Title: The title that the book will be sorted by. Omit articles such as A, An and The. These should be entered in the Title Prefix area described below.
Subtitle: An extension of the title that is not the main title. The subtitle is usually distinguished by using different or smaller type than the main title. Examples could be
Description: Example could be This book contains the life story of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. Some included subnames are Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.
Role: examples are Author, Translator, Researcher, Donor, etc. An unlimited number of authors, researchers, etc. may be entered for each document.
Prefix: examples are Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.
Suffix: examples are Jr., Sr., II, III, etc.
Publication Date: The date of publication or the approximate date that it was originally written.
Physical Format: Examples are DVD, Hard Cover, Soft Cover, Comb Bound, Spiral Bound, 3 Ring Binder, Prong Fastened, Stapled, etc.
Cover: Example could be bright yellow cover with plastic protection sheet over it. Just to help in finding documents until they are numbered and put in a designated location.
Publisher: The name of the publishing company, if any.
Language: The primary language the material is written in such as English, German, Norwegian, etc.
Geographic Area: Examples could be North Dakota, eastern North Dakota, Red River Valley, Sheyenne River Valley, Griggs & Steele Counties, Romness & Washburn Townships, etc.
Time Period: Examples could be 1920's, 1910 through 1940, Prohibition Era, etc.
Height, Width and Thickness and Units of Measure: The height in centimeters is the most important and will meet certain other library system requirements.
Number of Pages: A rough estimate of the number of pages if the material does not have page numbers.
Number of Copies: List how many copies of this item are in the museum.
GCHS Number: This is for future use only. The numbering system is under development.
LOC : The Library of Congress Catalog Number.
ISBN : The 10 or 13 character ISBN number found in the first 2 or 3 pages of the book.