sutton Reporter6
2994Paulson, Mrs. Anna Death Notice77February 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
2995Thompson, MartinDeath NoticeApoplexy50February 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
2996Thompson, Martin JObituaryApoplexy50February 19, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
2997Starr, FrankDeath NoticePneumonia32February 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
2998Starr, FrankObituaryPneumonia32February 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter4
2999Christianson, Mrs. JohnFrydenburg, GraceObituaryFlu31February 19, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3000Christianson, Mrs. JohnFrydenburg, GraceDeath NoticeFlu31February 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3001Gunderson, Mrs. A JHalvedt, ClaraObituaryPneumonia28February 19, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3002Gunderson, Mrs. A JDeath NoticePneumonia28February 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3003Berge, Elias Family 7Death NoticeFebruary 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter4
3004Hoff, Mrs. OscarFeiringObituaryPneumoniaFebruary 19, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3005Hoff, Mrs. Oscar FDeath NoticePneumoniaFebruary 12, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3006Pratt, Mrs. CharlesPosey, ManeyDeath NoticeAppendicitis22March 4, 1920The Sutton Reporter4
3007Pratt, Mrs. ManeyObituaryAppendicitis22March 18, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3008Hochberger, LauraObituaryMeasles and pneumonia1March 4, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3009Boisjolie, Female of A RBirth/DeathInfantApril 1, 1920The Sutton Reporter4
3010Starr, Male child of FrankBirth/DeathInfantApril 22, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3011Henvit, Mother of ThelmaDeath NoticeMay 13, 1920The Sutton Reporter4
3012Christopherson, Olaf sisterDeath NoticeCancerJune 3, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3013Howden, Father of Mrs. J BDeath NoticeJune 3, 1920The Sutton Reporter4
3014Kjelson, Mrs. Oscar sister ofDeath NoticeCancerJune 3, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3015Thompson, Mrs. E CDeath NoticeJune 17, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3016Kingsley, Infant of MiloObituaryWhooping Cough5 monthsSeptember 9, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3017Kingsley, Twins to F JBirth/DeathInfantsSeptember 16, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3018Wilkinson, Mrs. WmObituaryCancerSeptember 30, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3019Peterson, Irene Child of A OObituarySpinal meningitis3November 18, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3020Weitenhagen, Mrs. C FDeath NoticeHeart failure29December 17, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3021Weitenhagen, Mrs. MinnieHehmkeObituaryHeart failure29December 30, 1920The Sutton Reporter1
3022Kolpin, Mrs. HarryDeath NoticeTubercular problemsJanuary 27, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3023Retzlaff, CharlesDeath NoticeBurned to deathJanuary 27, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3024Kolpin, GraceMurphyObituary29February 10, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3025Sloan, JohnDeath NoticeClothing caught in flywheelFebruary 24, 1921The Sutton Reporter4
3026Bergstad, KnutAutopsy/BurialMarch 10, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3027Bergstad, KnutDeath NoticeMarch 3, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3028Patterson, Mrs. M DDeath NoticeMarch 24, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3029Gunderson, Ira GObituaryMotorcycle accident25April 7, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3030Williams, Infant of TheoDeath NoticeInfantMay 19, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3031Lindgren, GordonMemorial ServiceKilled In Action WWIMay 26, 1921The Sutton Reporter4
3032Becker, FredDeath NoticeElectrocutedabout 46June 30, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3033Christianson, George JohnObituaryInfection from small bruise1July 7, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3034Albrecht, Mrs. LeonardDeath NoticeAugust 18, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3035Urban, Frank Sister of Death NoticeAugust 18, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3036Kirkeby, ClarenceDeath NoticeAccidentalSeptember 8, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3037Bemis, RussellObituary24October 20, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3038Bergstad, AdolfObituaryGallstonesaboutk 45November 17, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3039Fuqua, Mrs. Martha Death NoticeNovember 17, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3040Syverson, LorenDeath NoticeStomach cancerDecember 1, 1921The Sutton Reporter1
3041Hemerlin, Andrew SDeath NoticePneumonia after house caught fireJanuary 12, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3042Howe, HomerObituaryAppendicitisFebruary 9, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3043Wild, Mrs. Death NoticeFebruary 23, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3044Marquardt, Mrs. Sr.Death NoticeFluMarch 2, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3045McCulloch, NormanDeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfMarch 30, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3046Nelson, SibertDeath NoticeTyphoid feverMarch 9, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3047Christopherson, GilbertDeath Notice88May 11, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3048Nesheim, K OObituary80May 11, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3049Holm, Brother of SamDeath NoticeSuicideMay 4, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3050Greenland, FrithjofDeath NoticeParalysisJune 8, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3051Reynolds, Colby CDeath NoticeSeptember 14, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3052Simenson, IngebretObituaryCerebral neoplasca63October 5, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3053Thurlow, FrankDeath NoticeDisorder of the spleen25October 19, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3054Thurlow, Richard James FrankObituaryDisorder of the spleen25October 26, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3055Elsaas, CarlDeath NoticeKicked by horseOctober 5, 1922The Sutton Reporter4
3056Hogan, JerryDeath NoticeRan over by wagonOctober 5, 1922The Sutton Reporter4
3057Frydenberg, AgnesObituaryBurned to death19November 30, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3058Frydenberg, AgnesObituaryBurned to death19November 23, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3059Frydenberg, LydiaObituaryBurned to death13November 30, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3060Lewis, P LDeath NoticeDecember 28, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3061Zollner, FredObituaryTuberculosisDecember 7, 1922The Sutton Reporter1
3062Townley, C SDeath NoticeRailroad accident car struck by trainJanuary 18, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3063Fuglstad, Mrs HansDeath Notice54February 22, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3064Hewson, George Pa of A MDeath Notice82March 15, 1923The Sutton Reporter4
3065Fuglstad, Mrs HansBang, Dina FrerikkeObituary54March 1, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3066Feske, Earl WillardObituaryInflammation of the brain16March 29, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3067Christopherson, Mrs Anton Mother ofDeath NoticeMarch 22, 1923The Sutton Reporter4
3068Ebentier, Mrs JohnWild, MathildaObituaryHardening of the arteries and high blood pressure51April 26, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3069Ebentier, Mrs JohnDeath NoticeHardening of the arteries and high blood pressure51April 19, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3070Davidson, WilliamDeath NoticeAppendicitis pneumoniaApril 12, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3071Bjerke, Carl C Mother ofDeath NoticeMay 17, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3072Mogard, Mrs MObituaryMay 24, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3073Adams, W AObituary47June 28, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3074Adams, W ADeath Notice47June 21, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3075Kjelson, AntonDeath Notice71August 2, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3076Howden, GeorgeDeath NoticeFlu then tuberculosis23August 30, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3077Gunderson, Daughters of HenryFuneral ReportBurned to deathAugust 30, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3078Gunderson, Daughters of HenryObituaryBurned to deathAugust 30, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3079Lindgren, GustDeath NoticeAugust 2, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3080Nye, Irwin Pa of Editor NyeDeath NoticeFell from 19th floorAugust 9, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3081Youngbeck, Mrs JohnWild, SophiaObituaryHeart trouble47September 6, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3082Howden, George EObituaryFlu then tuberculosis23September 6, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3083Albrecht, Infant of FrankObituaryInfantOctober 11, 1923The Sutton Reporter4
3084Ringlee, Florence Dau of AlbertDeath NoticeDiphtheriaNovember 22, 1923The Sutton Reporter4
3085Rothert, WmDeath NoticeHeart failureNovember 9, 1923The Sutton Reporter4
3086Lien, OscarObituaryHeart trouble27December 27, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3087Lien, OscarObituaryHeart trouble27December 20, 1923The Sutton Reporter1
3088Feske, Mrs AugustObituaryBroncho pneumonia82January 17, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3089Ames, MrsDeath Notice84March 13, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3090Palm, 2 yr old dau of ArthurDeath NoticeScalded by boiling water2March 6, 1924The Sutton Reporter4
3091Brooten, Child of BrootenDeath NoticeMarch 6, 1924The Sutton Reporter4
3092Smith, Mrs Anna Ma of C WDeath NoticeStomach cancer68April 10, 1924The Sutton Reporter4
3093Riehsen, Mrs L Dau of Philip HafnerDeath NoticeRailroad accident burned to deathApril 24, 1924The Sutton Reporter4
3094Rorvig, OleObituary75May 15, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3095Rorvig, Ole Pa of Mrs Chris GreenlandDeath Notice75May 8, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3096McCulloch, W TDeath NoticeOctober 30, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3097Hafner, PhilipObituary73November 20, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3098Hafner, PhilipDeath Notice73November 13, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3099Knutson, Sever Death NoticeCongestion of the bowels59November 20, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3100Knutson, Sever AObituaryCongestion of the bowels59November 27, 1924The Sutton Reporter1
3101Anderson, Carl LauritzObituary49January 8, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3102Anderson, Charles LDeath NoticeSpleen troubleJanuary 1, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3103Brimi, Dr C LDeath NoticeHeart troubleJanuary 22, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3104Gunderson, Mrs IdaThorsgardObituaryPneumoniaJanuary 1, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3105Johnson, NickDeath NoticeFell from top of railroad carJanuary 29, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3106Fuglstad, PeterDeath NoticePneumonia20February 26, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3107Naekel, TheressaDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentFebruary 19, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3108Wilson, Mrs MarthaDeath NoticeFebruary 26, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3109Fuglstad, PeterObituaryPneumonia20March 5, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3110Fadness, JohnObituaryStomach cancer39April 30, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3111Fadness, JohnDeath NoticeStomach cancer39April 23, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3112McLead, AlexDeath NoticeAmputated leg failed to healApril 16, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3113Sletten, AlbertDeath NoticeSpleen troubleApril 16, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3114Smith, C W Father ofDeath NoticeApril 16, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3115Olson, EmmaDeath NoticeInfection from injury then scarlet fever23May 14, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3116Olson, Emma SerafiaObituaryInfection from injury then scarlet fever23May 21, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3117Hamilton, Nona dau of SteveDeath NoticeJune 25, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3118Larson, SylviaDeath NoticeInfluenza, weak heart and kidney trouble18July 30, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3119Dybwad, ArneObituarySpinal meningitis17July 16, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3120Larson, Sylvia JosephineObituaryInfluenza, weak heart and kidney trouble18August 6, 1925The Sutton Reporter1
3121Wagoner, Mrs RC Uncle of Death Notice72September 3, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3122Smith, Mrs C WPrice, Maggie EllenObituaryApoplexy46September 10, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3123Smith, Mrs C WDeath NoticeApoplexy46September 3, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3124Bottom, MrsDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentSeptember 3, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3125Hoff, Mrs Oscar FDeath NoticeOctober 1, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3126Bailey, Mrs RobertDeath NoticeDiabetes62November 26, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3127Bailey, Mrs RobertSillers, ChristineObituaryDiabetes62December 3, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3128Ratcliff, LeoObituaryAppendicitis operation38December 10, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3129Westerhausen, MichaelDeath NoticeDecember 17, 1925The Sutton Reporter4
3130Barber, Mrs FrankDeath NoticeTuberculosisFebruary 11, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3131Carter, Mrs R ADeath NoticeTuberculosisFebruary 18, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3132Gale, WilliamMurder solvedMurderedFebruary 18, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3133Thoreson, Rev P APart 1 - Obituary64March 25, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3134Thoreson, Rev P APart 2 - Obituary64March 25, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3135Thoreson, Rev P ADeath Notice64March 11, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3136Lyle, Mrs Peter Death Notice57March 18, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3137Hochberger, Fred WObituaryApoplexy and pneumonia45March 11, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3138Soli, AlfredDeath NoticeStomach cancerMarch 11, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3139Knapp, Mrs AliceObituaryPneumonia69April 29, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3140Gilbertson, RaymondDeath NoticeTuberculosisJune 24, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3141Thinglestad, Mrs J CObituaryPneumonia68July 22, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3142McKean, S WDeath NoticeJuly 1, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3143Olsen, Ferd Father ofDeath NoticeJuly 8, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3144Naekel, JosephDeath Notice84August 5, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3145Kirkeby, OlafDeath NoticeHeart troubleAugust 19, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3146Moffat, Alberta Husband ofDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentAugust 5, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3147Howden, Mrs B NAnnaObituary60September 23, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3148Greenland, OscarDeath NoticeTuberculosis53September 30, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3149McDaniel, Mrs BelleObituaryParalytic strokeSeptember 9, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3150Thomas, Mrs ElizaDeath NoticeSeptember 23, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3151Greenland, OscarObituaryTuberculosis53October 7, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3152Simenson, Mrs JohnObituary78December 2, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3153Halvorson, H SDeath NoticeParalytic strokeDecember 30, 1926The Sutton Reporter4
3154Shaum, B F 'Frank'Obituaryabout 55January 27, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3155Urban, Mrs J NWild, Emma KarolinaObituaryApoplexy47January 20, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3156Urban, Mrs JohnDeath NoticeApoplexy47January 6, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3157Kaechele, LouisDeath NoticeJanuary 6, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3158McCullogh, JamesDeath NoticeJumped from upstairs windowJanuary 6, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3159May, Mrs JohnDeath NoticeFebruary 24, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3160Naekel, Mrs CatherineDeath NoticeFebruary 24, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3161Eide, Mrs HansDeath NoticeMarch 17, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3162Frydenberg, C CDeath Notice67April 28, 1927The Sutton Reporter1
3163Lampert, ElliottDeath NoticeDiabetes26April 7, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3164Lampert, Elliott LeoObituaryDiabetes26April 14, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3165Campbell, DonaldDeath NoticeApril 7, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3166Haaland, EugeneDeath NoticeDragged to death by horse10May 19, 1927The Sutton Reporter1
3167Patterson, S JDeath NoticeSuicide by hanging himselfMay 12, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3168Sorenson, DaleDeath NoticeDrownedJune 30, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3169Olson, AlfredObituaryCancer67July 7, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3170Westerhausen, Mrs JacobSperger, Maria AnnaObituary63August 18, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3171Westerhausen, Mrs JacobDeath Notice63August 11, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3172Transient LaborerDeath NoticeSuicide by hanging himselfAugust 18, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3173Rygg, L IDeath NoticeFalse death report25September 1, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3174Rygg, Lawrence IVery much aliveFalse death report25September 29, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3175Lyle, PeterObituary68October 27, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3176Anderson, A JObituaryHeart and kidney trouble66October 6, 1927The Sutton Reporter1
3177Foss, ChristianDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentOctober 13, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3178Nordeng, Ole KDeath NoticeAutomobile accidentOctober 13, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3179Peterson, HermanObituaryHeart trouble50November 3, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3180Bailey, Helen MarjorieObituaryMeningitis4 monthsNovember 3, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3181Fallen, ThomasObituaryInflammatory rheumatism64December 8, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3182Frederick, GeorgeDeath Notice50December 1, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3183Nelson, Child of A HDeath NoticeInfantDecember 1, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3184Fallen, Claude Father ofDeath NoticeDecember 1, 1927The Sutton Reporter4
3185Rise, ThomasDeath NoticeBursting blood vessel32January 12, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3186Rise, ThomasDeath NoticeBursting blood vessel32January 5, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3187Anderson, MarieDeath NoticeJanuary 19, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3188Still, CharleyDeath NoticeJanuary 5, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3189Boisjolie, Lawrence and wifeDeath NoticeMarch 29, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3190Larson, Mrs AlbertDeath NoticeBurned while starting kitchen fireMarch 29, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3191Melgard, Mrs O JDeath NoticeMarch 8, 1928The Sutton Reporter8
3192Councilman, George EugeneObituary44April 5, 1928The Sutton Reporter8
3193Councilman, FredDeath NoticeApril 26, 1928The Sutton Reporter6
3194Councilman, Frederick WObituaryMay 3, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3195Hafner, Mrs PDeath NoticeMay 21, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3196Hafner, Mrs PhilipLiebrand, ElizabethObituary72June 28, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3197Anderson, Paul AObituaryCancer44July 19, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3198Lowe, Donald CarlObituary2August 23, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3199Skaar, Mrs Ma of AlbertDeath NoticeAugust 9, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3200Truscott, Mrs J RDeath NoticeAugust 16, 1928The Sutton Reporter1
3201Westerhausen, MyrtleDeath NoticeAugust 16, 1928The Sutton Reporter1
3202Johnson, J EDeath NoticeParalytic strokeOver 70September 6, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3203Boisjolie, Mrs A RDenis, OliveObituaryHeart troubleOctober 25, 1928The Sutton Reporter1
3204Helgoe, Ebba Mother ofDeath NoticeOctober 25, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3205Novak, JoeDeath NoticeAcute alcoholismOctober 4, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3206Opheim, OscarDeath NoticeCarbon monoxideNovember 1, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3207Painter, EstherDeath NoticeCarbon monoxideNovember 1, 1928The Sutton Reporter5
3208Pederson, ErnestDeath NoticeRailroad accidentNovember 8, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3209Solem, RalphDeath NoticeCarbon monoxideNovember 1, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3210Wickham, S EDeath NoticeCancerNovember 15, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3211Zollner, A T Mother ofDeath Notice78December 13, 1928The Sutton Reporter4
3212Eimon, BeathaObituaryPneumonia73January 24, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3213West, Mrs W EDeath NoticeFebruary 21, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3214Wirth, Archie Father of Death NoticeFebruary 21, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3215Hall, J JDeath NoticeTuberculosisMarch 28, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3216Pfeifer, FrankDeath NoticeCancer72April 4, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3217Bergh, IverPart 1 - ObituaryStroke of paralysis66May 9, 1929The Sutton Reporter1
3218Bergh, IverPart 2 - ObituaryStroke of paralysis66May 9, 1929The Sutton Reporter1
3219Bergh, IverDeath NoticeStroke of paralysis66May 2, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3220Olson, Lena BelleObituaryAppendicitis operation32May 16, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3221Ebentier, Child of A HBirth/DeathInfantMay 16, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3222Dietrich, Fred Mother ofDeath NoticeMay 9, 1929The Sutton Reporter1
3223Frederick, W J Father ofDeath NoticeMay 16, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3224Olson, BelleDeath NoticeAppendicities operation then peritonitisMay 9, 1929The Sutton Reporter1
3225Larson, HenrickObituaryHeart failure73July 18, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3226Sperger, Mrs FrankObituary48July 18, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3227Alfson, AlfredDeath NoticeAugust 29, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3228Holt, PeterDeath NoticeShot and killedAugust 29, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3229Holter, OleDeath NoticeAugust 8, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3230Lampert, FredDeath NoticeAugust 22, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3231Lewis, Mrs FlorenceObituarySuicide by drinking carbolic acidAugust 1, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3232Westley, Mrs OlineDeath NoticeApoplexy92September 5, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3233Olsen, Ferd Mother of Death Notice83September 19, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3234Thorsgard, Bernt APart 1 - ObituaryRailroad accident69September 12, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3235Thorsgard, Bernt APart 2 - ObituaryRailroad accident69September 12, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3236Thorsgard, B AFuneral ReportSeptember 19, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3237Jacobson, OleDeath Notice74October 10, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3238Simensen, Mrs HansFuneral ReportApoplexy63October 10, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3239Simensen, Mrs HansHolt, ElizabethObituaryApoplexy63October 3, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3240Campbell, AlbertDeath NoticeShot to death by neighborabout 55October 31, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3241Jones, 7 yr old of Devil's LakeDeath NoticeAppendicitisOctober 31, 1929The Sutton Reporter4
3242Jacobson, OlePart 1 - Obituary74October 17,1929The Sutton Reporter4
3243Jacobson, OlePart 2 - Obituary74October 17,1929The Sutton Reporter4
3244Councilman, Mrs JohnDeath NoticeJanuary 16, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3245Wagoner, Leigh RoyObituaryPneumonia1February 27, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3246Bunkowske, ElmerDeath NoticeKilled during bank robberyabout 21March 20, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3247Kingsley, MiloDeath NoticeKilled himself and wife32May 22, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3248Kingsley, MiloObituaryKilled himself and wife32May 22, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3249Kingsley, MiloDeath NoticeKilled himself and wife32May 15, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3250Kingsley, Mrs MiloWildDeath NoticeKilled himself and wifeMay 22, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3251Kingsley, Mrs MiloWildDeath NoticeKilled himself and wifeMay 15, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3252Olsen, FerdinandObituaryGall bladder operation52June 12, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3253Rhodes, Mrs L EWild, ClaraObituaryHeart trouble50July 10, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3254Rhodes, Mrs L EDeath NoticeHeart trouble50July 3, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3255Strand, Mrs PalmerDeath NoticeJuly 31, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3256Johnson, Mrs C ODeath NoticeDiabetes and heart trouble68August 21, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3257Lowe, 6 mo old of HenryObituarySummer flu6 monthsAugust 28, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3258Pratt, Mrs FrankDeath NoticeAugust 14, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3259Johnson, Mrs C OObituaryDiabetes and heart trouble68September 4, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3260Hoff, O BPart 1 - ObituaryCancer47September 4, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3261Hoff, O BPart 2 - ObituaryCancer47September 4, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3262Wagoner, I NDeath Notice79October 2, 1930The Sutton Reporter4
3263Gould, AndrewDeath NoticeJune 27, 1895The Times Record7
3264Pattison, Capt W LObituaryJune 20, 1895The Times Record4
3265Buckley, JohnDeath NoticePneumonia35November 14, 1895The Times Record6
3266Connor, Mrs.Obituary71September 19, 1895The Times Record8
3267Colville, WilliamObituaryExhaustion40April 14, 1898The Times Record1
3268Russell, Mrs. S J Jr.ObituaryBlood poisoning after child birthMarch 10, 1898The Times Record4
3269White, James GObituaryConsumption60May 5, 1898The Times Record8
3270Weiss, Dinah AllettaSchroederObituaryHeart failure69November 24, 1898The Times Record1
3271Collins, JamesDeath NoticeBurned to death16October 13, 1898The Times Record1
3272Faust, Son of JohnDeath NoticeBurned to death12October 13, 1898The Times Record1
3273Rudler, LinnieDeath NoticeDecember 7, 1899The Times Record3
3274Rudler, RosaDeath NoticeDiphtheria16November 30, 1899The Times Record9
3275Rudler, Mable of WimbledonObituaryDiphtheriaChildNovember 23, 1899The Times Record2
3276Murphy, MariaObituaryDiphtheria then heart failureabout 16 or 17October 19, 1899The Times Record1
3277Fisher, Samuel AObituary63September 7, 1899The Times Record1
3278Rohde, Mrs. LouiseObituary60February 21, 1901The Times Record4
3279Cramer, Frank ZObituaryFebruary 14, 1901The Times Record8
3280Triebold, LouisDeath NoticeSuicide by hanging himself45March 6, 1902The Times Record1
3281Baker, W ADeath NoticeSuicide by shooting himselfMarch 6, 1902The Times Record1
3282Knudson, Mrs. O SFuneral ReportMarch 27, 1902The Times Record5
3283Hoiland, A AObituary76April 10, 1902The Times Record1
3284Grahn, GustavObituarySuicide by cutting his throat wih razor34April 17, 1902The Times Record2
3285Christianson, JohannesObituary84May 15, 1902The Times Record1
3286Schulz, Frederick WilhelmObituary77May 22, 1902The Times Record1
3287Nilson, OlafObituaryPneumonia64May 15, 1902The Times Record1
3288Lee, OlefDeath NoticeGas in wellJune 29, 1902The Times Record3
3289Faust, OttoObituaryDied after being committed to insane asylumJuly 17, 1902The Times Record1
3290Oppegard, PalmerObituaryRailroad accident27August 28, 1902The Times Record1
3291Oppegard, PaulObituaryRailroad accident27August 28, 1902The Times Record10
3292Gunderson, ChildDeath NoticeInfantAugust 28, 1902The Times Record10
3293Holliday, Mrs. ThomasObituaryRailroad accidentabout 65September 25, 1902The Times Record10
3294Harshman, Walter LObituaryRailroad accident10October 30, 1902Valley City Times Record1
3295Sauer, JohnObituary19November 6, 1902Valley City Times Record5
3296Howlett, JoeObituaryAppendicitis operationabout 45December 25, 1902Valley City Times Record7
3297Barnes, William JObituaryLa grippeDecember 25, 1902Valley City Times Record7
3298Ritchmeir, Mrs. Wm Death NoticeAccidental morphine overdoseDecember 18, 1902Valley City Times Record6
3299Crandall, Frank EObituary18January 1, 1903Valley City Times Record7
3300Johnson, J EObituaryParalytic strokeOver 70March 26, 1903Valley City Times Record2
3301Heimes, JosephObituaryConsumption61March 12, 1903Valley City Times Record1
3302Amundson, JohnObituaryHeart failure60March 12, 1903Valley City Times Record4
3303Jimpson, JohnObituaryStrokeApril 9, 1903Valley City Times Record5
3304Evans, MargaretObituary79July 30, 1903Valley City Times Record9
3305Latz, PeterObituaryRailroad accident75July 2, 1903Valley City Times Record9
3306Riedman, Mrs FriedrickObituaryCancer47July 2, 1903Valley City Times Record5
3307Anderson, Alfred KObituaryTyphoid fever17July 30, 1903Valley City Times Record9
3308McFadgen, DonaldObituaryAppendicitisJuly 2, 1903Valley City Times Record7
3309Getchell, Mrs Julia AObituaryPneumonia78August 27, 1903Valley City Times Record1
3310Arms, MatthewObituaryConsumptionOctober 8, 1903Valley City Times Record4
3311Root, William JrObituaryAccidentally shot himselfOctober 29, 1903Valley City Times Record7
3312Hinchberger, AndrewObituaryRailroad accident43January 14, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3313Simenson, GObituaryLa grippe77February 25, 1904Valley City Times Record4
3314Stewart, Mrs JamesJeanObituary82March 17, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3315Simonson, GurerinsObituaryLa grippe77March 10, 1904Valley City Times Record2
3316Jaten, Mrs M EMunson, GurineObituaryGallstones58March 17, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3317Nelson, ChrisObituaryGangrene53March 31, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3318Hood, JohnObituaryBright's disease44March 17, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3319Hood, JohnObituaryBright's disease44March 17, 1904Valley City Times Record8
3320Keyster, Children of OttoDeath NoticeDiphtheria2 and 16March 24, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3321Foss, ConradObituaryConsumption30April 7, 1904Valley City Times Record5
3322Wyberg, ReubenDeath NoticeRailroad accident14April 21, 1904Valley City Times Record4
3323Wiberg, ReubenDeath NoticeRailroad accidentApril 21, 1904Valley City Times Record2
3324Passmel, NickObituary59May 12, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3325Gibbons, BenjaminObituarySuicide by shooting himself25May 12, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3326Messenger, Mrs J YVelzy, Grace MObituaryPeritonitis after child birth23May 19, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3327Getchell, Eva Dau of T MObituaryDiphtheria5May 5, 1904Valley City Times Record7
3328Belden, Mrs. FObituaryPneumoniaMay 26, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3329Madson, Mrs HansObituaryParalysis66June 2, 1904Valley City Times Record4
3330Holt, Pearl Dau of CharlesObituaryRheumatic fever11June 2, 1904Valley City Times Record8
3331Halvorson, Edwin Son of SivertObituaryDrowned7June 16, 1904Valley City Times Record4
3332Wilbert, MarcellusObituaryDiabetes6June 2, 1904Valley City Times Record8
3333Swanson, Mrs MagnusObituaryHeart disease45July 21, 1904Valley City Times Record6
3334Aldahl, Estella Dau of J JObituaryAppendicitis11August 4, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3335Carlson, A MObituaryAcute indigestion50September 15, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3336Robbins, John EObituaryTyphoid fever34 to 35October 20, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3337Fallett, Sarah EOhrObituaryCancer of the bowels52November 17, 1904Valley City Times Record2
3338Becker, AugustObituaryConsumption33November 24, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3339Wooland, EdwardObituaryTuberculosis25December 29, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3340Young, Son of F PObituary3December 1, 1904Valley City Times Record1
3341Smith, ThomasObituaryAccidentally ate coyote poisonAugust 16, 1895Wimbledon News1
3342Buckley, JohnObituaryPneumonia35November 15, 1895Wimbledon News5
3343Sherwood, BurnettObituarySuicide by drowningOctober 4, 1895Wimbledon News5
3344Stroh, Stimon SrObituaryStomach cancer66September 12, 1895Wimbledon News4
3345Walsath, GunderObituaryThreshing accidentSeptember 12, 1895Wimbledon News5
3346Wills, Erastus TObituaryTuberculosisSeptember 6, 1895Wimbledon News4
3347Sizer, 9 mo old of FrankObituary9 monthsFebruary 28, 1896Wimbledon News5
3348Kempf, 8 mo old of JohnObituaryCroup8 monthsMay 1, 1896Wimbledon News5
3349Olson, Mrs GilbertObituaryLung feverMay 15, 1896Wimbledon News5
3350Ross, Infant Death NoticeDeath Notice1 weekAugust 27, 1897Wimbledon News8
3351Hammond, Infant of HarryObituaryInfantJuly 16, 1897Wimbledon News8
3352Kleinsmith, CharlesDeath NoticeKilled by fatherabout 30November 5, 1897Wimbledon News1
3353Wilcox, JohnExhumedNovember 19, 1897Wimbledon News8
3354Stewart, Infant of PeterDeath NoticeInfantOctober 8, 1897Wimbledon News8
3355Leicht, ChildObituaryOctober 15, 1897Wimbledon News8
3356Nelson, Infant of O MDeath NoticeCholera infantumOctober 8, 1897Wimbledon News8
3357Riley, EdDeath NoticeRailroad accidentOctober 15, 1897Wimbledon News8
3358Ryerson, GeorgeObituaryRailroad accidentOctober 29, 1897Wimbledon News8
3359Chamberlain, 5 mo oldObituarySpasmodic croup5April 1, 1898Wimbledon News1
3360Zeller, Clarence PObituarySpinal meningitis4April 15, 1898Wimbledon News5
3361Mayer, ChrisBurial NoteBlood vessel in head burstApril 1, 1898Wimbledon News5
3362Reuter, Agnes RosettaObituaryHeat prostration and spinal meningitis13August 26, 1898Wimbledon News1
3363Reuter, Alma GraceObituaryHeat prostration and spinal meningitis2August 26, 1898Wimbledon News1
3364Shure, Mrs HenryDeath NoticeBurned to deathAugust 19, 1898Wimbledon News4
3365Anderson, AndrewObituaryDiabetes34January 7, 1898Wimbledon News8
3366Nystrom, EricDeath NoticeMurderedJanuary 21, 1898Wimbledon News1
3367Swartout, Mrs MargaretWilcoxObituaryDropsy85July 8, 1898Wimbledon News4
3368Collard, SamObituaryBronchitis57June 3, 1898Wimbledon News5
3369Russell, Mrs MaggieCollardObituaryChild birthMarch 4, 1898Wimbledon News8
3370Dick, John PeterObituary72November 25, 1898Wimbledon News5
3371Seaton, BertObituaryThreshing machine accidentSeptember 23, 1898Wimbledon News1
3372Rudler, RosaObituaryDiphtheria16December 1, 1899Wimbledon News8
3373Olson, IngaObituaryParalysis6December 22, 1899Wimbledon News3
3374Rudler, LinnieObituaryDecember 1, 1899Wimbledon News8
3375Dahl, AntonDeath NoticeBrain fever9May 12, 1899Wimbledon News1
3376Rudler, MabelObituaryDiphtheria11November 24, 1899Wimbledon News8
3377Rudler, RosaMemorialDiphtheria16January 12, 1900Wimbledon News5
3378Rudler, MableMemorial11January 12, 1900Wimbledon News5
3379Lee, Child of GeorgeDeath NoticeChildJanuary 26, 1900Wimbledon News4
3380Olson, FemaleMemorialJanuary 12, 1900Wimbledon News5
3381Rudler, LinnieMemorialJanuary 12, 1900Wimbledon News5
3382Krueger, AnnaObituary15February 23, 1900Wimbledon News5
3383Shaner, CourtlandObituary5March 2, 1900Wimbledon News5
3384Simpson, JohnObituaryStroke75April 3, 1900Wimbledon News4
3385Anderson, Infant of WilliamObituaryRuptured blood vesselInfantApril 6, 1900Wimbledon News3
3386Baum, Mrs JoelObituaryRunaway accidentApril 27, 1900Wimbledon News3
3387Hanson, Mrs ThomasPart 1 - ObituaryApril 3, 1900Wimbledon News4
3388Hanson, Mrs ThomasPart 2 - ObituaryApril 3, 1900Wimbledon News4
3389Baum, Mrs JoelHiawasObituaryRunaway accidentMay 4, 1900Wimbledon News4
3390Treitline, FrankObituaryHeart failure72February 20, 1903Wimbledon News1
3391Finner, Mrs PaulinaObituary42March 6, 1903Wimbledon News4
3392Heffron, Mrs Death Notice79May 29, 1903Wimbledon News1
3393Heffron, Mrs ClarkBoutwell, Jane SObituary79June 5, 1903Wimbledon News2
3394Taylor, SarahWildmanObituary86September 11, 1903Wimbledon News1
3395Marsh, Mrs IsaacObituarySeptember 11, 1903Wimbledon News4
3396Arms, MatthewObituaryConsumptionOctober 2, 1903Wimbledon News1
3397Root, William JrObituaryAccidentally shot himselfOctober 30, 1903Wimbledon News4
3398Root, William JrDeath NoticeAccidentally shot himselfOctober 23, 1903Wimbledon News1
3399O'Lien, HansObituaryBuggy accidentNovember 20, 1903Wimbledon NewsSupp
3400Glidden, Mrs K L Ma and PaDeath NoticeDecember 11, 1903Wimbledon News5
3401Cecil, Eli EObituaryTuberculosisJanuary 22, 1904Wimbledon News5
3402Wessel, F W Bro in lawFuneral ReportFebruary 5, 1904Wimbledon News5
3403Lantz, Mrs N WObituaryMarch 11, 1904Wimbledon News4
3404Wiberg, ReubenPart 1/3 - ObituaryRailroad accidentApril 15, 1904Wimbledon News1
3405Wiberg, ReubenPart 2 - ObituaryRailroad accidentApril 15, 1904Wimbledon News1
3406Wellman, OrlaObituaryAccidentally drank butter color2May 13, 1904Wimbledon News4
3407Wynes, James ThomasObituaryTyphoid fever39July 22, 1904Wimbledon News1
3408Michaelson, Mrs ThomasObituaryAugust 26, 1904Wimbledon News2
3409Arnold, RoyObituaryRailroad accidentabout 18September 30, 1904Wimbledon News1
3410Root, Mrs WilliamFuneral ReportConsumptionSeptember 23, 1904Wimbledon News2
3411Root, Mrs WilliamObituaryConsumptionSeptember 16, 1904Wimbledon News1
3412Habaneicht, Mrs Obituary79October 14, 1904Wimbledon News3
3413Krueger, Mrs William and childObituaryOctober 28, 1904Wimbledon News3
3414Young, 3 yr old son of F PObituary3November 25, 1904Wimbledon News3
3415Stroud, Mrs H MObituaryTyphoid fever30December 2, 1904Wimbledon News1
3416Curtis, NinaObituaryLa Grippe/PneumoniaJanuary 27, 1905Wimbledon News5
3417Gilbertson, ChristObituaryPneumoniaJanuary 13, 1905Wimbledon News1
3418Etter, Mrs HenryObituaryFebruary 10, 1905Wimbledon News1
3419Murdoch, John RObituaryAppendicitis operationFebruary 10, 1905Wimbledon News8
3420McGuire, BernardPart 1/3 - ObituaryCongestion of the brainMarch 17, 1905Wimbledon News1
3421McGuire, BernardPart 2 - ObituaryCongestion of the brainMarch 17, 1905Wimbledon News1
3422Sutter, Mrs MagdaleneObituaryHeart trouble66April 14, 1905Wimbledon News1
3423Hager, AugustObituaryConsumption64April 28, 1905Wimbledon News1
3424Hanson, 2 mo old son of A HObituary2 monthsApril 12, 1905Wimbledon News2
3425Spangenberg, GeorgeObituarySuicide by shooting himself in headApril 7, 1905Wimbledon News1
3426Jackson, Mrs Frank GFuneral ReportConsumptionJune 9, 1905Wimbledon News1
3427Jackson, Mrs Frank GObituaryConsumptionJune 2, 1905Wimbledon News2
3428Russell, Col S JObituaryStomach cancer73July 28, 1905Wimbledon News1
3429Feiber, AmundObituaryLightning19July 28, 1905Wimbledon News2
3430Houghtalin, J Irvin 'Windy Jim'Death NoticeFell from ladderJuly 7, 1905Wimbledon News2
3431Weiland, CarlObituaryLightningJuly 28, 1905Wimbledon News2
3432Horner, Lydia CordeliaDamanObituary54August 4, 1905Wimbledon News2
3433Kline, Mrs WilliamObituaryStomach cancer45August 4, 1905Wimbledon News2
3434Sinclair, DanielObituaryAnemi68September 22, 1905Wimbledon News2
3435Barnes, EzraObituaryBurned to deathSeptember 29, 1905Wimbledon News1
3436Graham, John and teamDeath NoticeLightningSeptember 22, 1905Wimbledon News3
3437Haggert, JohnObituaryHeart failureSeptember 22, 1905Wimbledon News2
3438Hammerly, EngineerObituaryBurned to deathSeptember 29, 1905Wimbledon News1
3439Klier, Wallace and sonDeath NoticeLightningSeptember 22, 1905Wimbledon News3
3440Lee, WilliamObituaryrun over by threshing machineSeptember 15, 1905Wimbledon News1
3441Hoffman, CharlesObituaryParalytic stroke27October 27, 1905Wimbledon News3
3442Smith, HarryObituaryHead severed in train accidentabout 17October 13, 1905Wimbledon News3
3443Hoster, Mrs George WObituaryOctober 6, 1905Wimbledon News1
3444Hoffman, CharlesObituaryParalytic stroke27November 3, 1905Wimbledon News2
3445Netting, AugustTributeLeg amputation operationNovember 10, 1905Wimbledon News1
3446Netting, AugustObituaryLeg amputation operationNovember 3, 1905Wimbledon News3
3447Luther, Carl Obituary82December 15, 1905Wimbledon News5
3448Luther, Carl GottfriedObituary82December 22, 1905Wimbledon News1
3449Nelson, NelsObituaryDecember 22, 1905Wimbledon News5
3450West, O HObituaryWhite plagueDecember 1, 1905Wimbledon News3
3451Edland, Mrs S OWoodell, SimoinineObituaryPneumonia32February 16, 1906Wimbledon News8
3452Lannon, 6 yr old dau of FrankObituaryDiphtheria6February 9, 1906Wimbledon News5
3453Sullivan, Mrs F GHopwood, EstellaObituaryMay 18, 1906Wimbledon News1
3454Simpson, Mrs G HObituaryOperation34June 15, 1906Wimbledon News1
3455Simpson, Mrs G HObituaryOperation34June 8, 1906Wimbledon News1
3456Altringer, 3 yr old dau of W FObituaryScarlet fever3June 1, 1906Wimbledon News5
3457Renwick, 11 mo old son of JamesObituary11 monthsJune 8, 1906Wimbledon News3
3458Gebus, JacobObituaryRailroad accidentAugust 17, 1906Wimbledon News8
3459Merry, JohnObituaryOctober 5, 1906Wimbledon News1
3460Grahn, HermanObituaryNovember 9, 1906Wimbledon News2
3461Thompson, Mrs SusieWalksObituary30January 11, 1907Wimbledon News2
3462Fish, E WObituarySuicide by taking morphineJanuary 18, 1907Wimbledon News3
3463Anderson, Victor KObituaryFebruary 1, 1907Wimbledon News1