Martinus Soholt

Madison, Minnesota.

was born in Soholt in Ørskog 1868 and emigrated to America in 1890 to Mayville, North Dakota where he worked for one year on a farm.

He went to Augsburgs Seminar for four years and attended Valpariso University for two years. The entire time he had studied various types of trees and plants, so it was his idea to begin a plant school. In the mean time he received opportunity to purchase a half interest in a plant school in Madison, Minnesota which had been operated for several years by C. H. Siljan. After five years passed, Soholt purchased the entire businesses. In 1910 the state of Minnesota put down a "Trail Station" in Madison, Minnesota, and Soholt became employed as its manager. He now has been living with his family in Madison, Minnesota for 15 years. At Sondmore regional society last annual meeting in Mayville on the 7th and 8th of June 1916 he was selected as chairman.

Source: Norwegians and Norwegian Homes in America by Hans Jervell - 1916 - Page 73
