Litchville, North Dakota
is a typical Nordlaending and Norwegian as his Hals. He is of the same good ethnicity as the Priest Peder Dass. He was born on October 2, 1886 and is from Mesne, Helgeland. His father, Johan Kristoffersen Ness, lives in Cambridge, Wisconsin. His mother, Thea, is now with her son and emigrated to America in 1898 till Lisbon, North Dakota and moved that same year to this area. He was a contractor for awhile and then purchased a farm and has a good home.
His wife, Augusta Adolfsen, is also from Helgeland. They have three sons with good Norwegian names: Bjarne, Erling and Harald. His two daughters honor the names of Margit, Gudrun and Bergliot. To be able to exclusively come across and talk with this single beloved Norwegian is a celebration.
Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 160