Galesburg, North Dakota
is a businessman at the Lande Brothers Company. He was born in Ørskog on December 24, 1864 and emigrated to America in 1884 to Mayville, North Dakota. He moved from there to Clifford, North Dakota and came to Galesburg, North Dakota in 1897, where he has the general store along with his brother Lars L. Lande. The Lande Brothers company is a large business, with big stores in both Galesburg, North Dakota and Erie, North Dakota.
His wife, Nelly Lande, is from Canada. They have three children,
His brothers Lars and Ole Lande have both shown much interest for Sondmors regional society and have been eager collectors of contributions for the tuberculosis Hospital in Ørskog.
Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 67