M. L. Elken

Mayville, North Dakota

is from Hadeland. He was born on August 8, 1857. He came to Mayville in the spring of 1882 and has lived there since. He had an interest in the farm impliment business for 20 years and is now in the Land and bank business. He is the president of the Goose River Bank in Mayville North Dakota. He is the president of the Farmers & Merchants Bank in Hatton, North Dakota. He is the director of the Scandinavian American Bank in Grand Forks. North Dakota and in several others Bansr in the Northwest. He is the president of the Missouri River Lumber Company in Fort Benton, Montana, and has interests n several other businesses.

His wife, Any C. Halvorsen, is from Hadeland. His son, Guy Elken, graduated from Harvard University and is now in Montana, where he has two sections of land. He has two sons and three daughters. One of his daughters is married to Jens T. Alm who is the treasurer of the Goose River Bank in Mayville, North Dakota.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 133
