Portland, North Dakota
is chairman in charge of the Brufladt Academy. He was born on March 5, 1863 at Koskenong, Wisconsin. His father, Henrik L. Lien, was from Naes, Hallingdal and emigrated to America in 1845 to Koskenong, Wisconsin. His mother, Gunhild Naesse, was from Arnefjord in Sogn. He was ordained as a Priest 1888 by Pastor Ottesen, who had also baptised and confirmed him. His first Calling was Gary, Minnesota, and since 1893 he has been in Portland, North Dakota.
His wife, Andrea Kittelsen, is from Numedal. Her father was a pioneer at Koskenong, Wisconsin. Her mother was born in America. They have eleven children. One of his sons is in Alaska.
Pastor Lien and his wife went to Norway on a trip in 1914 and they received an altogether new view and interest in Norway.
Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 121